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Curriculum of Peace

The United Nations has declared September 21 as the International Day of Peace. In a message commemorating the Day in 1995, Secretary-General Boutros-Ghali stated

“the world, once more, cries out for peace. And for the economic and social development that peace alone can assure… Let us keep our goal clear and simple… Let us work for peace.”

The ReadWriteThink.org calendar entry on the day invites students to brainstorm, identify, and present possible solutions that could address causes of conflict.

A Curriculum of Peace: Selected Essays from English Journal attempts to answer the question “What can I do as a teacher?” by providing a collection of eminently practical articles on teaching for peace that have appeared in past issues of English Journal.

Think Peace“, a podcast episode from ReadWriteThink.org, shares books for younger readers and explains how they can be used as a springboard to discuss how children and adults alike can use peaceful, nonviolent methods to affect change in society.

For older readers, “Peace from Within: Teaching Texts That Comfort and Heal” describes how the author taught a literature course that used literary selections and a film series to examine physical healing, mental healing, and healing from grief.

Process drama is a powerful and motivating teaching tool that engages students in writing for imaginative and functional purposes. In this lesson from ReadWriteThink.org, students will participate in a simulation of a “Peace Journey” as they engage in a variety of literacy activities.

How do you promote peace in your community?

See also  Earth Day 2024