CEL Election - National Council of Teachers of English

2018 Associate Chair Candidate

2018 Member-at-Large Candidates

2018 Candidate Biographical Information


Election Process

2018 CEL election ballots will be sent by email to current CEL members in October. CEL members without and email address or who reside in Canada will receive a ballot by postal mail.

Visit “My Account” on the NCTE website to make changes to your email address or update your member profile. You may phone NCTE Customer Service at 877-369-6283 to update this information as well and/or check on your CEL membership.

The election will close at 11:59 pm Central Time, Thursday, November 1, 2018. Results will be announced before the conclusion of the CEL Annual Convention in Houston, Texas.

NCTE Policy on Campaigning

Election questions can be directed to CEL@ncte.org