2020 Children's Day, Book Day - National Council of Teachers of English



This Children’s Day, Book Day Toolkit will help you celebrate bookjoy in your classrooms and communities. Download it now.


Join the #NCTEchat on Sunday, April 19 at 8:00 p.m. ET where we will discuss the joy of reading in efforts to celebrate Children’s Day, Book Day. We will be asking a series of questions to foster conversation around building our personal stack of favorite books and why they bring us joy.

If you’ve never participated in our #NCTEchat, check out the guidelines. The chat questions will be posted on the NCTE Blog the Sunday before the chat.

In the meantime, follow the bookjoy conversation on Twitter using the hashtag #NCTElearns!




We love reading books and we love talking about books. But what’s better than both of these things? Receiving books!

Courtesy of a grant NCTE received, for the first 25 days of April, we will be giving away a book per day to the members of the #NCTEvillage via social media. Books will include our Orbis Pictus and Charlotte Huck Award winning titles, titles authored by Pat Mora, and more.

To participate, you will need to be following our channels: