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Make Your Voice Heard!

Belonging to NCTE means your voice is amplified by more than 25,000 other voices across the country. When you use an NCTE position statement to support an instructional approach, you’re sharing a position backed by a national professional organization that carries the weight of peer review.

The entire membership now has the opportunity to review the resolution presented at the 2019 Annual Business Meeting at #NCTE19 and the right to approve or disapprove it. If the membership votes to ratify this resolution on “Recognizing Teacher Experts and Their Paths to Expertise,” it will become an official NCTE position. NCTE refers to and uses its many position statements to guide its policy and advocacy efforts with federal and state legislatures and agencies. NCTE’s position statements represent the voices of its members, reflect its values, and declare to the world what it believes.

NCTE is therefore asking each of its members to take a few minutes to vote. We rely on your experience as a literacy educator to help set the policy that will benefit all members and their students.

Members have been sent emails outlining the background, resolved statement, and brief pro and con summaries for the proposed resolution. Members vote for just the resolutions; the background and pro and con summaries are informational. NCTE members who have not yet voted will receive another email on Friday, February 7, with a link that will take them to the texts and voting buttons. You can also go here to login and vote!

Thank you for sharing your opinion and helping us ensure that our resolutions reflect the sentiments of thousands of Council members. As NCTE Executive Director Emily Kirkpatrick reminds us, “voting . . . ” is one of the most important things we get to do as members.”

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