English Education
The journal of English Language Arts Teacher Educators (ELATE)
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(Re)Viewing the Field
Welcome to English Education’s book review section. Here, you’ll find bite-sized, thoughtful considerations of different books that hold interest for those in the field of ELA teacher education.
Since English Education does not accept unsolicited reviews, please complete the journal’s interest form or contact Melanie Shoffner, editor, at shoffnme@jmu.edu, if you are interested in writing a review or extending the conversation on a published review.
January 2025
The Possibilities of Arts Integration
Ashlan Bishop
The Ohio State University
Book review of Goering, C. Z., Pham, H. K., Hackett-Hill, K., & French, S. (Eds.). (2023). A primer on arts integration: Strategies, lessons, and collective wisdom of teacher leaders. Information Age Publishing.
In a time of continued high-stakes testing and increasingly managed curriculum, A Primer on Arts Education: Strategies, Lessons, and Collective Wisdom of Teacher Leaders flips the script. The book is a collection of chapters illustrating arts integration vignettes written by a group involved in a fellowship through the University of Arkansas focused on the arts in education. Authored mostly by practicing ELA teachers, these stories explore projects and practices in a variety of arts, focusing on the ways they enriched the learning of both students and teachers. Opening and closing chapters detail the setting of the fellowship and situate the learning amid some larger themes in arts integration research. Across the text, key takeaways involve the arts as a means to humanize, restory, and foster engagement and equity.
One of the greatest strengths of this text is the variety of examples to learn from. The book includes 17 chapters that focus on classroom projects. These projects were implemented with students across middle and high school, including not only expected subjects and spaces such as history, creative writing, and language arts but also reading intervention, ESL support, after-school literacy programs, AP classrooms, and science classrooms. Further, the projects used many different arts strategies, some putting multiple art forms together. Teachers describe using documentary-style film, green-screen photo editing, multimedia art, graphic novels, quilt-making, mapping, photography and frame design, experiential theater, monologue, mask-making, and dance.
Most of the projects involved both student creation and student analysis of mentor works. Many also integrated language and research practices such as various forms of writing, revision, discussion, and interviewing. In one of my favorite projects, outlined in Chapter 9, from which the cover image is taken, a teacher of developing multilingual students worked with them to create remixed maps involving graphing and multimedia to visualize data and themes from Toni Morrison’s Beloved. As a reader, I feel inspired by the variety and creativity of these teachers and students to realize that more is possible than I would have imagined on my own.
Another important asset of this text is the practicality with which the authors and editors approached the work. As inspiring as the reading experience was, it also felt realistic. The chapters are largely very clear in their explanation of the projects undertaken, and they include helpful details for anyone wanting to iterate this work. Supports include explanations of lesson progressions, photos of student templates, mentor examples, student samples, and rubrics. In addition, a very growth-focused approach is foregrounded from the start—“Substantive change to one’s pedagogical practice takes time” (p. 8)—and many of the teachers are honest about their challenges and tweaks. Readers are encouraged to jump in and “explore, sample, and dream alongside the ideas” presented (p. 6).
For me as a teacher educator, many of these chapters support the learning my undergraduate students explore in the course I am teaching on drama-related approaches to education. The experiential theater has obvious, direct connections, and I also see much potential in several other projects to inspire possibilities for transdisciplinary arts integration. My one push for the text is that the benefits of shifting across multiple artistic modes is not emphasized or explored much directly. Nevertheless, in my own teaching practice, the text has made me think more deeply about the ways I can model integrating multiple arts into a word study course I teach. As the introduction states, “This moment in educational history calls on us to build back better, to dream a different future for education. Art can take us there” (p. 4). A Primer on Arts Integration has certainly sparked my own dreaming about how I can use art to create a better experience for my students and their future students, too.
January 25, 2025
Ashlan Bishop is a doctoral student in dramatic arts–based research in teaching and learning at The Ohio State University. Before this, she was an elementary and middle school teacher in Florida. She can be reached at Bishop.827@buckeyemail.osu.edu.
Braving Up: Creating Linguistic Equity through Radical Pedagogy
Jonathan “Jonny” Vela
Book review of Dover, A. G., & Rodríguez-Valls, F. (2022). Radically inclusive teaching with newcomer and emergent plurilingual students: Braving up. Teachers College Press.
Radically Inclusive Teaching with Newcomer and Emergent Plurilingual Students: Braving Up is a call to action in education for plurilingual students, offering a comprehensive guide for educators and teacher educators to engage in the necessary practices to create equitable learning experiences. Alison G. Dover and Fernando Rodríguez-Valls provide specific, actionable strategies and ideas to serve this student population, from daily activities in the classroom to systemic change in the structures of educational institutions.
The book begins with the philosophical foundation on which Dover and Rodríguez-Valls’s work is built. The authors call for educators to “brave up” and be willing to dig into the nuanced task of seeing and lifting the humanity of newcomer and emergent plurilingual students. The authors challenge readers to see where they stand in their own cultural beliefs and to question the sociopolitical structures that have governed plurilingual education in the past. Naming our identities and contexts while redefining our preconceived notions lays the foundation for radically inclusive teaching.
Dover and Rodríguez-Valls dedicate the majority of the book to their Language Explorer enrichment programs (teacher educators may find particular value in Chapter 3’s insights into the planning and design process of such programs). These classes “nourish inclusive, academically robust, and fun-learning experiences that provide opportunities for historically marginalized and minoritized young people” (p. 23). The authors describe how they encourage teachers to engage in the same work that will be presented to the students, guiding educators to practice vulnerability in their own identities, collaboratively reenvision what school should be, and co-create an inclusive learning environment rooted in experiential pedagogy.
Regarding facilitation of these programs, the authors stress the importance of establishing classrooms as “global villages” in order to lift and celebrate the identities that each student brings into the space. The curriculum is centered on two questions for the classroom community: “Who are you?” and “Who are we?” (p. 24). Everyone in the community moves freely between “literacies and discursive practices of multiple languages” (p. 27).
In Chapter 4, the authors show how teachers can shift their pedagogical lenses in order to equitably serve and support multilingual students in different methods of learning. Chapters 5 and 6 continue to provide various classroom ideas and activities for students to engage in authentic learning, such as combining visual media and written word to allow for students to translanguage in multiple ways. In Chapter 7, the book’s focus shifts from programs at the classroom level to explore the structural and institutional implications of inclusive multilingual and emergent curriculum. This section includes how these programs can function successfully online.
The book closes with two chapters dedicated to Language Explorer programs in the context of modern educational policies and structures. Dover and Rodríguez-Valls challenge accepted notions of language and call for educators to continue to shift their perspectives, to disrupt norms, and to create heteroglossic learning environments for all students. These chapters are particularly valuable as the authors provide specific guidelines and examples to help educators move these initiatives beyond the classroom. Preservice teachers and their instructors will find organization-oriented exercises that echo the foundational work in Chapters 1 and 2. Teacher educators will learn about leveraging the power of community and collaboration through activities such as naming shared organizational values, shadowing multilingual teachers and students to gain a better understanding of their experiences, and involving people from outside the classroom to support their initiatives. Through these descriptions, Dover and Rodríguez-Valls show the importance of teachers, students, and the surrounding community guiding others and learning from one another within radically inclusive teaching.
January 25, 2025
Jonathan “Jonny” Vela is a doctoral student of theory and practice in teacher education at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. He completed a post-baccalaureate certification in secondary education at Metropolitan State University of Denver (2019) and a master of science degree in Theory and Practice in Teacher Education at the University of Tennessee (2024). As a classroom English teacher, Jonny worked extensively with emergent, multilingual students in middle school and high school settings.
October 2024
Authentically Centering Diverse Learners: A Practical Pedagogical Guide
Hilary A. Lochte
Buffalo State University
Book review of Roseboro, A. J. S., & Steffel, S. B. (2023). Empowering learners: Teaching different genres and texts to diverse student bodies (2nd ed.). Rowman & Littlefield.
Empowering Learners: Teaching Different Genres and Texts to Diverse Student Bodies by Anna J. Small Roseboro and Susan B. Steffel centers the diverse students who fill our two- and four-year colleges and universities and is written for the instructors who support those students every day. Fortunately, the authors’ affirming embrace of diversity as a classroom asset makes this book equally suited for K–12 English teachers, particularly those interested in reshaping their classrooms to empower historically marginalized students. With this text, Roseboro and Steffel challenge readers to meet the opportunities and responsibilities that come with the privilege of teaching broadly diverse groups of learners.
Through eight chapters, the authors share well-designed teaching strategies derived from their own classroom experiences, as well as contributions from 18 colleagues. Framed their approach around genre study, Roseboro and Steffel explore a range of topics—including contemporary novel study, media literacy, teaching with historical fiction, composing essays and speeches, and teaching poetry—and apply established pedagogical principles. In doing so, they have created a text that offers essential guidance for any English teacher who seeks engaging literacy practices.
In this student-centered, asset-based philosophy, students enrich the classroom with their lived experiences and unique perspectives. This approach is ably demonstrated in Chapter 3, “Networking with Narratives to Create Community,” in which the authors map out a unit on the importance of names. In this unit, community is built through the sharing of stories as well as collaborative peer review and peer feedback. The authors provide scaffolded exercises to teach students how to give feedback and how to embrace the editing and revision process as part of a community of learners. They also describe how they have seen students grow as writers while using these strategies.
The genre-focused chapters illustrate scaffolded lessons that lead students from foundational principles to advanced work. Chapter 7, “Taking T.I.M.E. to Teach Poetry,” details ways to incorporate student choice and voice, explore the academic vocabulary of poetry, implement formal and informal poetry assessments, and inviting students to write original poetry. One lesson—“Transmigrating Flash Fiction”—engages students in rewriting short stories as poems, an exercise that enables analysis of two forms of writing while foregrounding creativity. This chapter offers a wealth of additional ideas that could be taught as individual lessons or combined into a cohesive unit, each with a focus on empowering students to read, interpret, and create poems.
Equity is a recurring theme throughout this book. Roseboro and Steffel reinforce the idea that it is an English teacher’s responsibility for all students to leave class fluent in the academic language and skills that will foster success in their remaining studies, regardless of prior academic experience. To accomplish this goal, the authors provide models for reviewing academic literacy basics, including how to navigate and understand textbooks, and for addressing academic vocabulary through student-generated learning strategies. Such is the quiet, practical advocacy of this book: it inspires teachers to see the role they play in inviting diverse students into the culture of higher education and helping them to thrive. This is an equally important message for K–12 classrooms, where students first encounter the academic skills that lead to college success.
