2019 ELATE Elections - National Council of Teachers of English

ELATE 2019 Election Results


The English Language Arts Teacher Educators are governed by an Executive Committee made up of elected ELATE members as described in the ELATE Constitution and Bylaws and serve a four-year term.

The Nominating Committee prepares a slate of candidates for vacancies that occur annually on the ELATE Executive Committee and selects candidates for the succeeding year’s ELATE Nominating Committee.  The candidate who receives the largest number of votes in the election will chair the committee.



Thanks to the 2019 ELATE Nominating Committee: Ryan Rish, University of Buffalo (SUNY), New York, chair; Michelle M. Falter, North Carolina State University, Raleigh; Hannah R. Gerber, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas; Paula Greathouse, Tennessee Tech University, Cookeville; and Tom Liam Lynch, Pace University, New York.

ELATE Executive Committee

(term to expire November 2023)

The ELATE Executive Committee is responsible for the governance of NCTE’s English Language Arts Teacher Educators guides the affairs of the Conference.  All Executive Committee members serve four-year terms.

Associate professor, University of Texas at Austin; director, UT Urban Teachers Secondary English Teacher Preparation Program
Formerly: CEE Nominating Committee
Membership(s): NCTE, CEE, LRA
Award(s): LRA Early Career Achievement Award (2013), UT College of Education Dean’s Distinguished Teaching Award (2018)
Publication(s): Articles in English Education, Research in the Teaching of English; author of Teaching Transnational Youth: Literacy and Education in a Changing World (2015)
Program Contribution(s): NCTE, LRA, AERA

Position Statement: The current sociopolitical climate threatens the literate lives and learning of youths who represent a global citizenry. If elected to the Executive Committee, I pledge to work alongside colleagues to advance CEE’s work of providing opportunities for English teachers and teacher educators/researchers to generate, share, and apply knowledge and practices of English education that are inclusive, critical, and social justice‑oriented for all students.

Assistant professor, English education, Michigan State University
Formerly: Community educator, NCTE Standing Committee on Research
Membership(s): NCTE, LRA
Award(s): NCTE Promising Researcher Award (2016), Theory into Practice Article of the Year (co-authored with Pam Reed, Columbus City School educator, 2015), NCTE Cultivating New Voices Among Scholars of Color fellow (2012–14)
Publication(s): Articles in English Education (Special Issue: Racial Violence to Racial Justice), Theory into Practice, Review of Research in Education, English Teaching: Practice and Critique, Equity & Excellence in Education
Program Contribution(s): NCTE, AERA, LRA

Position Statement: As an emerging scholar at the intersection of English education and Critical Ethnic Studies, I am passionate about teaching and learning that is community-engaged, interdisciplinary, and equity-oriented. If elected, I would commit my efforts to helping ELATE develop, implement, and sustain more community-engaged endeavors that support our inservice and preservice educators.

Assistant professor, secondary education program coordinator, Purdue University, Fort Wayne, IN
Formerly: Member, CEE (ELATE) Nominating Committee; member, NCTE/ILA Task Force on Literacy Teacher Education; chair, CEE (ELATE) graduate strand; English teacher
Membership(s): NCTE, ELATE, AERA
Award(s): CEE (ELATE) Research Initiative Grant; PFW Course Release Grant; PFW Summer Faculty Grant
Publication(s): Articles in English Education, English Journal, Voices from the Middle, Talking Points, English Leadership Quarterly, The ALAN Review, SIGNAL Journal, Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy; coeditor, Developing Contemporary Literacies through Sports: A Guide for the English Classroom
Program Contributions: CEE (ELATE), NCTE, AERA

Position Statement: As a member of the ELATE Executive Committee, I would commit to serving as an advocate for all members of the organization, from doctoral students and early career scholars to long-standing members. Through collaboration with colleagues, I aim to advance the organization’s rich history as an inclusive professional home and support the important work carried out by English teacher educators nationwide.

ELATE Nominating Committee

(term to expire 2020)

Members of the ELATE Nominating Committee choose candidates for the Executive Committee and the Nominating Committee for the following year. The person receiving the most votes serves as chair.

