1981 NCTE Annual Business Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts
The National Council of Teachers of English has long been dedicated to the encouragement of excellence in English instruction and research and has strongly supported the creation of a Federal Department of Education. Currently, there is an effort to withdraw Cabinet-level status from the Department of Education. That effort, if successful, threatens to depreciate the status and impact of the Federal educational effort. Be it therefore
Resolved, that the National Council of Teachers of English, believing that a strong Federal commitment to excellence in education can best be served by a Cabinet-level Department of Education, deplore the effort to dissolve the Department, and urge Council members to make their views on the issue known both to the Administration and to their elected representatives; and
that copies of the resolution be distributed promptly to key members of the Administration and Congress and to NCTE affiliate organizations.
This position statement may be printed, copied, and disseminated without permission from NCTE.