Early in the text, Roseboro and Steffel explain that they created Empowering Learners for those who teach at the postsecondary level but who may not have received pedagogical training, and they serve this audience well. Throughout, the authors provide helpful information on structuring lessons, pacing, chunking, and scaffolding units for better student understanding. They also cover check-ins and formative assessments, diverse teaching modalities for meeting the needs of English language learners, and ways to incorporate student choice to foster student motivation. While focused on postsecondary teachers, this text offers a wealth of pedagogical ideas that would benefit any educator, either as a solid introduction for preservice teachers or as a helpful refresher for the experienced English teacher.
October 2, 2024
Hilary Lochte is an assistant professor of English at Buffalo State University with a focus on English education. She teaches courses on the intersection of language and culture, young adult and children’s literature, and teaching and learning in diverse settings. She joined NCTE in 2020.
Moving with the Times: Literacies Before Technologies
Caroline B. Rabalais
Georgia State University
Book review of Hicks, T., & Runstrom, J. (2023). Literacies before technologies: Making digital tools matter for middle grades learners. National Council of Teachers of English.
Literacies Before Technologies: Making Digital Tools Matter for Middle Grades Learners (2023) is essential reading for educators interested in better understanding how meaning-making goes hand in hand with digital literacies. In addition, Troy Hicks and Jill Runstrom’s book addresses issues that many teachers face as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors respond to these challenges with accessible guidance on how to reach and teach all students with the support of new technologies, whether they are in person, online, or in a hybrid approach. Readers will find resources for digital tools that can aid literacy learning in the classroom (also found here: https://hickstro.org/ncte-middle-grades-tech/).
Readers will also discover narratives, based on the authors’ own teaching, that reflect changes necessitated by the COVD-19 pandemic. The authors switch perspectives throughout the book to foreground Runstrom’s experience as a middle level teacher, followed by Hicks’s notes on the challenges Runstrom faced in her teaching during the 2020–2021 school year. As the book closes, Hicks and Runstrom recommend that educators enrich their teaching with multimodal literacies to enhance and evolve English language arts instruction.
The text begins with an overview of NCTE’s 2018 position statement Beliefs for Integrating Technology into the English Language Arts Classroom, and the authors interweave these beliefs into their recommendations for practice throughout the text. These beliefs show that NCTE has been preparing for online teaching for years; they also support literacy learning as a critical, creative endeavor with a focus on social justice and equity. Exploring many digital tools, Hicks and Runstrom describe how to maintain a positive classroom community, support skills instruction, reinforce student identity, diversify one’s classroom library, question students’ implicit biases, and strengthen their understandings of social issues.
In each chapter, along with foregrounding Runstrom’s experiences , the authors weave vignettes from other teachers. These vignettes offer unique yet relatable and authentic experiences of classroom teachers’ learning to implement new digital tools during the COVID-19 pandemic; some teachers also reflect on how they had learned new tools at the request of their students even before the pandemic necessitated such learning.
One teacher, Alex Corbitt, discusses sharing a story written in text messages with his students on Halloween. The language was accessible for his students and helped them learn about tension in stories with a spooky mystery. After consideration, Corbitt decided to allow his students to write their own stories with text messages to help them extend their knowledge of narrative writing. Some students used the TextingStory app, while others used their phone’s own messaging widget to create video and audio recordings of their written stories. In these ways, Corbitt’s students were able to use language accessible to them while employing new forms of technology they had not previously used in the classroom.
Hicks and Runstrom have written a book that is a game changer for educators who want to incorporate more digital tools in their classroom. The narratives from Runstrom’s experiences accessibly situate how she adapted her teaching to the realities of changing times. The images included throughout the book also provide clear visuals for readers who want to see what these tools look like in practice. Although the book contains guidance for middle level educators, the resources and lessons included make it applicable to ELA educators of all levels. With NCTE’s Beliefs for Integrating Technology into the English Language Arts Classroom threaded throughout, Hicks and Runstrom have put together a practical, experience- and research-based text that underscores how new technologies can amplify literacy learning.
October 2, 2024
Caroline B. Rabalais is an English teacher and a doctoral student in language and literacy education at Georgia State University. She has been an NCTE member since 2016 and can be reached at cbedingfield1@gsu.edu.
July 2024
Disability Representation in Young Adult Narratives
Madeline P. Boehning
Rowan University
Book review of Meyer, A. E. (2022). From wallflowers to bulletproof families: The power of disability in young adult narratives. University Press of Mississippi.
Abbye E. Meyer’s (2022) book From Wallflowers to Bulletproof Families: The Power of Disability in Young Adult Narratives is timely amidst the mental health crisis among teens and the recent uptick in young adult (YA) novels featuring characters with mental health needs and various disabilities. In this context, educators may be eager to incorporate disability-inclusive novels into lessons. Before selecting materials, I recommend reading Meyer’s book, which presents important considerations for shifting perspectives on disability and the disability-inclusive book selection process.
Meyer, an assistant professor of children’s literature, argues that disability representation in modern YA narratives has “unimaginable potential” (p. 154) to disrupt dominant narratives about disability and adolescence. She explores the complex parallels between disability and adolescence in YA literature, arguing that the two are inextricably linked as “othered” identities that need to change to fit into the world. Through the book, Meyer contributes to academic literary discussions and provides critical insight into how English teachers and teacher educators can approach discussions of disability representation, building on the work of scholars such as Patricia A. Dunn, Lennard J. Davis, and Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, who have written about disability representation in literature and media.
In a deep dive into the problematic history of disability tropes, Meyer draws critically on classic and contemporary works, beginning with Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye and Plath’s The Bell Jar. Meyer then turns to YA novels to illustrate common literary tropes, such as the archetype of the mentally ill teenager. She presents a comparative analysis of problem novels that “give more attention to lessons than to stories, characters, or other literary complexities” (p. 11) and furthers a convincing argument in favor of works such as Accidents of Nature, a semi-autobiographical novel by Harriet McBryde Johnson, that present disability as a political identity and inspiring activism.
I appreciate Meyer’s critical analysis of contemporary YA narratives’ disability representations found in other media (e.g., television, social media). She includes reviews written by people with disabilities regarding their opinions on specific works—for example, positive reviews of Speechless, a TV series featuring a teenage boy with cerebral palsy and his siblings facing authentic teenage struggles. Meyer suggests that YA fiction and nonfiction narratives found in other media (e.g., songs, television, social media) offer more accurate, nuanced expressions of disability experiences. As a collective, Meyer claims, these authentic narratives unite and strengthen disability communities that include people with disabilities, allies, and families; they are “radically different from in-print novels” (p. 15) in that they disrupt deficit-based narratives of disability and encourage disability activism.
Meyer’s inclusion of the voices of disabled media reviewers comes toward the end of the book and is a strength, and I would have appreciated more disabled perspectives in the initial chapters. Furthermore, doing so aligns with the American Educational Research Association’s 2023 Disability Studies in Education tenets that advocate for centering authentic disabled perspectives. Disability community members and their allies advocate for the amplification of authentic disabled stories. Consistent with this perspective, Meyer favors stories created by authors who are transparent about their own experience of disability or close connection to disability.
As an English teacher who believes that all students have something wonderful to offer the world, I appreciate Meyer’s strengths-based view of difference and disability. For other educators interested in shifting toward a strengths-based view of disability, this book will support that goal. Readers are also likely to discover multiple works they might like to explore themselves or with students. I gained a disability-inclusive perspective on several YA novels I have previously read with middle and high school students. Meyer convinced me to approach these novel studies with a critical perspective. I also added several titles to my to-read list. I cannot wait to explore these works with students as we disrupt the all-too-common deficit-based stories of disability and adolescence together.
July 16, 2024
Madeline P. Boehning is a doctoral student in the inclusive and special education concentration at Rowan University’s College of Education. Before doctoral studies, she taught ELA and humanities for 22 years in middle school, high school, and community college. She has been a member of NCTE since 2005.
Harmonizing Tradition and Today: Teaching Democracy and Justice Through Workshopping the Canon
Laura Jacobs
Towson University
Book review of Styslinger, M. E. (2023). Workshopping the canon for democracy and justice. National Council of Teachers of English.
In Workshopping the Canon for Democracy and Justice, Mary E. Styslinger applies workshop structures to help middle and secondary English language arts teachers effectively teach ELA content and skills through a lens of democracy and justice. This book builds on her Workshopping the Canon (2017) by emphasizing the connection between traditional texts and contemporary global issues. Styslinger’s catalyst for reimaging her work was to provide teachers with tangible ways to address issues of social justice in their classrooms, especially since, “too often, social justice is an espoused idea with little practical application” (p. xii).
Styslinger provides a practical and accessible text with an abundance of valuable resources for readers. The book is composed of eight short chapters, along with five appendixes that provide further resources and support. The chapters define concepts in clear language and offer concrete understandings by including images of handouts and samples of student work, questions to ask, and examples from Styslinger’s classroom. The texts referenced throughout the book are engaging and relevant for capturing the attention of secondary students; as one example, teachers might use an episode of Netflix’s Black Mirror to teach literary theory. Any teacher picking up this text could easily implement the book’s strategies in their classroom the very next day.
Over the course of the text, Styslinger makes a clear case for workshopping as a way to foster democracy and justice. Each chapter highlights pedagogical practices that teachers can use to create authentic opportunities for reading, writing, discourse, and advocacy in order to help students develop awareness and consciousness. For example, in Chapter 2, Styslinger argues that, in order to plan for democracy and justice, teachers must start by examining what they teach and taking a purposeful approach to selecting class texts. She stresses the importance of choosing topics, themes, and texts that provide space for students to identify, understand, and question systems of power, privilege, and oppression in society.
Chapter 6 highlights book clubs and Socratic seminars to promote student discourse. Styslinger asserts that providing opportunities for students to engage in discussion is an effective way to foster justice-mindedness because “talk prompted by text is invaluable to students’ civic education as they hear different opinions and perspectives” (p. 82). In Chapter 7, she suggests that teachers challenge the dominant discourse of traditional modes of writing (e.g., the five-paragraph essay) by allowing students to craft multigenre or multimodal compositions. Additionally, the chapter suggests publishing student work as part of the writing process because a democratic and justice-oriented classroom encourages students to write for real audiences. These examples and the other ideas found throughout the book provide an actionable guide for teachers looking to teach for change.
