NCTE books focus on current issues and opportunities in teaching, research findings and their application to classrooms, and ideas for teaching all aspects of English.

NCTE Books Program
For over eighty-five years, the NCTE Books Program has published resources for teachers’ professional development at every level, elementary through college.
NCTE books focus on current issues and problems in teaching, research findings and their application to classrooms, ideas for teaching all aspects of English, and other topics.
Recent Titles
Digital Source Evaluation: Guiding Secondary Students in a Deepfake World
Embark on a journey into digital source evaluation with Beth Walsh-Moorman and Kristine Pytash as they delve into a comprehensive analysis of useful and proven instructional methods. Drawing from their experiences with educators and learners, the authors offer a rich tapestry of pedagogical approaches.
Reading the World through Sports and Young Adult Literature
Recommended and award-winning works of young adult literature featuring youth athletes—protagonists who are entangled not only in athletic competition but in the complications of life beyond the arena—offer secure footholds that students can use to explore contemporary sociopolitical issues.
Celebrate the profound impact of Victor Villanueva’s scholarship, teaching, and mentorship in the field of rhetoric and composition with this remarkable collection.
Transnational Assemblages
This project illustrates how technical communicators can perform transdisciplinary disaster management research to minimize the impacts of catastrophic disasters affecting the world’s most vulnerable populations.
Cross-Talk in Comp Theory: A Reader, 4th Edition
Cross-Talk in Comp Theory is a collection of pivotal texts that mark the rebirth of a field, composition studies, beginning with the rise of the process movement.
Hands of God at Work, The: Islamic Gender Justice through Translingual Praxis
This book explores how an English-medium Indonesian PhD program in interreligious studies and three Muslim scholar-activists activate knowledge where languages intersect, a process mediated by material circumstances within Indonesia and voices past, present, and future that both are audience to and transcend the traditional geographic and discursive borders associated with them.
Building Critical Literacy and Empathy with Graphic Novels
Beginning with the assertion that educators can effectively use comics and graphic novels to develop readers’ critical literacy and empathy, Jason D. DeHart explores the use of graphic novels across grade levels in a wide range of topics and themes.
Queer Techné: Bodies, Rhetorics, and Desire in the History of Computing
Queer Techné offers an intimate portrait of the practices, embodied knowledge, desires, and friendships that animate the technical innovation of early digital computing.
Deepening Student Engagement with Diverse Picturebooks
This book helps educators select and integrate diverse picturebooks that will allow students to respond to their own and others’ stories through a critical literature response framework. It explores the question of “how” we might share diverse picturebooks with young children both for literacy development and for growing a broader sense of citizenship.
Classroom Design for Student Agency
Classrooms should be spaces where every child feels safe to bring their whole self to school. This book shows how to set up preK–grade 6 classrooms that support student agency, independence, and choice.
Dynamic Activities for First-Year Composition: 96 Ways to Immerse, Inspire, and Captivate Students
Editors Michal Reznizki and David T. Coad have assembled a collection of tried-and-proven teaching activities to help both novice and experienced teachers plan, prepare, and implement writing instruction in college.
Nonfiction Writers Dig Deep: 50 Award-Winning Children’s Book Authors Share the Secret of Engaging Writing
Some of today’s most celebrated nonfiction writers for children share how their writing processes reflect their passions, personalities, beliefs, and experiences in the world. Editor Melissa Stewart offers a wide range of tips, tools, teaching strategies, and activity ideas to help students learn to craft rich, unique prose.
Restorative Justice in the English Language Arts Classroom
The authors show how English teachers can think and plan using a restorative justice lens to address issues of student disconnection and alienation; adult and youth well-being in schools; and inequity and racial justice through writing, reading, speaking, and action. Principles in Practice imprint
Strategic Writing: The Writing Process and Beyond in the Secondary English Classroom, 2nd Edition
For this revised edition, Dean worked with high school teachers to refine, reorganize, and update the material to better support classroom teachers dedicated to teaching not just the process of writing but also the strategies that help students learn to write effectively throughout their lives.
NCTE Books Program Staff
Kurt Austin
Senior Books Editor
Cynthia Gomez
Senior Editor/Digital Publishing
Emily Gilbert
Editorial Assistant