1979 NCTE Annual Business Meeting in San Francisco, California
The National Council of Teachers of English Executive Committee in 1976 endorsed the “Statement on the Preparation of Teachers of English” prepared by the Standing Committee on Teacher Preparation and Certification. An increasing problem in many schools is that of assigning people to teach English who have not been prepared according to the guidelines set forth in that statement. The National Council of Teachers of English supports the principle that instruction in English should be provided only by teachers who have appropriate professional preparation. Be it therefore
Resolved, that the National Council of Teachers of English (1) encourage the assignment to the teaching of English only those persons who have been prepared in accordance with the goals and emphases in the “Statement on the Preparation of Teachers of English”; (2) call upon its individual members and affiliate organizations to increase their support of the goals and emphases of the “Statement on the Preparation of Teachers of English”; and (3) urge the National Council of Teachers of English Executive Committee to intensify its efforts, in cooperation with other professional organizations, to implement items (1) and (2) of this resolution.
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