NCTE members come from many different contexts. Joining one of these groups provides access to resources and experiences tailored to particular interests and needs.
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Assemblies are independent organizations, maintaining separate records and budgets from NCTE. Activities, including any programs or statements created by the Assemblies, are wholly driven by decisions independent from those of NCTE’s governing bodies, membership at large, and staff. Actions and publicity accorded to any particular point of view do not carry nor imply endorsement by NCTE, in whole or part.
Assembly for Advisers of Student Publications/ Journalism Education Association (AASP/JEA)
This assembly, which includes all members of the Journalism Education Association (JEA), serves advisers of student media, such as newspapers, yearbooks, websites, literary magazines, radio, and video, by supporting free and responsible scholastic journalism; by providing resources and educational opportunities; by promoting professionalism; by encouraging and rewarding student excellence and teacher achievement; and by fostering an atmosphere which encompasses diversity yet builds unity.
Follow JEA on Facebook and Twitter.
Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning (AEPL)
The Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning is open to all those interested in exploring the boundaries of teaching and learning beyond traditional disciplines and methodologies. Areas of interest include but are not limited to: aesthetic, emotional, and moral intelligence; archetypes; body wisdom; care in education; creativity; felt sense theory; healing; holistic learning; humanistic and transpersonal psychology; imaging; intuition; kinesthetic knowledge; meditation; narration as knowledge; reflective teaching; silence; spirituality; and visualization. Much more information, including conference and publishing opportunities, can be found at
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Assembly for Research (NCTEAR)
The purposes of this assembly are to promote inquiry into literacy practices and to consider continually what it means to engage in that inquiry; to provide opportunities for researchers in different sites and from different perspectives to come together to learn from one another; to encourage greater participation in research by teachers from all levels of schooling; to promote the growth of research and researchers through the forum provided by the Assembly for Research; to support the development of early-career researchers through assembly activities; and to provide a democratic body that strives to incorporate research activities into the broader goals and practices of NCTE.
Assembly for the Teaching of English Grammar (ATEG)
ATEG is a national forum for discussing the teaching of grammar. We promote approaches to grammar instruction that are inclusive and non-discriminatory. ATEG holds an annual conference focused on innovative grammar instruction.
In addition, the organization publishes the peer-reviewed ATEG Journal. Seeking to foster discussion and analysis of the teaching of English grammar at all levels K-16, the ATEG Journal solicits manuscripts that describe best practices of grammar instruction. Consistent with ATEG’s mission, the journal promotes approaches to grammar instruction that are inclusive and non-discriminatory. For more information about the ATEG Journal, please visit
ATEG also presents two awards each year: The Grammar Teacher of the Year Award (presented by ATEG and GrammarFlip) and the ATEG Future Teacher Award.
ATEG members receive discounted conference registration and a subscription to the ATEG Journal. Membership is $12 per year for nonstudents and $7.50 per year for students. To join and learn more.
Assembly on American Literature (AAL)
This assembly promotes communication and cooperation among people who have a special interest in the field of American literature; presents programs and special projects on this subject; encourages the development of research, experimentation, and investigation into effective teaching and scholarship; promotes writing of articles and publications devoted to it; and integrates the efforts of those with an interest in the subject. The assembly does not promote only the “canon” of American literature, but encourages teachers to explore and utilize the rich and diverse cultures within American literature in their classrooms.
Members participate in AAL sponsored sessions and receive the AAL publication Notes on American Letters (NAL) which includes peer reviewed articles of members’ research on American authors and the teaching of American literature. Send submissions for NAL to Joseph Milner, Wake Forest University, P.O. Box 7266, Wake Forest Road, WInston-Salem, NC 27109.
To Join: Annual Dues for AAL membership are $10.00 or $25.00 for 3 years. For membership form, contact KaaVonia Hinton,, Professor & Chair, Department of Teaching & Learning, Old Dominion University, 4301 Hampton Blvd., 3101 Education Building, Norfolk, VA 23529-0161.
Assembly on Computers in English (ACE)
The purposes of this assembly is to promote communication and cooperation among all individuals who have a special interest in technology infusion into the English language arts and literacy instruction. We offer workshops on technology use in teaching English language arts and literacy, share lesson ideas and projects, and resources during the NCTE Annual Convention meeting. We invite members-at-large to join the conversations and share ideas, experiences, resources, and questions with others during ACE annual workshop. For more information, please contact Johnny Allred, ACE Chair, at
Assembly on Literature for Adolescents of NCTE (ALAN)
The purposes of this assembly are to promote communication and cooperation among all individuals who have a special interest in adolescent literature; to present programs and conferences on this subject; to promote and increase the number of articles and publications devoted to it; and to integrate the efforts of all those with an interest in this literature. Members receive three issues annually of The ALAN Review, a journal emphasizing new books, research, and methods of teaching adolescent literature.