This updated edition reflects the call in the NCTE Standards for the Initial Preparation of Teachers of English Language Arts 7–12 (2021) to view the teaching of ELA through an antiracist/antibias lens. As teacher educators and teachers work toward creating antiracist and antibias classrooms, they can benefit from Styslinger’s classroom examples of how she has incorporated workshops in relation to potentially challenging topics (e.g., Black Lives Matter). Styslinger positions the workshop strategy as an opportunity for critical discourse and reflection.
In my secondary English methods course, I recently used the first chapter of Workshopping the Canon for Democracy and Justice to provide a clear and concise understanding of reading and writing workshops; I also used the detailed appendixes as a resource for how to pair canonical and contemporary texts as my students develop unit plans. In the future, I plan to assign Chapter 8, focused on supporting student inquiry and agency, to offer my preservice teachers actionable steps to plan for and promote student advocacy in their classrooms. In such ways, this book would be a valuable addition to all English educators’ professional libraries.
July 16, 2024
Laura Jacobs is an assistant professor of English education at Towson University. Her research interests include commercially produced ELA curriculum, digital literacies, and incorporating young adult literature with diverse representation in secondary ELA classrooms. She has been a member of NCTE since 2018.
May 2024
Restorying our English Classrooms
Callie Hammond
North Carolina State University
Book review of Coleman, J. J., Griffin, A. A., & Thomas, E. E. (2023). Restorying young adult literature: Expanding students’ perspectives with digital texts. National Council of Teachers of English.
In Restorying Young Adult Literature: Expanding Students’ Perspectives with Digital Texts, Drs. James Joshua Coleman, Autumn A. Griffin, and Ebony Elizabeth Thomas argue that the literature our students need to read and know how to read now exists not just in physical texts but in a vast digital universe. There is an urgency in the work being done in our English classrooms: Our digital-native students are already participating in new forms of literacy, and teachers need to utilize these texts in order to engage in equitable and justice-oriented teaching.
This book is grounded in the concept of “restorying,” which, as described by the authors, is a way to analyze stories, make meaning, and expand the limits of what we think of as literature. In the introduction, the authors explain a restorying framework first introduced by Thomas and Stornaiuolo (2016) which “involves altering six elements of narrative through acts of reading, writing, and imagining, and in doing so, teachers and students can craft new, more just narratives in their classrooms” (p. 2).
The six elements of restorying are identity, place, mode, perseverance, metanarrative, and time. For each of these, the authors provide suggestions and ideas. For example, a restorying of place might be a piece of fan fiction that puts “Superman in a Star Trek world” (p. 3), while a restorying of time could transport Romeo and Juliet to the modern world. This framework and the suggestions for the six forms of restorying provide an easily adaptable foundation for teachers who are new to restorying and want to try out different types with their students.
The first half of Restorying Young Adult Literature focuses on the people involved in the restorying process, and a wide variety of voices are given space to illustrate this work in action. For instance, Coyote Shook, a nonbinary educator, shares a yearlong curriculum map for speculative fiction that teachers can use in its entirety or in pieces to inspire their current units. The curriculum consists of four units, beginning with “What is speculative fiction?” and ending with “Toward intersectionality.” For each of the four units, Shook provides core texts, summative assessment ideas, and essential questions, as well as ideas and suggestions for classroom implementation.
In Chapter 3 of Restorying, Latrice Ferguson, a doctoral student, describes possible partnerships between classroom teachers and librarians: inviting librarians to give book talks, collaborating on digital storytelling, using digital tools to respond creatively to literature, and asking librarians to provide explicit teaching on navigating and identifying the veracity of digital sources. Chapter 3 ends with Cecily Lewis, the creator of the #ReadWoke hashtag, explaining what the #ReadWoke movement can look like in the classroom. Lewis also provides access to a Google Drive full of instructional resources, including Read Woke Bingo, Read Woke Activities and Lessons, and Read Woke Book Tasting that teachers can easily access and use today.
In the second half of the book, the authors move from the people to the texts themselves. Topics range from considering how race affects classroom text selection to promoting and giving space for students to engage in “identity-bending” in their own writing responses and analyses of texts and characters. The authors also address ideas for utilizing digital platforms such as YouTube and Canva in creative ways.
Restorying Young Adult Literature ends by asking classroom English teachers to continue the journey of exploring digital worlds and digital texts. As the authors write in their conclusion, whether we want change or not, digital forms of literature “will continue to shift, morph, and develop” (p. 93). By utilizing the concrete tools and methods given throughout the book, readers should have a firm foundation on which to start, continue, and sustain this important work in their own classrooms.
Thomas, E. E., & Stornaiuolo, A. (2016). Restorying the self: Bending toward textual justice. Harvard Educational Review, 86(3), 313–338. https://doi.org/10.17763/1943-5045-86.3.313
May 31, 2024
Callie Hammond is a doctoral student at North Carolina State University in the literacy and English language arts education program. Previously, she taught middle school English for nine years in a variety of academic settings: public, charter, and independent. She can be reached at cehammo4@ncsu.edu.
Navigating Digital Storytelling
Celeste Kirsh
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (University of Toronto)
Book review of Pierce, B. (2022). Expanding literacy: Bringing digital storytelling into your classroom. Heinemann.
Given how quickly the nature of writing is changing, Brett Pierce’s (2022) book Expanding Literacy: Bringing Digital Storytelling into Your Classroom arrives at a crucial juncture to alleviate fears, provide guidance, and offer a vision for what can be possible in our classrooms. This conversational and practical text is singular in its ambition: to help upper elementary and secondary teachers see the purpose and value of digital storytelling. All teachers who are looking to leverage the way mobile technology is reprogramming how we tell and consume stories will get something valuable from this book. Specifically, early career teachers will appreciate the abundance of project examples and the thorough look at assessment strategies. Pierce makes the pathway toward digital storytelling clear, paved, and navigable.
The book is divided into four sections: skills, process, story, and practice. In the first section, devoted to skills, Pierce unpacks an uncomfortable truth with which many teachers are well acquainted: we are attempting to prepare young people for a future in a constant state of flux. In response, Pierce makes a case for teaching human skills that are about “training the mind to take calculated risks, look for patterns, and transpose failure into opportunity. They are about listening, delegating, empathizing, and imagining” (p. 30). Digital storytelling is a unique way to develop these human skills because, as a curricular tool, it is collaborative, requires creativity, invites critical thinking, and requires ample research.
The next section speaks to the tension between outcomes (test scores, for example) and a process approach to learning. Many educators’ angst over the advent of ChatGPT seems to relate to outcomes, such as the possibility that students can dishonestly represent their learning by generating writing through AI. While this book was written before ChatGPT3 was available to the public, Pierce’s call to consider more process-based experiences in the classroom to support students’ knowledge generation will likely resonate with educators. In the next section—story—Pierce explores the power and purpose of storytelling and, conversely, how it is ignored as a skill beyond elementary education. He concludes the arc of the text with a deep dive into the practicalities of how these concepts could translate into a classroom.
While Pierce is a seasoned media professional with years of working at Sesame Workshop, he leans on his classroom teaching experience—as well as voices from students and teachers—to provide a guide to envisioning the how of digital storytelling. One example is a “horrific challenge” (p. 125) involving Edgar Allan Poe, where students begin by exploring the style of Poe’s storytelling, including a careful reading and close analysis of various literary elements. Then students film a two- to four-minute horror scene with an explanation of the elements that were borrowed from Poe’ style.
To Pierce’s credit, he acknowledges that transitioning from a more traditional learning model will be a stretch for some. He addresses this reality with gentle reminders throughout the book: digital storytelling is “75 percent about process” (p. 55); teachers do not need to be the expert on the tools or platforms; having a clear project plan can bolster confidence. Pierce does not claim that the road maps he provides will cure the inevitable messiness of process-based digital storytelling, but his optimistic and resourced approach will likely alleviate some readers’ anxiety.
Since anyone can produce media, Pierce argues, there is now an imperative to establish meaningful, coherent storytelling as a standard practice that needs to happen in schools. He strengthens his argument by outlining how digital storytelling addresses issues of equity by allowing for multiple pathways to effective communication, curricular engagement, and young people’s sharing of their voices. Pierce’s book gives a clear rationale for why digital storytelling plays a significant role in the lives of our students, as well as how to both elevate and amplify the necessity for digital literacy in the classroom.
May 31, 2024
Celeste Kirsh is a PhD candidate in the curriculum and pedagogy program at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (University of Toronto) and the host and producer of the Teaching Tomorrow podcast. Prior to her doctoral studies, she was a middle school English and humanities teacher for 11 years. Her scholarly interests gravitate toward critical literacy, digital multimodal composition, initial teacher education, and journalistic learning.
March 2024
An Invitation for Inquiry: Using Disruptive Inquiry in the ELA Classroom
Hannah Bollin
Eastern Michigan University
Book review of Seglem, R., & Bonner, S. (2022). Igniting social action in the ELA classroom: Inquiry as disruption. Teachers College Press.
Robyn Seglem and Sarah Bonner’s Igniting Social Action in the ELA Classroom: Inquiry as Disruption (2022) is an English teacher’s guidebook to designing a learning environment that invites students to think outward, inward, and forward. This work counters standardized, teacher-centered, and performance-oriented classroom practices by advocating for student-centered inquiry and social action in the ELA classroom. A blend of the authors’ firsthand experiences, the work of educational theorists, and reflection questions, this book is divided into three parts, with each part highlighting approaches intended to help students see the world as big, as small, and as a whole.
Part I looks outward at the overarching systems shaping our lives and the lives of others. Noting that there is no such thing as a single story, the text suggests helping students critically examine culture and social forces by exploring the complexities of their own identities and experiences as well as exposing students to perspectives outside their own. This section demonstrates that by encouraging students to ask questions, we “inspire children to think creatively and to see the world in unique ways. And when we take away their questions, we take away their love for learning” (p. 33). To model how to encourage students to ask these questions, the text describes About Me (p. 12) projects that invite students to investigate the complexities of their own story, identity, and experience. Here we see how disruptive inquiry helps students develop the ability to explore their curiosities, examine alternative perspectives, and begin drawing connections between real-world experiences and the systems that shape them.
