1978 NCTE Annual Business Meeting in Kansas City, Missouri
Recent developments in the U.S. Office of Education have provided an opportunity for the National Council of Teachers of English to bring its broad historic concern and support for the integration of language arts with the other arts into a productive relationship with federal agencies and organizations in education and the arts. Last summer Commissioner of Education Ernest Boyer appointed Gene C. Wenner to the newly-established post of Arts Education Coordinator. Subsequently, an Arts in Education Forum was established, with the endorsement of Joan Mondale, as a means of bringing arts and education organizations together to pursue common interests. NCTE was represented by Marjorie Farmer and Charles Suhor at the first meeting of the Forum. Be it therefore
Resolved, that the National Council of Teachers of English express its support for the Arts in Education Forum and its goal of fostering communication between the U.S. Office of Education and organizations in education and the arts;
that NCTE participate in the Arts in Education Forum, especially insofar as the Forum (1) promotes thoughtful integration of the language arts with other arts programs; (2) explores new approaches to research and assessment in arts education; and (3) develops ways in which NCTE and other education and arts groups can influence arts education legislation and the resulting regulations; and
that NCTE commend Joan Mondale, Ernest Boyer, and Gene C. Wenner for their support of the arts as an essential part of education.
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