2020 NCTE Verse - National Council of Teachers of English
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2020 NCTE Verse

“I enjoyed learning about poets who I was unfamiliar with. It felt like as a teacher, I was celebrating a multi-generation of poets. An incredible array of poets with a specific focus on activism and social justice.” —Participant from 2019

As we approach April 1, we are getting very excited about National Poetry Month! Here at NCTE, we are also gearing up for the third year of NCTE Verse. The NCTE Verse email series is a members-only professional learning opportunity. Folks who sign up will receive an email each weekday, starting March 30, that focuses on a poet and shares resources for how to bring that poet’s works into the classroom.

And the best part of this year’s series? NCTE members have again selected the poets they’re teaching in their classrooms and curated the resources!

We’ll be celebrating more than 20 poets, the majority of them contemporary and up-and-coming. You can see the awesome work of our members from the 2019 edition of NCTE Verse.

Sign up here today!