Part II asks readers to think about the details of our world to explore the underlying intent of the messages we consume and perpetuate. This section prompts educators to help students approach media and other texts with healthy skepticism, deconstruct these texts, examine the experiences of marginalized individuals, and invite the community into the classroom. One notable activity, Deconstructing the Familiar (p. 48), asks students to analyze, question, and trouble forms of media they regularly consume. By encouraging students to practice a healthy skepticism of media, we can “push our students out of a passive role as [a] reader into an active role that requires them to consider others’ stories, as well as how they will choose to see these stories” (p. 46). This section advocates for more voices in the classroom, dismantles dynamics that position teachers as the ultimate knowledge holders, and gives students the autonomy to lead their own inquiry.
Part III focuses on “bring[ing] all this work together so that we can use the information we have gathered to help students see it all and move past just the study of literature” (p. 79, emphasis in original). The authors cite Wesch’s (2018) concept of the anthropologist tool kit to argue that inquiry can lead to action when guided by communication, empathy, and thoughtfulness. To this end, this section details activities such as the Genius Hour, which encourages students to examine familiarities in a different light, design human-centered solutions to communal issues, and use their voices and abilities to work toward change.
Igniting Social Action in the ELA Classroom helps educators consider how they can bring disruptive inquiry into their classroom practices. As a community educator and future teacher educator, I see this book as a valuable resource offering ways to engage student inquiry in and out of the classroom for both practicing and preservice teachers. Seglem and Bonner’s work provides readers with concrete ideas, activities, and resources they can adopt in their classrooms to promote student agency. I highly recommend this book for any educator who wants to make space for students to ask questions, understand different perspectives, and take risks in the classroom.
Wesch, M. (2018). The art of being human. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
March 7, 2024
Hannah Bollin is a doctoral student in educational studies at Eastern Michigan University; her research focuses on queer pedagogy. She teaches at an after-school program for middle school youth. Hannah joined NCTE in 2023 and can be reached via email at hbollin@emich.edu.
Co-Designing the Classroom: Modernizing ELA Classrooms with YA Literature
Kathryn Milschewski
Book review of Ginsberg, R. (2022). Challenging traditional classroom spaces with YA literature: Students in community as course co-designers. National Council of Teachers of English.
Engaging students in meaningful reading is every English teacher’s goal, but we often find that, no matter what instructional strategies we try, our students are still not excited to read. In Challenging Traditional Classroom Spaces with YA Literature, Ricki Ginsberg suggests that it is not just the strategies we use to teach literature but the literature itself that needs to change in English classrooms.
This book is useful for both preservice teachers and current educators as it demonstrates how to infuse young adult texts into classroom practice, develop YA courses, and challenge students to take ownership of their learning. As Ginsberg explains, students need to enjoy what they read in order to fully engage in learning, but, since they struggle to connect to “classic” literature, it is an ineffective learning tool: “Classic texts are not typically relevant or engaging for our students, which is not surprising since they were never intended to be read and appreciated by teens. In other words, we are teaching texts that weren’t written for our students” (p. 2). This text demonstrates that teaching with YA literature can address this problem.
Ginsberg suggests that, in addition to changing what we read in the classroom, we also develop communities of practice to change how we approach student choice. Communities of practice bring students together through common areas of study, or domains. This approach puts students in the driver’s seat, allowing them to choose what areas they study, what novels they read, and how they demonstrate their understanding of class material. Although this may seem daunting, the book includes guidelines for creating norms, defining community roles, and choosing domains of study. Ginsberg extends student choice by suggesting that students engage in meaningful assessments, such as writing to school board members, creating podcasts, and developing community reading programs.
Halfway through my reading, I became somewhat deflated. As an educator in a district that emphasizes standards and approved curriculum, I felt like I could never create the classroom described in this book. Just as I was ready to give up on the practicality of these ideas, Ginsberg described ways to infuse YA literature into established curricula. Many of these suggestions are simple practices, such as read-alouds, independent reading time, and pairing a classic text (e.g., To Kill a Mockingbird) with a more modern text (e.g., The Hate U Give). However, the book transforms these methods into meaningful learning moments by asking students to brainstorm book titles and possible projects to explore learning domains. Ginsberg also provides detailed guidelines for developing stand-alone YA literature courses that teacher educators can utilize to teach course design and development. Preservice teachers can then learn how to develop a diverse classroom library, create a course proposal, and work through the course approval process.
Ginsberg closes the text by encouraging educators to cultivate exciting literary lives of their own. The book provides resources for exploring the publishing industry and literary awards, and it encourages us to keep up with the latest releases to understand students’ tastes. She reminds us that enthusiasm and interest are catching and that educators “must be active readers who are able to contribute to the communities of practice we forge in our classrooms” (p. 115).
Challenging Traditional Classroom Spaces with YA Literature guides educators to engage students in the classroom and help them become lifelong readers. This book offers solutions to get students interested in reading, frameworks to create space for student choice in the classroom, and ways to encourage students to become independent readers. Though educators at all levels will take new ideas away from this text, it is particularly helpful for preservice teachers because it provides concrete methods to bring these approaches into any classroom they may enter in the future.
March 7, 2024
Kathryn Milschewski is a seventh-grade English teacher in Kenosha, Wisconsin. In addition to teaching, she writes book reviews and writes for several online magazines. She joined NCTE in 2023.
December 2023
Infusing Digital and Multimodal Literacies into ELA Teacher Preparation
Anna McNulty Taylor
University of Minnesota
Book review of Schmidt, P. S., & Kruger-Ross, M. J. (2022). Reimagining literacies in the digital age: Multimodal strategies to teach with technology. National Council of Teachers of English.
Reimagining Literacies in the Digital Age by Pauline S. Schmidt and Matthew J. Kruger-Ross (2022) seeks to help ELA teacher educators incorporate multimodal texts and digital literacies into their courses. Schmidt and Kruger-Ross are in the unique position of having co-taught courses focused on educational technology in ELA; this book draws on their expertise. Written during the COVID-19 pandemic, the book is a timely and accessible exploration of the nexus of literacies and technologies impacting ELA education today.
For me as a former ELA teacher now teaching in an initial licensure program, this text spoke to needs that have emerged in my practice. When I taught high school ELA in under-resourced schools, my students and I had minimal access to technology. My approach to technology was to “figure it out,” accessing whatever technologies were available and using trial and (lots of) error to find approaches that worked. I know my students would have benefited from learning digital literacies in more formal ways, which is one of many reasons I’m excited to draw from this text in my work with preservice teachers. Reimagining Literacies in the Digital Age met me at this point in my journey and opened my eyes to exciting and accessible ways to expand the role of technology in my work.
One especially welcome tool I’ve taken from this book is the “four I multimodal strategy (FIMS)” (p. 7) to help educators understand the complexities involved in consuming and producing multimodal texts. Schmidt and Kruger-Ross argue that the four Is—identifying, considering the impact and influence of, and imagining the opportunities unleashed by multimodal texts—can empower both teachers and students to harness the potential of digital literacies. FIMS is woven throughout the text, applied to preservice teachers’ coursework and inservice classroom settings alike.
The structure of the text helps readers dig into different realms of literacy. The book is divided into three sections focusing on different kinds of texts: visual, aural, and multimodal. Each section features a theoretical chapter framing core considerations about its particular form of literacy, followed by two chapters describing examples that demonstrate how to think about consuming and producing such texts. This structure helped me anchor theoretical concepts in material practice through concrete examples. For example, theoretical discussion of aural literacies came to life in the chapter examining podcast creation. Though I’ve used podcasting in my teaching, I left this chapter with a deeper understanding of the potential of this form of literacy for teaching.
Reimagining Literacies in the Digital Age is also a multimedia text. QR codes linking to multimedia resources pepper the pages, enabling readers to explore the book’s concepts in ways rarely afforded in academic reading. Resources linked in the text, such as episodes recorded by the authors for the What’s Going On in This Picture? podcast of the New York Times, and examples of student work from the authors’ courses, have encouraged me to read and reread as new concepts become salient.
One limitation of this text is that the unique co-teaching relationship and hybrid class format Schmidt and Kruger-Ross draw from mean their insights may not be easily translated into traditional compartmentalized initial licensure programs. The program I teach in, for example, has English education preservice teachers learning about educational technology from a team that doesn’t work closely or co-teach with ELA methods instructors. Resources to help bridge such gaps would have been welcome additions. I also found myself wishing for a student-facing reading list that I could draw from to infuse digital literacies more meaningfully into my reading-focused courses.
Ultimately, I recommend this text to educators working with preservice ELA teachers, especially those looking to update their thinking about digital literacies and educational technology. Reimagining Literacies in the Digital Age is already helping me reshape the courses I teach, and I’m excited to bring these insights to my teaching for years to come.
December 19, 2023
Anna McNulty Taylor (she/her/hers) is a PhD candidate in literacy education in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Minnesota. Prior to starting PhD coursework, she worked as a teacher, reading specialist, and instructional coach in St. Louis, Missouri, for 13 years; she was St. Louis Public Schools’ 2019 Supporting School Leader of the Year. Her research interests include adolescent reading, disciplinary literacy, and professional learning for inservice teachers.
Independent Reading: A Refreshing Approach
Zachary Milford
Eastern Kentucky University
Book review of Robb, L. (2022). Increase reading volume: Practical strategies that boost students’ achievement and passion for reading. National Council for Teachers of English.
In Increase Reading Volume: Practical Strategies That Boost Students’ Achievement and Passion for Reading, Laura Robb addresses a known problem in education: “whether you teach English in middle or high school and have a required curriculum to deliver, the reality you face is that not all students in your class can read and comprehend these texts” (p. 99). Though Robb acknowledges that developing reluctant students into faithful readers is difficult, this book demonstrates how practical approaches along with “patience and time can change the reading attitudes of students” (p. 35).
While contemporary K–12 reading comprehension and fluency education continue to focus on assessing skills, Robb cultivates an approach centered on emotional and intellectual engagement (p. 4), reasoning that common approaches to “remedial” reading programs with “skill and drill worksheets and reading cards with short text and five multiple-choice questions” (p. 1) do not work. Instead, this book encourages teachers to utilize informal book shares, peer book conferences, and book talks. These methods work toward the goal of developing lifelong readers simply for the love of reading. Furthermore, Robb’s list of “Ten Ways Students Benefit from Independent Reading” does not mention specific standards at all; instead, she cites empathy, imagination, passion, and enjoyment as the benefits of reading. While this book does offer methods for instruction and assessment, what makes it so refreshing is how trust, communication, and the joy of reading center all of its practices.