Assistant professor, language and literacy, University of Texas at Austin; cochair, ELATE Commission on Family and Community Literacies
Formerly: K–6 Language Arts, English Language Development (8 years); Latinx Caucus cochair; Rainbow Strand cochair
Membership(s): NCTE, LRA, AERA
Award(s): CNV Fellowship (2016-18), CEE Student Graduate Research Grant (2016).
Publication(s): Articles in Bilingual Research Journal, Voices from the Middle, Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy
Program Contribution(s): NCTE, LRA, NWP, AERA

Position Statement: As a lifelong learner with the heart of a forever educator, I believe in our collective power as students, teachers, teacher educators, scholars, and activists to work in collaboration with the children, families, and communities we serve to mobilize resources and talents to advocate for an equitable, transformative and restorative literacies education for all. As a member of the ELATE nominating committee, I will recruit a committed group of leaders, ready to move from dialogue to action for change.

Assistant professor of English education, Washington State University; ELATE Commissions on Social Justice in Teacher Education and the Study and Teaching of Adolescent Literature
Formerly: High school English teacher
Membership(s): NCTE, ELATE, AERA, AESA
Award(s): WSU Early Career Achievement Award, WSU Martin Luther King Jr. Distinguished Service Award faculty, Associated Students of WSU Exceptional Professor Award.
Publication(s): Social Justice Literacies in the English Classroom: Teaching Practice in Action; articles in Journal of Teacher Education, English Journal, English Education, Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy
Program Contribution(s): NCTE, AESA, AERA, LRA, ELATE

Position Statement: Our current political context requires us to cultivate and support English teachers and teacher educators committed to social justice who honor students’ voices and agencies. I am dedicated to serving and collaborating with ELATE members to advance our efforts in teacher education and equity and to nominating individuals for leadership positions who will support and further these goals.

Professor of English education, Kennesaw State University, GA; director of Kennesaw Mountain Writing Project; vice president, GCTE
Formerly: Middle and high school English teacher, ALAN state representative, GCTE, College relations coordinator
Membership(s): NCTE, ELATE, ALAN
The Divergent Award for Excellence in 21st Century Literacies Research (2019).
Publication(s): Co-editor, Towards a More Visual Literacy: Shifting the Paradigm with Digital Tools and Young Adult Literature; author, Young Adult Literature and the Digital World; articles in English Journal, The ALAN Review
Program Contribution(s): NCTE, ELATE, ALAN

Position Statement: As a former secondary teacher, NCTE and ELATE provided support and resources for me. They continue to provide leadership and a platform for advocacy in the profession of teaching and learning education. They provide critical support through resources and conversations for teachers in diversifying their instruction and creating safe spaces with equal access for all students. If elected, I would continue to support teachers and teacher educators in these endeavors through ELATE.

Visiting assistant professor of secondary English language arts education; University of Alabama, Birmingham; NCTEAR Treasurer; Codirector Red Mountain Writing Project
Formerly: Community college English instructor, middle school English teacher, adjunct world literature instructor
Membership(s): NCTE, NWP, NCTEAR
Publication(s): Journal of Teacher Action Research; Research on Women Educators Conference Proceedings; The New Teacher Advocate
Program Contribution(s): NCTE, RWE (AERA SIG), ICUE

Position Statement: As a current English teacher educator, I am committed to training and advocating for passionate, professional, and socially responsible English teacher‑leaders. The ELATE nominating committee needs members who will serve as leaders with these same attributes as a part of its professional community. As a member of the nominating committee, my goal is to collaborate with other members to forward the mission of ELATE through identifying and nominating English education advocates who also display passion, professionalism, and social responsibility for the sake of positively influencing and impacting our beloved field.

Assistant professor of Literacy, Boston College; NCTE CAEP Standards Committee
Formerly: CCCC Lavender Rhetorics Award Committee; ELA teacher, Denver, CO
Membership(s): NCTE, ELATE, LRA, AERA (Div G, Div K, MCL [SIG], W & L [SIG]
Award(s): CAE Concha Delgado Gaitan Presidential Fellow, NCTE Promising Researcher Award (Honorable Mention), CEE Research Initiative Grant
Publication(s):  Articles in Journal of Literacy Research, Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, English Teaching: Practice and Critique, Learning, Media & Technology, and more
Program Contribution(s): NCTE, NCTEAR, CCCC, LRA, AERA

Position Statement: ELATE, formerly CEE, is an academic home for me. As a member of the ELATE nominating committee, I will work with members to forward the vision of the organization. Collaborating with other elected committee members, I will assist in identifying and recruiting a diverse group of candidates who recognize the potential in advancing the English language arts towards equity-oriented outcomes and cultural justice work.