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News and Announcements


Black Caucus Geneva Smitherman Award
The NCTE/CCCC Black Caucus is pleased to announce The 2020 Geneva Smitherman Award for Research in Black Languages, Literacies, Cultures, and Rhetorics. The selection committee is now accepting applications and nominations for this award. Please see the application for information and instructions.


Congratulations to Dr. Brandon Erby, Penn State University, the 2020 recipient of the Black Caucus Geneva Smitherman Award
View Dr. Erby’s acceptance video

Mission Statement


The Black Caucus of NCTE/CCCC is an advocacy group of Black English language arts educators and scholars who are involved in the teaching and learning of communication skills. The Black Caucus:

  • Promotes and supports positive images and meaningful status, i.e. involvement and key leadership roles, for Black professional English language arts educators in NCTE, CCCC, and the profession at large.
  • Initiates and supports resolutions and position statements that result in a broader understanding of language, composition, and literature.
  • Maintains a network of Black educators whose interests include appropriate teaching methodologies and practices that foster success for Black teachers and students in language, composition, and literature.

Caucus Videos

The videos below were developed through a project titled, Writing and Working for Change: A Digital Archive of Social Activism by Teachers of NCTE/CCCC. These videos serve as one of many ways to preserve and expand access to records documenting the collective work of English teachers and as a way of supporting NCTE’s commitment to social justice and equality.