1972 NCTE Annual Business Meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Given the accelerated rate and degree of change in the profession during recent years, the breakdown in articulation and communication at various educational levels is not surprising. In many school districts, language programs have been developed in preschools, models of British primary schools have been initiated, middle schools have been created, elective programs have been introduced into secondary schools, and radical changes have been effected in the content and requirements of college freshman programs. A renewed effort to bridge communication gaps between the various levels is clearly imperative, particularly to eliminate curricular omissions and overlap, to acquaint teachers with the nature and purpose of curricular innovations, and to stimulate closer professional cooperation and solidarity at all academic levels. Be it therefore
Resolved, that by such means as regional conferences, preconvention workshops, publications, and cooperation with other professional associations such as the College English Association, the International Reading Association, the Modern Language Association, and the Association of Childhood Education International, the National Council of Teachers of English renew efforts to improve articulation and communication among all educational levels.
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