Since each chapter highlights counter-approaches to common instructional practices, Increase Reading Volume is an important read for preservice teachers (PSTs). Robb argues educators should disrupt “the status quo in education . . . by creating a curriculum that offers students diverse texts and materials” (p. 17). In Chapter 2, she offers guiding questions in support of selecting equitable texts that could lead PSTs to consequential discussions about their curriculum choices. PSTs could readily incorporate the strategies, journal prompts, and structures offered in Chapters 3 and 6 into their practice. For example, each of the “Open-Ended Prompts” connects students’ lives with their texts (pp. 106–107). Sample class schedules in Chapter 4 could also serve PSTs as they begin to navigate the challenge of scheduling classes.
Increase Reading Volume is also a treasure trove of resources for educators, instructional coaches, and principals who want to build a culture of literacy in their schools. Although the book is most applicable to the intermediate and middle grades, its model unit on The Pearl by John Steinbeck—along with other core and contemporary text units highlighting works such as Amal Unbound by Aisha Saeed and Brown Girl Dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson—demonstrate that its methods can work in high school settings as well.
Even though this book is full of practical strategies, some methods may not be applicable in all settings. For example, while classroom libraries, the cornerstone of the book, are fantastic resources, not all teachers have the means to build large classroom libraries. In addition, Robb’s suggestion that teachers need not preread all of the books in their units may be undermined by the current political climate. New laws—such as HB1467 in Florida requiring instructional texts to be available for parental review and prior approval by media specialists—are likely to have a chilling effect on incorporating unread contemporary texts.
This book’s main strengths lie in its practical applicability and its contagious passion for creating readers. As Robb reminds her audience, “your enthusiasm for and engagement in reading can rub off on students as they choose books” (p. 14), and the book’s enthusiasm for reading can do the same for its audience. As an ELA teacher who has felt dismayed by the gravitation toward computer-based instruction, online pathways, and excerpt-only literacy instruction, I found this book to be helpful and refreshing. Increase Reading Volume is a necessary demonstration of how educators can incorporate student choice, independent reading, and both classic and contemporary texts into their classrooms.
December 19, 2023
Zachary Milford is a doctoral student in curriculum leadership at Eastern Kentucky University. His research interests include perception of school membership and middle school ELA classroom environment. He has taught middle school language arts and social studies for six years and has been a member of NCTE since 2021.
Revisiting and Renewing Our Reading Practices through Book Clubs
Karrȧ Shimabukuro
Elizabeth City State University
Book review of Polleck, J. (2022). Facilitating youth-led book clubs as transformative and inclusive spaces. Teachers College Press.
Jody Polleck opens Facilitating Youth-Led Book Clubs by reflecting on an early book club experience at her New York City high school with five young women of color. For this meeting, Polleck chose a chapter from the “outdated” (p. 1) book Tiger Eyes by Judy Blume to share how her initial reading experience of this book helped her deal with death and trauma growing up. She did not expect the girls to show interest in the text or share their personal experiences with death in response to it; when they did, Polleck questioned whether she was “prepared to have these conversations with youth” (p. 3). Inspired to learn more about how “to provide inclusive and transformative forums where we can address students’ academic and social-emotional development” (p. 3), Polleck offers a fresh perspective on how educators can best serve students by creating book clubs as inclusive spaces organized around responsive practices and joy.
This book provides practical ways teacher educators and preservice teachers can establish student-centered book clubs in classrooms, as an extracurricular activity, or as support for young people in the larger community. Throughout the book, Polleck illustrates how book clubs can cultivate joy and fun by including examples of young people seeing book clubs as “a space for healing” (p. 13), students excitedly choosing texts according to their interests, and students creating their own norms and prioritizing “fun” in their reading.
The text juxtaposes the experience of the book club with examples of how to organize clubs through guided discussions and assessments that help students respond to texts. Each chapter ends with a “Take Action Now!” section that offers concrete ways for educators to put the book’s models into action in the classroom. Polleck makes implementation even easier with solid and clear explanations, examples, resources, and QR codes that take readers to a webpage with supplemental material. Since the book is organized in a way that invites readers to revisit the text, it serves as an excellent touchstone for preservice teachers and teacher educators alike, one they can return to when they need to refresh classroom reading practices. Based on my time as a high school English teacher, I appreciate how easily these techniques and ideas can be adapted: from implementing station rotations to thinking more intentionally about choosing novels to helping students approach choice in their reading.
The text offers several positive contributions to conversations on book club design and facilitation, such as its model of intentionality, explanations of how authorial position influences and affects a work, and clear outlines for applying the many aspects of this approach. However, the text also has a few drawbacks, especially concerning language use. For instance, the book reproduces harmful language about autism in a quote from a participant (p. 56). Polleck’s attempt to introduce new teachers to different critical lenses misrepresents multiple lenses by lumping them together under the label of CRT: “feminism, Lat Crit (Latinx Critical Race Theory, CRT), Asian American CRT, Tribal CRT, DisCrit and ableism, intersectionality, Marxism, and queer theories” (p. 126). This conflation replicates recent misreadings of these lenses touted by opponents of the teaching of intersectionality and diversity. Applying a feminist or queer critical lens or teaching intersectionality is not the same as teaching critical race theory, and in these troubled times, it is dangerous to equate these branches of interpretation.
Still, Facilitating Youth-Led Book Clubs is an excellent resource for ELA educators at all levels because it offers a valuable foundation for those who want to form book clubs. Moreover, the book’s attention to the personal connections we make with texts—and with students through these texts—provides an excellent reminder for educators to revisit our practice through renewed eyes, encouraging us to remember the joy of classroom reading.
December 19, 2023
Karrȧ Shimabukuro joined NCTE in 2016 and has been an English teacher for 22 years. She currently teaches composition and literature and educates would-be high school English teachers at Elizabeth City State University in North Carolina.
Making a Way Out of No Way
Susan Weinstein
Louisiana State University
Book review of Skerrett, A., & Smagorinsky, P. (2022). Teaching literacy in troubled times: Identity, inquiry, and social action at the heart of instruction. Corwin Press.
The last few years have laid bare the critical need for school experiences that help students develop the ability to conduct careful research on questions of sociopolitical significance; to have respectful conversations across differences of opinion, experience, and identity; and to develop strategic, collaborative plans for action. At the same time, standardized testing and curriculum continue to make teaching to these needs challenging, if not impossible.
Teaching Literacy in Troubled Times by Allison Skerrett and Peter Smagorinsky offers thoughtful and practical guidance for educators who are up for this challenge. With chapters on identity, critical inquiry, social change advocacy, empathy and understanding, racial literacy, and disputed terms, this book’s focus is education for civic responsibility and the development of an informed and engaged populace. It aims to support the development of teachers and students who are equipped to consistently practice “inquiry and investigation and insights” (p. 4) in the world as it is and as it might become.
Each of the book’s six chapters first describes and defines a theme relevant to our current sociopolitical context before outlining methods for how teachers might teach the chapter’s theme in the classroom. These descriptions are followed by “in practice” sections that show how teachers around the country have used these methods in their classrooms. For these sections, the authors shared an early draft of each chapter with a classroom teacher, who then developed a unit using the chapter. One thing I noticed throughout the book is that each chapter speaks to the others, creating an organic whole that offers an overarching orientation to teaching and learning with justice, critical inquiry, and concrete action at its core.
Each chapter offers guiding questions, class activities and assignments, and assessments. Regarding the last of these, I appreciate the recognition in Chapter 2 that “many teachers are required to issue grades frequently, which tends to work against process-oriented teaching” (p. 72). Standardized grading practices have never fit neatly with critical pedagogies, creating ethical struggles for many teachers (including me). However, since many teachers must grade, the authors provide example rubrics to support teachers in grading without reproducing the potentially detrimental effects of direct evaluation on students’ social-emotional learning. For example, in Chapter 4, “Teaching Empathy and Understanding,” the authors offer several suggestions related to grading student work without veering into “the judgmental role of grading empathic growth” (p. 142).
The authors also address the risks inherent in social justice–oriented classrooms, especially in our current moment of moral panic over concepts such as critical race theory and gender identity. This social reality requires a careful and practical approach to social justice in the classroom. We see one version of this intentional caution in Chapter 3, when a teacher, Alex, presents her plans to teach a unit on social change to school administration “using language that she knew would not raise undue concern” (p. 99). Like teachers in other chapters, Alex takes care to connect her plans for the unit to official learning standards and goals.
As I read Teaching Literacy in Troubled Times, I thought about my undergraduate secondary English teacher candidates. Every year, I find that their field experiences make them more fatalistic about teacher agency. Although they enjoy reading about and discussing critical approaches to the ELA classroom, they express doubts about enacting such approaches, sometimes wondering what the point is of studying teaching methods they won’t be able to implement. For this reason, I was grateful for this book’s descriptions of how teachers managed challenges that arose in response to the themes and topics they taught as well as the time their units required.
This book reminded me how many teachers proceed with courage and integrity despite the challenges they face from policymakers, community members, and sometimes their own administrators and colleagues. These are teachers who are making a way out of what can sometimes, on bad days, seem like no way at all.
December 19, 2023
Sue Weinstein is the MacCurdy Distinguished Professor of English at Louisiana State University, and she currently chairs the LSU Department of English. She has authored two books on teenage writers. She joined NCTE back in 1996 as an MA student at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
September 2023
Text Engagement: Incorporating Drama Techniques in the ELA Classroom
Laura Beal
Independent Scholar
Book review of Garey, J. F. (2021). Theater, drama, and reading: Transforming the rehearsal process into a reading process. National Council of Teachers of English.
Theater, Drama, and Reading: Transforming the Rehearsal Process into a Reading Process offers an alternative approach to close reading, inferencing, and meaning-making in ELA instruction. In her classroom experiences, author Judith Freeman Garey noticed that students were more engaged with texts when reading involved “an interactive process of making [the] text visible, concrete, and meaningful” (p. xx). To achieve this engagement, Garey proposes that ELA teachers incorporate techniques borrowed from theater into their lessons.
This book describes a framework allowing students to take on the personas of “actors read[ing] to build characters’ lives, designers read[ing] to construct context, and directors read[ing] to generate action” (p. 9). Together, these roles work to build students’ deeper understanding of literary texts. Over four sections, Theater, Drama, and Reading demonstrates how to introduce each role and how to employ them using examples from Garey’s classroom to support her framework.