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Children’s Literature Assembly (CLA)
This assembly provides a forum for interested people with all points of view and levels of experience in the field of children’s literature. It undertakes programs and projects of special concern to people interested in children’s literature, promotes the field of children’s literature, and serves as a clearinghouse for information on this topic. The assembly offers sessions at the NCTE Annual Convention, including a breakfast and art auction, a master class, a Notable Children’s Books in the Language Arts book award session, as well as other concurrent sessions that include authors and illustrators. Their Journal of Children’s literature, a refereed journal published twice a year, features critical analyses, provocative research, and discussions of trends and issues in children’s literature. It also features book reviews, author and illustrator interviews, as well as curricular materials and educational practices. Each year the Assembly awards grants for research in children’s literature as well as the Bonnie Campbell Hill National Literacy Leaders Award.
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Early Childhood Education Assembly (ECEA)
This assembly works to support and integrate the efforts of NCTE constituents concerned with language and literacy issues in early childhood education—defined as the education of children from birth to age eight. ECEA sponsors the Day of Early Childhood and publishes an online peer-reviewed journal, Perspectives and Provocations, and a twice-yearly newsletter. Each year, the ECEA recognizes an outstanding teacher educator and an outstanding teacher with an award and provides three scholarships to attend the NCTE Annual Convention. ECEA’s Affirmative Action Committee has created the Professional Dyads and Culturally Relevant Teaching project and developed multiple resources, including a list of consultants, to facilitate early childhood educators’ antiracist work. For more information, visit the ECEA website or contact Darius Phelps, Chair, or Liz Murray, Co-Chair.
English as a Second Language Assembly (ESLA)
The purposes of the English as a Second Language Assembly (ESLA) is to promote interchange among teachers of English at all levels on issues in bilingual education and English as a second language; to encourage scholarly collaborations among higher education faculty and classroom teachers to bridge theory and practice; to disseminate scholarly findings and best practices for teaching English Language Learners in language arts and English classrooms; and to advocate English Language Learners’ equal-opportunities- to-learn to develop academic language in literacy.
For information, contact Clara Lee Brown, University of Tennessee, 405 Jane and David Bailey Education Complex, Knoxville, TN 37996.
Genders and Sexualities Equality Assembly (GSEA)
The purpose of this Assembly is to provide a forum for ongoing and sustained discussion among all individuals who share a professional commitment to lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer (LGBTQ) students, teachers, issues, and academic materials as they pertain to the teaching of English at all levels of instruction. The Assembly is committed to the inclusion of LGBTQ voices, topics, issues, and texts in English studies and English language arts classrooms, fostering research and scholarship, addressing heterosexism and homophobia in academic and school settings, supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer students and teachers, and broadening cultural diversity through more inclusive understandings of difference. The Assembly disseminates information to its members and sponsors sessions at the NCTE Annual Convention each year. Please visit our website, Facebook page, and Twitter at @GSEA_NCTE
For more information, contact
Global Society of Online Literacy Educators (GSOLE)
The purpose of this assembly is to provide resources, support and services on matters attendant to the administration of reading, writing, and digital composition programs to teachers and researchers whose teaching and scholarship focus on intellectual and pedagogical aspects of online literacy education and administration, including not-for-profit and for-profit entities.
International Writing Centers Association: An NCTE Assembly (IWCA)
This assembly fosters communication among writing centers at universities, two-year colleges, secondary schools, and those interested in writing center theories and applications, and provides a forum for their concerns. IWCA hosts an annual conference, Summer Institute, and Collaborative; presents scholarship awards to recognize books and articles that make significant contributions to the field; provides grants to professionals and graduate students whose research focuses on writing centers; and offers support to its 14 affiliated organizations, national and international. The assembly publishes The Writing Center Journal (subscriptions required) and IWCA Update (included with general membership), and is affiliated with WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship.
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The Rural Assembly on English Language and Literacy Education (TRAELLE)
The purpose of The Rural Assembly on English Language and Literacy Education (TRAELLE) is to provide a forum for ongoing and sustained discussion among all individuals who share a professional commitment to rural students, teachers, issues, and academic materials that pertain to the teaching of English Language Arts and Literacy at all levels of instruction. TRAELLE is committed to including rural issues of geospatial equity related to all intersectional identities (i.e., BIPOC, queer, working-class rural folks) and rural texts in English studies and English language arts classrooms; fostering research and scholarship; addressing urbanormativity and metrocentrism in academic and school settings; acknowledging and supporting the unique needs of rural students and teachers; and broadening cultural diversity through more inclusive understandings of geospatial difference.