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Navigating the Exhibit Hall at #NCTE23!

The post is sponsored by the #NCTE23 Gold Sponsors.


Attendees consistently say that browsing the Exhibit Hall and meeting authors are two of their favorite activities during the Annual Convention!

The Exhibit Hall is filled with the latest and greatest books and other classroom resources. You’ll have the chance to pick up advance reading copies (ARCs) and get books signed by your students’ favorite authors. You can talk with publishers about what’s new for the classroom and pick up texts to share with colleagues. Our attendees find all kinds of amazing ways to bring the treasures they find in the Exhibit Hall back to their classrooms.

The hours for the Exhibit Hall are:

Friday, November 17: 10:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Saturday, November 18: 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Sunday, November 19: 8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

The Exhibit Hall will be open from 4:45 to 6:30 p.m. on Friday evening so you can find a time to visit that doesn’t conflict with the sessions you want to attend.

The Convention Program and Convention app will both include maps of the Exhibit Hall for maximum planning efficiency. Watch for the Meet the Authors booklet to find out when your favorite authors will be appearing. And be sure to stop by the Build Your Stack® area to learn from your peers about the best books for your classroom.

Plan your trip in advance. If you want to get a book signed by a popular author, the line may be long, so you’ll either want to arrive early or plan to stay for some time.

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Pack your travel bag inside a larger bag so you will have one empty bag for carting home books. There will be a shipping station in the Hall to make it easy to box up your finds and send them home.

You can get access to all kinds of freebies, drawings, and other opportunities if you choose to join mailing lists for vendors on the floor. Your badge will have a QR code on the back that can be easily scanned to add your information to giveaway lists.

Talk to the publishers on the floor about what texts they’re excited about. Some will be sharing copies of books that aren’t even out yet. Others may put a previously unknown treasure in your hands.

Who will be there? Visit https://convention.ncte.org/exhibitors-and-sponsors/ to see the current list!