The book’s introduction outlines the relationships between drama and ELA classrooms, Common Core Standards, and online environments. Then, Section I—Reading as a Theater Artist—contextualizes techniques from the theater world and describes the responsibilities of each student’s role. Section II, Application in the Classroom, makes up the bulk of the text. Here, Garey demonstrates how to apply theater techniques in the ELA classroom, using the poem “Oranges” by Gary Soto and the short story “Thank You, M’am” by Langston Hughes.
Although the sample lessons unfold over a two-class-period time frame, the lesson timelines are flexible. Each lesson begins by front-loading definitions and explanations of dramatic techniques and orienting students to the reading strategies they use. Garey offers a two-part reading practice in which the first reading is done as “ourselves” and the second reading asks students to read the text in assigned roles, each of which has a list of responsibilities outlined in the role’s worklist. Garey emphasizes that teachers should encourage students to share their learning from previous classes through reflections and class discussions to support their engagement with the text in these roles.
The book also outlines teachers’ responsibilities during activities and lessons. They can take on the roles of actor, designer, and director to model them for students and guide students “toward achieving their goals” (p. 35). The “Delving Deeper” feature in each chapter models how teachers can inspire their students to infer information by exploring their interpretations of the text while encouraging them to continually “refer back to the textual evidence” (p. 73) to support their claims.
Early in the book, Garey explains her goal of making texts visible to her students; based on the examples of student work and anecdotal evidence, she achieves that goal. Throughout the Application section, students’ annotated poems, filled-in worksheets in the role of set designer, and sketches of the classroom layout for productions illustrate student responses to the lessons. The annotations of Soto’s poem, as shown in Figure 5.2 (p. 47), and the detailed analysis of Hughes’ short story for character relationships shown in Figure 5.7 (p. 60) indicate that drama techniques can successfully provide a door (Bishop, 1990) into texts by making them more accessible.
These examples also highlight other benefits of Garey’s approach. The activities in the text require students to work alongside their peers to produce scripts, set designs, and action sequences. To complete those tasks, students must work together to “develop, implement, and communicate new ideas . . . effectively” while also being “open and responsive to new and diverse perspectives” (Partnership, 2019, p. 4), thus encouraging the development of students’ communication and collaboration skills. Thanks to Garey’s detailed instructions and the inclusion of student examples, teacher educators and teachers seeking alternative methods of reading instruction will find this book a helpful and engaging resource to create opportunities for students to read critically and actively.
Bishop, R. S. (1990). Mirrors, windows, and sliding glass doors. Perspectives: Choosing and Using Books for the Classroom, 6(3), ix–xi.
Partnership for 21st Century Learning. (2019). Framework for 21st century learning definitions. Battelle for Kids, https://static.battelleforkids.org/documents/p21/p21_framework_definitionsbfk.pdf
September 9, 2023
Laura Beal was a high school English teacher in Texas before attending the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, to obtain a PhD in education. While at UT, she focused on the use of young adult literature as a tool for self-discovery and catharsis. She now teaches Introduction to Teaching as a Profession to high school students interested in becoming educators. She joined NCTE in 2017.
Gaining a Better Understanding of Critical Literacy through Stories of Sports
KáLyn Coghill
Virginia Commonwealth University
Book review of Garland, K., Dredger, K. S., Beach, C. L., & Leogrande, C. (Eds.) (2021). Stories of sports: Critical literacy in media production, consumption, and dissemination. Rowman & Littlefield.
Stories of Sports: Critical Literacy in Media Production, Consumption, and Dissemination is an edited collection exploring the intersections of media, critical literacy, and social justice in sports stories. Composed of nine chapters, the book applies a critical literacy lens to analyze pedagogical practices, disability, coach and youth relationships, diabetes in sports, women in sports, and students’ writing about sports. Although I’m not personally drawn to sports, I was excited to see how the authors applied critical literacy to this subject matter.
Critical literacy is a relatively new topic for me, but the book makes it accessible in part due to the use of well-known sports. In this context, the authors use critical literacy to examine discrimination—whether blatant or embedded—within different forms of media. While all the chapters were enjoyable, Chapters 1 and 3 stood out the most to me.
In the first chapter, Katherin Garland helpfully breaks down critical literacy and how it informs views of social justice in sports. Her writing style and explanation of concepts and questions help to create a foundation for later chapters. In Chapter 3, Luke Rodesiler, Mark A. Lewis, and Alan Brown examine coach-student relationships in sports-related films. Their examples of the many roles that coaches embody—such as teacher, tactician, authoritarian, and disciplinarian—easily connect to teacher-student relationships since teachers often occupy multiple roles in students’ lives.
The variety of examples throughout all of the chapters is a strength that allows the book to appeal to various audiences. In Chapter 2, for example, Brian Sheehy looks at the ways in which baseball-related media texts shape the beliefs and behaviors of those engaged with those texts, impacting their political ideologies. In Chapter 6, Cynthia Martin begins with a personal narrative before discussing counternarratives in sports and their ability to impact the stigmatizing of diabetes in sports media.
ELA teachers and teacher educators can use this edited collection in many ways. The sports-related stories, movies, and pop culture references addressed by the authors make it easy to create engaging lessons that employ relatable content. In addition, the examples support conversations about what is happening in the media and how students can process information from the media through a critical literacy lens. Personally, I am excited to use this book to create a classroom environment where students can examine stories about sports, analyze media, and interrogate issues of discrimination and bias.
September 9, 2023
KáLyn Coghill is a doctoral student in the Media, Art, and Text program at Virginia Commonwealth University, where she teaches courses in the Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies. She has been a member of NCTE since 2020.
Teaching and Talking about Race in the Mindful Classroom
Jessica Schwind
University of Tennessee
Book review of Leverette, T. (2022). The mindful classroom: Constructive conversations on race, identity, and justice. Rowman & Littlefield.
In recent years, ELA teachers and teacher educators have worked actively to be antiracist in their curriculum, faculty development, and support for minority students. However, it is not always clear what antiracist pedagogy and practices look like. Tru Leverette provides a framework for cultivating antiracism and social justice in the classroom in The Mindful Classroom: Constructive Conversations on Race, Identity, and Justice.
The book’s six chapters provide a unique approach to teaching and talking about race by blending pedagogy, race theory, and mindfulness. Beginning with the first chapter, Leverette prompts readers to examine individual and collective identity politics by asking, What is race really, and how does it shape who I am? Educators are encouraged to interrogate the basis of beliefs and assumptions about race rather than form a consensus about racial ideology. Chapter 2 then provides an actionable framework for creating constructive classroom conversations about race, including lists of ineffective and effective discussion strategies and practices to address resistance.
Chapter 3 attends to the role of literature in conversations about race, situating previous discussions about identity awareness and empathy in the literary space. Leverette draws on her literacy background to consider literature’s potential to foster productive engagement with different perspectives. Chapters 4 and 5 offer model syllabi, community-based learning projects, and assignments to foster antiracist pedagogy that extends beyond the classroom. Finally, Chapter 6 provides a critical perspective that is often overlooked in teacher education texts: the lived classroom experiences of students told in their own voices.
Interspersed throughout the text are mindfulness and movement practices—including body, mind, and spirit exercises, with accommodations for diverse learners—intended to release tension, refocus our observing minds, and encourage us to listen without judgment. Educators committed to trauma-informed practices may find the mindfulness practices especially enlightening in the context of classroom conversations about race. Implementing these practices may be unfamiliar, but they can become welcome and indispensable class routines.
The most transformative concept Leverette introduces is her reframing of antiracist education by posing the question What counts as antiracist education for students of color? In educators’ attempts to raise the racial consciousness of white students, students of color often become participant observers of the white students’ racial awakening. To avoid sidelining students of color, Leverette offers a framework for working with white students to develop antiracist skills while actively fostering a classroom where students of color are equally empowered toward growth and personal development. ELA teachers and teacher educators must also reflect on this dynamic in their text selection. In an attempt to provide a diverse curriculum, teachers often select texts that singularly situate Black experience in racism and trauma. While literature has the capacity to build empathy, we must also attend to the racial trauma of students of color through literary violence in classroom spaces.
Leverette’s evaluation of racial literacy and antiracist education illuminated and transformed the way I personally understand and attend to antiracism in my work and teaching. I am more intentional in privileging practices that decenter white students as the beneficiaries of antiracist pedagogy and in disrupting the narrative that racial awareness can be achieved only through bearing witness to racial trauma by instead selecting texts that feature joy, agency, and empowerment. For teacher educators, integrating this text into classroom conversations models how preservice teachers can develop more mindful antiracist classrooms.
The Mindful Classroom is a masterful quilt of antiracist theory, pedagogy, and actionable practices. The book’s aim is not to suggest a consensus about educators’ and students’ social justice responsibilities. Rather, it highlights how individuals have different roles to play in achieving the shared goal of social justice based on a deep understanding of their racial identity, positions, and privileges.
September 9, 2023
Jessica Schwind is a doctoral candidate at the University of Tennessee, and her research focuses on refining antiracist and trauma-informed approaches to literacy by investigating the lived experiences of Black students in secondary ELA classrooms. She has been a member of NCTE since 2021.
Growing Writers . . . and Their Teachers in Professional Knowledge
Lara Searcy
Northeastern State University
Book review of Whitney, A. E. (2021). Growing writers: Principles for high school writers and their teachers. National Council of Teachers of English.
Growing Writers: Principles for High School Writers and Their Teachers makes the process of translating policy statements into classroom-based practice seamless by expanding the principles established in NCTE’s position statement Professional Knowledge for the Teaching of Writing (National Council of Teachers of English, 2016). Although the principles are freely available on NCTE’s website, this book is a valuable resource because it demonstrates how to put the principles into practice in today’s classrooms. For teachers who may have “entered the profession without a dedicated course on the teaching of writing” (p. 124) and for those who desire a more content-focused resource, Anne Elrod Whitney provides active, coherent, and collective professional knowledge that can help educators fill the gaps in their writing pedagogy.
In Chapter 1, Whitney asks readers to “think about professional knowledge” and makes the case for “grounding practice in principles.” This chapter establishes the importance of teacher research—through both formal and informal inquiry, in and out of the classroom—because “it gives us a reflective filter for enhancing and deepening practices” as well as an “evaluative filter for evaluating practices suggested” (p. 10). Chapter 2, “A Vision of Writing and Writing Instruction,” engages readers in discussion of what professional knowledge is and isn’t. The book explores what each principle “really looks like in our day-to-day teaching of writing” (p. 15) through Whitney’s active, modeled inquiry of her own “constant learning, constant reflection, and constant interrogation” (p. 14). Whitney’s personal examples address the conflict between what we know and what we do as writing instructors, such as using prescribed, formulaic writing templates.
