1978 NCTE Annual Business Meeting in Kansas City, Missouri
Recently many state departments of education have mandated designs for preservice teacher education programs. Requirements often reflect pressures from teacher organizations, state legislatures, and state boards of education. But the role of the specialists in English education, education, classroom teachers of English language arts, and members of the National Council of Teachers of English state affiliates in the design of such programs has been minimal or nonexistent. The role of such individuals and organizations should be central in the design of teacher education programs. The Committee on Teacher Preparation and Certification of NCTE is directly concerned with this question and has a network of NCTE members qualified to assist state committees. Be it therefore
Resolved, that the NCTE Executive Committee or headquarters staff prepare a statement urging that state certification and accreditation agencies, when contemplating changes in requirements for certification or licensure for English language arts or elementary teachers or for accreditation of English language arts or elementary teacher education programs, include on the committees as members or advisors a specialist in English education, a classroom teacher of English language arts, and one or more representatives of National Council of Teachers of English affiliates; and
that a copy of this resolution and a copy of this statement be forwarded to every state certification and accreditation agency, the chair of the education committees in every state legislature, and to the Executive Director of the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education.
This position statement may be printed, copied, and disseminated without permission from NCTE.