Wednesday, February 23rd, 2022
7:00 p.m. ET
Come meet the editors of NCTE journals to learn about their visions for future issues and to get tips on successful manuscript submissions.
This event is open and free to the public.

Arianna Banack is a doctoral candidate at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, in the Literacy Studies program, with a specialization in children’s and young adult literature (YAL). Her areas of research include reading engagement and pairing YAL with canonical texts as a disruption to the hegemonic whiteness perpetuated by the canon. She is currently serving as a coeditor of The ALAN Review, a peer-reviewed journal that discusses equitable educational practices and uses of young adult literature. She has articles published in several peer-reviewed journals, including English Journal, Study and Scrutiny, and Voices from the Middle.

Shanetia P. Clark is an associate professor of literacy in the Department of Early and Elementary Education at Salisbury University in Salisbury, Maryland. Her research interests include children’s and young adult literature, the exploration of aesthetic experiences within reading and writing classrooms, and writing pedagogy. She teaches courses in elementary and middle level literacy methods.

Rick Coppola’s activist stance has taken root over 15 years as a middle school ELA teacher in the Chicago Public Schools and through his doctoral work at the University of Illinois Chicago, where he studies culturally sustaining pedagogy, disciplinary literacy, and design-based research. His work has appeared in numerous journals, including Language Arts, English Journal, Voices from the Middle, and Journal of Literacy Research. Rick was the 2019 recipient of the NCTE and Penguin Random House Maya Angelou Award for Poetry, a finalist for the 2019 Illinois Teacher of the Year, and a two-time Golden Apple Teacher of Distinction (2017, 2011) He is also a coeditor of Language Arts.

Thomas Crisp is an associate professor of literacy and children’s literature in the Department of Early Childhood and Elementary Education at Georgia State University. His research and scholarship focus on issues of representation in children’s and young adult literature and center primarily on texts by and about people who self-identify as LGBTQ+. His writing can be found in academic books and professional journals, including Reading Research Quarterly, Children’s Literature in Education, English Journal, Language Arts, The Journal of LGBT Youth, and Horn Book Magazine. Crisp is currently Past President of the Children’s Literature Association, coeditor of the Journal of Children’s Literature, and an Internationale Jugendbibliothek/International Youth Library Fellow.

Trace Daniels-Lerberg earned her PhD in English from the University of Texas at Arlington, with a Women’s and Gender Studies graduate certificate. She was the UT Arlington FYW assistant director and director of the Writing Center, where she collaborated with the VP of research to develop graduate student and faculty writing support programs. She is an assistant professor (lecturer) and associate director of the writing program for the Department of Writing & Rhetoric Studies at the University of Utah (the U), where she works with undergraduate and graduate students. At the U, her research and teaching interests include feminist, Indigenous, and post-man rhetorics, as well as environmental and women writers. Her publications include “Watershed Ethics and Dam Politics: Mapping Biopolitics, Race, and Resistance in Sleep Dealer and Watershed” in Make Waves: Water in Contemporary Literature and Film (U of Nevada P, 2019); “To ‘See with Eyes Unclouded by Hate’: Princess Mononoke and the Quest for Environmental Balance” in Princess Mononoke: Understanding Studio Ghibli’s Monster Princess (Bloomsbury, 2018); and she is currently working on an edited collection of short diary fiction. She is the editor of CCCC’s Forum: Issues about Part-Time and Contingent Faculty and a member of the CCCC Executive Committee.

Darin Jensen is an assistant professor at Salt Lake Community College. He is the editor of Teaching English in the Two-Year College and of the Teacher-Scholar-Activist blog. He is interested in work surrounding open access and literacy pedagogy in two-year colleges as well as professional issues, including how graduate programs prepare students to teach and work in two-year colleges. His work has appeared in book chapters and in journals such as College English, Pedagogy, Journal of Basic Writing, and Writing Program Administration.

Caitlin Metheny is a doctoral candidate at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, specializing in Children’s and Young Adult Literature (CYAL). Caitlin’s research interests include diverse representations in young adult literature; specifically, she is drawn to stories of disability, mental health, and chronic illness, as well as empathic reader responses to these stories. Prior to her doctoral work, she taught middle school English in the coastal south and served as a PBIS coach in the urban midwest. Caitlin is currently a coeditor of The ALAN Review.

Cody Miller is an assistant professor of English education at SUNY Brockport. During his seven years as a high school English teacher and in his current role, he positions texts as vehicles to discuss broader sociopolitical issues in students’ lives and worlds. Miller is chair of the NCTE LGBTQ Advisory Committee. He can be reached at or on Twitter @CodyMillerELA.

Rosa Nam is an associate professor at Clark University where she supports secondary preservice English language arts teachers in the Master of Arts in Teaching program. She earned her PhD in curriculum and instruction from the University of Houston with a focus on reading, language arts, and literacy education, and her BA from the University of Texas at Austin in English and ethnic studies. Her research interests include contemporary diverse adolescent literature, critical literacy, and Asian American studies. Rosa is currently a coeditor of The ALAN Review.