Part II of the book, including Chapters 3 through 9, poses the paradox of teaching—“the better we get at it, the more unsatisfied we become with doing things the same old way year after year and hoping they work” (p. 39)—before taking readers “in the classroom” to observe “teachers on their practice.” Whitney highlights the perspectives of other teacher-authors who represent a diverse range of experiences, backgrounds, and classroom contexts. These chapters model the “lively, ongoing conversation among teachers of writing” (p. 7) by providing real-world examples of how teachers apply principles to the instruction of writing practices, creative writing, collaborative genres, writing rituals, disrupting of texts, civic identities, revision, and voice. These insights provide teachers, especially preservice teachers, with concrete examples of skills they can use to dig deeper into the practice of teaching writing.
The book’s greatest strength is its expansion of the NCTE (2016) writing principles through its incorporation of classroom contexts and narrative experiences. Whitney shares her experience in mediating writing principles with more organic writing practice. Reflecting on how her practice became more grounded, she describes the process of realizing that professional knowledge “confirms, extends, and at times challenges” what we do as writing instructors (p. 10). Her perspective is refreshing because, as she discusses in Part III, we all grow in our professional knowledge, demonstrating how writing teaching practice evolves over time.
As an ELA teacher educator, I plan to incorporate Growing Writers into my Advanced Composition for Teachers course to engage my preservice teachers in more meaningful discussions about the importance of grounding their writing and teaching practices in principles. This book provides “intentional, powerful lenses through which to view and reflect on our own practice” (p. 5), thus centering principles as sources of ideas and guiding us on how to defend practices. This type of active learning aids teachers in navigating and advocating for best writing practices. Moreover, I want to incorporate this text into my professional development trainings with current teachers who need support developing efficacy in their writing instruction. Since Growing Writers affirms the importance of each principle through expansion, discussion, teachers’ experiences, and classroom narratives, this text will be a great aid to professional knowledge growth for both pre- and inservice teachers.
National Council of Teachers of English. (2016, February 28). Professional Knowledge for the Teaching of Writing. https://ncte.org/statement/teaching-writing/
September 9, 2023
Lara Searcy is an associate professor and the English education specialist at Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, Oklahoma, where she teaches and advises English teacher candidates. She is a former high school English teacher and middle school literacy resource specialist and is a National Board Certified Teacher in Adolescence and Young Adulthood / English Language Arts. She has been a proud member of NCTE since 2014 and is the former president and current executive secretary and treasurer of the Oklahoma affiliate (OKCTE).
June 2023
Teaching the Strategies: Deemphasizing Whiteness in ELA Texts
Arianna Banack
Purdue University
Book review of McCann, T. M., & Knapp, J. V. (2022). Teaching literature in high school: Principles into purposeful practice. Rowman & Littlefield.
Teaching Literature in High School: Principles into Purposeful Practice models strategies that will help “students learn the procedures for disciplined reading of complex texts” (p. 7). Each of the book’s nine chapters provides in-depth analysis of a sample text and demonstrates the use of a suggested teaching strategy with that text.
The book opens with a chapter on frontloading background knowledge or themes through anticipation guides, while the rest of the text focuses on specific practices, such as locating irony and engaging in performance when reading plays. To illustrate how to teach these reading strategies, the authors rely on textual examples from the Western literary canon, making this book particularly useful to teachers drawing upon the canon for their classroom texts.
The strengths of the book lie in McCann and Knapp’s deep analyses of texts and detailed instructions for each teaching strategy. For example, in Chapter 4, they demonstrate how to recognize rules of configuration in literature and explain how to use those rules to guide students into making predictions about a short story. Additionally, the authors include example discussion questions and excerpts from online discussions of the story, taken from students in the authors’ courses. Teachers who use, or wish to use, the texts analyzed by McCann and Knapp will find the book a valuable resource, thanks to the ease of implementing the suggested teaching strategies with the provided texts. Teachers who wish to use different texts may also adapt the provided procedures to more contemporary texts.
As we know, the ELA classroom is a site that continues to reinforce racism and white supremacy (Baker-Bell, 2019; Johnson et al., 2017). Therefore, one concern involves the book’s inconsistent engagement with texts by BIPOC authors. Although one chapter’s central text is Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun, the lack of attention given to diverse voices is a glaring omission throughout the rest of the book. McCann and Knapp do reference texts by BIPOC authors for use as extensions or scaffolds, but the singular use of a play by a Black author demonstrates the lack of engagement with texts by BIPOC authors overall.
Another concern involves the authors’ use of the Dr. Seuss book And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street to introduce critical lenses. This text contains racist images of Asian American characters (Ishizuka & Stephens, 2019), identified by McCann and Knapp as “questionable images” with “unfortunate implications” (p. 68). The authors include a sample letter of complaint about the book that notes “negative stereotyping of Asians and the elderly” (p. 67), but they do not explicitly name the racism or consider the harm done by using racist images of Asian American characters to teach a lesson on thinking and writing critically.
Although the procedures presented in Teaching Literature in High School have merit, teacher educators and teachers would benefit from the inclusion of more contemporary and diverse text examples. Inservice teachers and preservice teachers alike need support in diversifying their classroom curriculum; instructional texts like this one can support this work by demonstrating how ELA teachers can use diverse texts to analyze literary elements and engage in thoughtful discussion. For example, in Chapter 2, a novel such as Toni Morrison’s Beloved might be used to demonstrate the importance of building background knowledge; in Chapter 5, contemporary YA literature such as Paula Yoo’s From a Whisper to a Rallying Cry could be used to introduce students to critical lenses. Inclusion of more diverse authors and texts, rather than reliance on texts typically found in the literary canon, would strengthen the ideas offered in McCann and Knapp’s book in purposeful ways.
Baker-Bell, A. (2019). Dismantling anti-Black linguistic racism in English language arts classrooms: Toward an anti-racist Black language pedagogy. Theory into Practice, 50(1), 8-21.
Ishizuka, K., & Stephens, R. (2019). The cat is out of the bag: Orientalism, anti-Blackness, and white supremacy in Dr. Seuss’s children’s books. Research on Diversity in Youth Literature, 1(2).
Johnson, L. L., Jackson, J., Stoval, D. O., & Baszile, D. T. (2017). “Loving Blackness to death”: (Re)Imagining ELA classrooms in a time of racial chaos. English Journal, 106(4), 60–66.
June 2, 2023
Arianna Banack is a visiting assistant professor of English education at Purdue University. Her research interests include supporting educators and teacher educators in using diverse young adult literature toward critical literacy in the classroom. She is coeditor of The ALAN Review and has been a member of NCTE since 2013.
Honesty and Hope: An Examination of Working Toward Equity
Meg Grizzle
University of Arkansas
Book review of Perry, T. B., Zemelman, S., & Smith, K. (2022). Teaching for racial equity: Becoming interrupters. Stenhouse.
Teaching for Racial Equity: Becoming Interrupters by Tonya B. Perry and Steven Zemelman with Katy Smith is an essential text for beginner and veteran teachers alike, one I wish I had had the opportunity to read as a novice teacher nine years ago. This book would have problematized my pursuit of equality and provided an accessible framework for creating racial equity in my classroom. Perry, Zemelman, and Smith encourage teachers to acknowledge intersectionalities, question biases and assumptions, and analyze systems and practices that continue to shape approaches to race in education.
Throughout this engaging and streamlined book, the authors focus on different aspects of building equitable classrooms, such as defining antiracism and racial literacy; they also explore the challenges of creating equitable classrooms with vulnerability, candor, and practicality. The authors acknowledge early in the book that the pursuit of racial equity is tenuous and nuanced, and they carry this thread throughout by acknowledging racial imbalance in authorship and including personal reflections that lay bare the realities of navigating racial equity. In the Time Out to Talk sections, which accompany all six chapters, the authors reflectively address challenges specific to their writing, thinking processes, and relationships with one another.
In one particularly poignant section, Perry and Zemelman discuss the decision to add Smith as a contributor. Zemelman notes that adding Smith, a white woman, would create a racial imbalance within the writing team and create the potential for white perspectives to drive the narrative. As the authors process this reality, Perry highlights the importance of frequent “pulse checks,” or moments for personal reflection, as they move forward with the project. These real-time examples of collaboration and authentic dialogues serve as models of how to work alongside colleagues to create equitable classrooms.
In addition to an authentic exploration of the process of pursuing racial equity, Perry, Zemelman, and Smith offer resources for teachers. Each chapter is accompanied by a framework for thinking about racial equity, as well as guides for implementing strategies and activities with students. Teachers will find Chapter 3 (“Helping Students Teach Us About Who They Are”) especially powerful because it provides tools for investigating the narratives that students bring with them into the classroom. Activities such as creating personal time lines and autobiographical narratives are easy to implement and allow students agency in telling their stories. Readers will also find robust appendixes to guide further thought and exploration about racial equity in the classroom, along with QR codes for digital resources providing materials for lessons and activities. By providing these tools, the authors move beyond reflection to real-world application.
Perry, Zemelman, and Smith’s multifaceted approach guides readers through the process of creating racially equitable classrooms and critically considering their positionalities within conversations about race in the classroom. Had I read this book before I entered the field, I would have been able to better understand the mistakes that well-intentioned but ill-informed white teachers often make when pursuing equity in their classrooms. Chapter 2 (“Starting with Ourselves”) guides readers through a process of self-discovery by encouraging critical reflection on personal histories and implicit biases. When I was a novice teacher, this chapter would have shown me that I could not effectively bring about racial equity in my classroom without first exploring how I might have made assumptions about my students and misinterpreted their needs. This book can help preservice teachers reflect on their implicit biases before they enter the field, giving them a foundation to begin their careers with equity in mind. During a time of relentless censorship and policy-making that seeks to curtail discussions of race in the classroom, this book provides thoughtful guidance for both preservice and inservice teachers who wish to critically and responsibly work alongside their colleagues to establish racial equity in education.
June 9, 2023
Meg Grizzle is a PhD student and graduate assistant focusing on literacy and teacher education in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Arkansas. Previously, she was a high school English teacher. She joined NCTE in 2014.
