NCTE members come from many different contexts. Joining one of these groups provides access to resources and experiences tailored to particular interests and needs.
Assembly Calendar
January / February
Request for assemblies to send in their membership lists. Lists are matched to NCTE membership lists for same area to determine the number of Directors allotted to each assembly and to determine that each assembly has at least 25 NCTE members.
Workshop, session, booth, and meal function proposals (if eligible) for NCTE Annual Convention due.
February 28—Pending Update in January 2024: Affiliate and assembly group tax exemption forms are due.
March / April
Register for the NCTE Annual Convention.
March: CCCC Convention.
April 15: NCTE Ballots mailed.
May 15: NCTE Directors receive minutes of Annual Business Meeting of the Board of Directors for reporting to the members of their assemblies.
Assemblies receive request from the affiliate office to submit their annual reports.
June 1: NCTE Ballots due to NCTE headquarters.
June 6: Deadline for requests for Special Interest Group meeting space and exhibit space for NCTE Annual Convention.
June 15: Allotment of NCTE Directors sent to each assembly.
Mid July: Literacies and Languages for All Summer Institute.
August / September
August 15: Assembly annual reports due to NCTE.
Early September: NCTE Annual Convention Preview will mail.
September 15: Last day for receipt of assembly dues and name(s) of NCTE Director(s) in order to be represented at the Annual Business Meeting of the Board of Directors.
Early October: Board of Directors packets mailed to all designated directors by early November.
October 20: NCTE National Day on Writing.
November 1: Deadline for submitting resolutions to NCTE Resolutions Committee Chair.
November 15—Pending Update in January 2024: Deadline for filing assembly income tax with IRS if your group is a member of the NCTE Tax-Exempt Group.
NCTE Annual Convention: Annual Business Meeting of the Board of Directors; assembly meetings during Special Interest Group time slots; some assembly workshops, sessions, meal functions, and booths. Pick up a program proposal form for the next NCTE Annual Convention.
December 1: Many assembly officers take office. Send any assembly officer changes since July, including elections, resignations, etc., to
December 1: Newly elected and appointed NCTE officers, committee chairs, and commission directors take office.
Memo sent to assemblies reminding them to submit workshop, session, booth, and meal function proposals (if eligible) and/or requests for Special Interest Group meeting time for NCTE Annual Convention.