Lori Ostergaard is a professor in the Department of Writing and Rhetoric at Oakland University. She is also the incoming editor of College English and the former co-editor of WPA: Writing Program Administration. Lori conducts archival research into writing instruction at normal colleges and high schools, and she engages in a variety of contemporary program research. Her scholarship has appeared in a number of journals, including College English, Rhetoric Review, Composition Studies, and Peitho.

Sandra L. Osorio is an associate professor in the School of Teaching and Learning at Illinois State University. She teaches courses in early childhood, bilingual education, and English as a second language. Her research interests include looking at the implementation of culturally sustaining pedagogies that put Latinx students’ dynamic community languages, valued practices, and knowledges at the center of the curriculum and practices implemented in the classroom. Sandra’s research has been published in Bilingual Research Journal; Multicultural Perspectives; Race Ethnicity and Education; The Reading Teacher; and Urban Education. She is currently a coeditor of NCTE’s elementary level journal Language Arts. She is also a coauthor of Book Talk: Growing into Early Literacy through Read-Aloud Conversations (2021).

Malea Powell is a professor of research in the College of Arts & Letters at Michigan State University, where she is a faculty member in American Indian and Indigenous Studies. She is editor of College Composition and Communication, lead organizer of the Cultural Rhetorics Conference, director of the Cultural Rhetorics Consortium, founding editor of constellations: a journal of cultural rhetorics, past chair of the CCCC, and editor emerita of SAIL: Studies in American Indian Literatures. A widely published scholar and poet, her current book project, The Medicine Path, examines the continuum of indigenous rhetorical production in North America, from beadwork to alphabetic writing to traditional medicine practices.

R. Joseph Rodríguez is a teacher and teacher educator of English language arts and reading. His most recent book project is This Is Our Summons Now: Poems, which will be published by FlowerSong Press in March 2022. He has published research books on literacy education and young adult literature. Currently, Toby Emert and Joseph are coeditors (2018–2023) of English Journal, a publication of the National Council of Teachers of English and first published in 1912. He lives in Austin and Fredericksburg, Texas. Follow him via Twitter @escribescribe.

Sherry Sanden is a literacy specialist in the Goldendale, Washington school district. She has over 30 years’ experience in education, including as a first- and second-grade teacher, Head Start teacher, childcare director, and associate professor of early childhood literacy at Illinois State University. She currently serves as editor of Talking Points, the journal of Literacies and Languages for All, a conference of the National Council of Teachers of English. Her research interests revolve around explorations of the classroom use of literature to support literacy instruction.

Robyn Seglem is an associate professor in the School of Teaching and Learning at Illinois State University. She teaches literacy courses to middle and secondary preservice teachers from 20 content areas, as well as graduate-level literacy and educational technology courses. Her primary research interests include technology’s role in literacy, adolescent literacy, and content-area literacy. Robyn’s work has been published in venues such as Teachers College Record, The Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, English Journal, Voices from the Middle, and The Journal of Language and Literacy Education. She has served as a codirector of the Flint Hills Writing Project, an affiliate with the National Writing Project, and is a nationally board-certified teacher. She taught for nine years in the middle school and high school language arts classroom.

Melanie Shoffner is a professor of education at James Madison University specializing in English education. She is the editor of English Education, a member of the International Federation for the Teaching of English (IFTE) Advisory Board, and a former Fulbright Scholar to Romania. Her research and writing address the dispositional and reflective development of preservice teachers.

Matt Skillen is the R.W. Schlosser Associate Professor of English and Director of the Etown Teaching and Learning Design Studio at Elizabethtown College. Previously, Matt taught middle school language arts for USD #266 in Maize, Kansas. As an active member of the Middle Level Section, Matt also recently served as the Section’s Steering Committee chair.

Rebecca Woodard is an associate professor of curriculum and instruction at the University of Illinois Chicago and a coeditor of Language Arts. Her research on writing and writing pedagogy is grounded in sociocultural and critical theories that recognize teaching and learning as social, cultural, and historically and politically situated. Her recent research has focused on climate justice, embodied learning and theater-informed pedagogies, and culturally sustaining writing pedagogies. She teaches courses on elementary literacy methods, disciplinary literacy, and writing/composition. Rebecca considers NCTE her professional home, and her publications have appeared in numerous NCTE journals, including Research in the Teaching of English, English Journal, and Language Arts.

Angie Zapata is an associate professor of language and literacies education at the University of Missouri and a coeditor of the Journal of Children’s Literature. Her most recent research explores how students and their teachers enter into material and critical translingual literacy practices and text-making processes through literature- and arts-based classroom conditions. Her publications can be found in English Teaching: Practice and Critique, Research in the Teaching of English, Journal of Literacy Research, Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, Language Arts, and The Reading Teacher, in addition to other journals and edited books.