The Executive Board is responsible for making all on-going operational decisions for LLA and is comprised of a President, President-Elect, Past President, and six elected officers. Elections occur in the spring each year.
Board Members
Yang Wang
President (2023–2025)
University of South Carolina
Lenny Sánchez
President-Elect (2024–2025)
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC
Grace Y. Kang
Illinois State University
Maria Perpetua (Perpie) Liwanag
Towson University
Towson, MD
Kathryn Mitchell Pierce
Saint Louis University
Mukkaramah M. Smith
Columbia, SC
Tashema Spence-Davis
LaGuardia College, City University of New York, and New York City Department of Education
New York City, NY
Dorothy Suskind
Longwood University
Farmville, Virginia
Do you have a question for a member of the LLA Executive Board? Please feel free to contact LLA and your question will be answered as soon as possible.