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ELATE Janet Emig Award Winners

English Education

Ankhi G. Thakurta, “Solidarity-as-Project: Charting Democratic Co-inquiries in an Asian American Girl and Woman–Centric English Education Community,” English Education, July 2023

Stephanie Anne Shelton, “‘Communities of Discomfort’: Empowering LGBTQ+ Ally Work in a Southeastern Rural Community,” English Education, April 2022

Nadia Behizadeh, Cheryll M. Thompson-Smith, and PJ Miller, “‘Peeling off the Mask’: Challenges and Supports for Enacting Critical Pedogagy in Student Teaching,English Education, April 2021

Esther O. Ohito, “‘The Creative Aspect Woke Me Up’: Awakening to Multimodal Essay Composition as a Fugitive Literacy Practice,” English Education, April 2020

Justin Grinage, “Reopening Racial Wounds: Whiteness, Melancholia, and Affect in the English Classroom,” English Education, January 2019

Kate Seltzer and Cati V. de los Ríos, “Translating Theory to Practice: Exploring Teachers’ Raciolinguistic Literacies in Secondary English Classrooms,” English Education, October 2018

1980-1989 (Decade award given in 2019)
Maxine Greene, “Toward Possibility: Expanding the Range of Literacy,” English Education, December 1986

Danny C. Martinez, Imagining a Language of Solidarity for Black and Latinx Youth in English Language Arts Classrooms,” English Education, January 2017

Detra Price-Dennis, “Developing Curriculum to Support Black Girls’ Literacies in Digital Spaces,” English Education, July 2016.

Gholnecsar E. Muhammad, “‘Inducing Colored Sisters of Other Places to Imitate Their Example’: Connecting Historic Literary Societies to a Contemporary Writing Group,” English Education, April 2015.
Denise N. Morgan and Kristine E. Pytash, “Preparing Preservice Teachers to Become Teachers of Writing: A 20-Year Review of the Research Literature,” English Education, October 2014.
Marcelle Haddix and Detra Price-Dennis, “Urban Fiction and Multicultural Literature as Transformative Tools for Preparing English Teachers for Diverse Classrooms,” English Education, April 2013.
Janet D. Johnson, “’A Rainforest in Front of a Bulldozer’: The Literacy Practices of Teacher Candidates Committed to Social Justice,” English Education, January 2012
Brian White, “The Vulnerable Population of Teacher-Researchers; Or, ‘Why I Can’t Name My Coauthors’,” English Education, July 2011
Glynda A. Hull, Amy Stornaiuolo, and Urvashi Sahni, “Cultural Citizenship and Cosmopolitan Practice: Global Youth Communicate Online,” English Education, July 2010
Robert P. Yagelski, “A Thousand Writers Writing: Seeking Change through the Radical Practice of Writing as a Way of Being,” English Education, 2009
2010 Honorable Mention:
Nancy M. Bailey, “‘It makes it more real’: Teaching New Literacies in a Secondary English Classroom,” English Education, 2009
Anne Whitney, Sheridan Blau, Alison Bright, Rosemary Cabe, Tim Dewar, Jason Levin, Roseanne Macias, and Paul Rogers, “Beyond Strategies: Teacher Practice, Writing Process, and the Influence of Inquiry,” English Education, 2008
Suzanne M. Miller, “Changing English Teacher Learning for New Times: Digital Video Composing as Multimodal Literacy Practice,” English Education, 2007
Robert A. Tremmel, “Changing the Way We Think in English Education: A Conversation in the Universal Barbershop,” English Education, 2006
Anne Haas Dyson, “Crafting ‘The Humble Prose of Living’: Rethinking Oral/Written Relations in the Echoes of Spoken Word,” English Education, 2005
Susan V. Wall, “Writing the ‘Self’ in Teacher Research: The Potential Powers of a New Professional Discourse,” English Education, 2004
Kevin G. Basmadjian, Leah Kirell, Stephen M. Koziol, Jr., Emily R. Smith, “On Learning to Teach English Teachers: A Textured Portrait of Mentoring,” English Education, 2003
Peter Smagorinsky, Andrea Lakly, Tara Star Johnson, “Acquiescence, Accommodation, and Resistance in Learning to Teach within a Prescribed Curriculum,” English Education, 2002
no award given
Patricia Lambert Stock, “Toward a Theory of Genre in Teacher Research: Contributions from a Reflective Practitioner,” English Education, 2001
1990-1999 (Decade Award given in 2001)
Anne Haas Dyson, ” What Difference does Difference Make? Teacher Perspectives on Diversity, Literacy, and the Urban Primary School,” English Education, May 1995.
Robert Tremmel, “Still Loading Pig Iron after All These Years: Tribalism and English Education in the Global Contact Zone,” English Education, April 2000
1969-1979 (Inaugural Award given in 2000)
Robert C. Small, “Student Authority,” English Education