1973 NCTE Annual Business Meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
It is imperative that any group authorized to create guidelines for certifying and evaluating teacher education programs recognize the importance of and be willing to consult with organizations representing specific subject areas and that these organizations, including the National Council of Teachers of English, be prepared to respond with accurate and comprehensive statements concerning teacher education programs. Be it therefore
Resolved, that the Executive Committee of National Council of Teachers of English instruct the Executive Secretary to recommend to each of the Chief State School Officers that NCTE state affiliates be represented on teacher preparation and certifying boards and participate in the planning of teacher education programs at the state level; and
that the NCTE Committee on Teacher Preparation and Certification prepare and publish a position statement on competency-based teacher education which will be disseminated to each of the Chief State School Officers and be made available to teacher education institutions and be appropriately disseminated to the members of NCTE.
This position statement may be printed, copied, and disseminated without permission from NCTE.