The Stories Behind the Ideas
Benjamin N. Lathrop
Purdue University
Book review of Sumara, D., & Alvermann, D. E. (Eds.). (2021). Ideas that changed literacy practices: First-person accounts from leading voices. Myers Education Press.
In Ideas That Changed Literacy Practices, leading literacy scholars reflect on their scholarly and pedagogical lives in light of a single question: What is one idea that influenced your practice—an idea that worked on you even as you worked on it? Each reflection in this collection is both academic and deeply personal. Given the 33 essays examining a wide range of ideas in the field of literacy education, it would be impossible to comment on every one. Instead, this review focuses on a handful of the essays I found memorable because of their uniqueness, their convergence with my interests as a teacher educator and researcher, or the contrarian tone of the writer.
One of the most distinctive essays is from Donna E. Alvermann who, along with her coeditor Dennis Sumara, invited the scholars featured in this collection to write the story of an idea while embracing “their awareness of the relationship between their academic work and their embodied sense of self” (p. 2). This awareness emerges through many of the essays in a way that teacher educators, who are engaged in scholarship while embodying a teacher identity, will find helpful in navigating the tension between theory and practice. Alvermann’s essay adopts a highly personal form to explore this tension, opening with a poignant narrative about a 1942 photo of her three-year-old self that conveys the inherent unreliability of narrators and frames the ensuing discussion about questioning historical authenticity. The story illustrates Alvermann’s main idea: that our subjective, “multilayered entanglements” should remind us that the written accounts we read can never be taken at face value, because often “the doers, tellers, and recorders of an observable event are positioned differently and inequitably” (p. 18). For teacher educators, the essay serves as a reminder to problematize the personal teaching narratives we share with preservice teachers (PSTs), recognize that some of our own memories may be suspect, and make room for nuance and uncertainty.
A growing sense of nuance and uncertainty has characterized my own research and teaching practices over the last few years as I have reexamined my religious heritage and beliefs in the shadow of rising white Christian nationalism. Therefore, I was especially interested in Kevin Burke’s thoughts in “The Everydayness of Religious Literacies.” Burke explores the militant masculinity undergirding much of the religious right and its perplexing infatuation with Donald Trump in terms of a particular set of literacy practices that read historical and sacred texts shaped by and shaping a consumerist religious subculture. Burke reflects on a career of exploring the discursive potential of religion, including everyday literacy practices rooted in religious traditions and the “possibilities that might be imagined through theological discourses read back into educational [endeavors]” (p. 71). Burke’s essay makes a compelling argument for why teacher educators working in nonreligious institutions, even if they are not themselves religious, should be aware of the profound ways religious literacies have shaped the learning of many PSTs, the students those PSTs will encounter, and public discourse in general.
Like Burke’s essay, which troubles “our easy sense of schooling as a place devoid of the spirit” (p. 68), Mark Dressman’s essay challenges some of the conventional wisdom of literacy scholarship. In “On the Failure of Reason in the Face of Belief,” Dressman mourns what he sees as a shift away “from debate and toward ideological warfare” in literacy education between 1980 and 1990. Consequently, Dressman writes, he has spent much of his career “challenging normative discourses of literacy research and practice” (p. 71) and has often been labeled a contrarian. He goes on to critique the National Reading Panel and the New Literacies movement, describing the latter’s “failure . . . as a theoretical and empirical project” (p. 89). Although I did not find his criticism of these scholars’ supposed “failure of reason” entirely convincing, his concern about abandoning rational debate in favor of ideological conformity is an important one with which all in the academy should reckon. This essay challenges teacher educators to create spaces where PSTs feel safe in questioning and challenging widely accepted ideas.
Overall, this volume makes important contributions to the field of literacy, especially for teacher educators. From Margaret Carmody Hagood’s use of rhizome as a tool for thinking about literacy to Michele Knobel’s and Colin Lankshear’s differing approaches to memes in literacy and research to Peter Smagorinsky’s reflection on his intellectual shift, this collection provides rich food for thought for teacher educators and their PSTs. Readers will gain an appreciation of many of the ideas that have shaped the field and, even more interestingly, of the stories and personalities behind those ideas.
June 9, 2023
Benjamin N. Lathrop, a National Board Certified Teacher, taught English for 18 years in Minneapolis and St. Paul before pursuing a PhD in English education. He is currently a doctoral student at Purdue University. He has been a member of NCTE since 2019 and can be contacted at blathrop@purdue.edu.
Teaching Young Adult Literature for Connections and Analysis
Stephanie Robillard
Stanford University
Book review of Cook, M. P., & Pitre, L. A. (2021). Exploring relationships and connections to others: Teaching universal themes through young adult novels. Rowman & Littlefield.
Engaging students in reading literature poses a challenge for English teachers across all levels of experience. Beginning practitioners can struggle with a range of questions, from what books to teach to how long units should last, and veteran teachers may wonder how they can refresh their novel units.
Mike P. Cook and Leilya A. Pitre’s Exploring Relationships and Connections to Others: Teaching Universal Themes through Young Adult Novels answers these questions and more by showing teachers how to connect texts to themes and ideas that adolescents find relatable. This volume provides a comprehensive overview of how teachers can approach literature instruction through thematic lenses such as love and loss, friendship and betrayal, hate and healing, and dreams and hope for tomorrow. In doing so, it offers thoughtful reflections on text selection, detailed descriptions of the themes’ relevance to adolescents, and an array of engaging instructional ideas teachers can use in the classroom.
The strength of this book rests in its structure, as each of the four universal themes examined receives a two-chapter treatment by the authors in which the theme is first described and then addressed in a related conceptual teaching unit. In the first chapter of each discussion, the authors expound on the theme’s relevance to adolescents in both middle and high school, identify the shortcomings of texts often taught in relation to the themes, and discuss contemporary young adult texts they recommend for teaching the theme.
For example, in addressing the theme of friendship and betrayal, the authors discuss the role of friendship in adolescent life and the benefits of exploring the theme through literature before they provide a rationale for not teaching a text traditionally linked to these themes: John Knowles’s (1958) A Separate Peace. Cook and Pitre argue students have reduced opportunities for personal connection to the theme due in part to the text’s limited representations of friendship and in part to its setting, an elite New England boarding school during World War II. Alternatively, Cook and Pitre provide a teaching unit for Francisco X. Stork’s (2010) novel The Last Summer of the Death Warriors, which provides a more nuanced view of friendship and betrayal. The authors also suggest additional thematically linked texts, such as Jason Reynolds’s (2016) Ghost and Mariko Tamaki and Jillian Tamaki’s (2014) This One Summer.
The second chapter in each pair outlines a novel unit with activities designed to guide students to a deeper understanding of the theme and includes suggested titles, essential questions, journal topics, whole-class discussion topics, and enrichment activities. In the friendship and betrayal chapter, for example, Cook and Pitre describe creating a friendship life map, designing a guidebook for navigating the complexities of friendship, and writing a personal essay defining betrayal.
Although the book could be misunderstood as addressing how to teach four novel units rather than how to use thematic orientations more generally in young adult literature instruction, its analytical techniques can in fact be applied to any novel with slight modifications. Using this text as a model in the methods classroom might involve assigning preservice teachers a theme around which they design their own unit with a key novel of their choosing. In doing so, PSTs could dive into the suggested activities while developing a deeper understanding of unit construction.
As a teacher educator, I am excited by the opportunities provided in the text that allow for rich conversations about unit design, novel selection, and, in the current political climate, ways of crafting arguments against using texts that elevate dominant and/or outdated beliefs and values. Cook and Pitre have succeeded in their purpose of writing a book that supports “teachers in crafting units of study that are purposefully engaging and effective” (p. 5). English teacher educators will find the book particularly useful for engaging preservice teachers in discussions about ways to bring young adult interests and literature to the forefront of their instructional practice.
June 9, 2023
Stephanie Robillard is a PhD candidate at Stanford University. One of her research interests involves exploring the ways in which racism is challenged or reified through young adult literature. She is a former middle school teacher and school librarian. Stephanie has been a member of NCTE since 2018.
February 2023
Conceptual Conundrums in Learning to Teach English Language Arts
Kerry Alexander
The University of Texas at Austin
Book review of Smagorinsky, P. (2020). Learning to teach English and the language arts: A Vygotskian perspective on beginning teachers’ pedagogical concept development. Bloomsbury.
Learning to Teach English and the Language Arts is as much a testament to Peter Smagorinsky’s extensive career as a distinguished research professor in English education as it is a handbook for educational stakeholders navigating the theory-to-practice divide—and indeed, it serves both purposes rather well. The introduction, for instance, speaks directly to the chasm between the language that educator-researchers use theoretically and the creative, affective, and mediated application in the classroom. Smagorinsky grounds his analyses and discussion in Vygotsky’s perspectives on learning to illustrate how learning to teach is complicated by each new teacher’s social context.
The conundrums Smagorinsky puts forth feel deeply familiar, and his writing embodies the clarity of explication that the book, as a whole, promotes. Taken collectively, the book’s 12 chapters argue for teacher education programs (TEPs) to develop a conceptual home base. If the field is going to recruit, prepare, and retain the excellent teachers that our nation’s diverse student populations deserve, TEPs need to explicitly reinforce, through practice, the theoretical principles they champion. This endeavor is infinitely more complex than it may sound.
To illustrate his argument, Smagorinsky presents multiple case studies across nine chapters, selectively aggregating each study by experience and focus. Student-participants come from three different TEPs and are followed through their student teaching and into their first years in the classroom. Data from interviews and classroom observations describe how each teacher’s pedagogical growth is shifted by competing and often irreconcilable power dynamics, curriculum and policy initiatives, and cultural ideologies. Smagorinsky threads these discussions alongside familiar teacher education theories, such as Lortie’s (1975) apprenticeship of observation and Feiman-Nemser and Buchman’s (1985) two-worlds pitfall. Readers will recognize the inevitably systemic, institutional, ideological collisions new teachers experience across schooling contexts when learning to teach English language arts. But, without cultivating a conceptual home base, Smagorinsky argues, the contradictory environments often end up (re)shaping teacher practice (and, over time, ideology) in ways that reify the very binaries current research and theory intend to resist.
For instance, Chapter 5 speaks to schooling’s historical, systemic investment in whiteness and how epistemological differences are often evaded through “flowery rhetoric” (p. 97) and diversity hires. Cultural mismatches in field experiences, accountability mandates, and fragmented curriculum further complicate programmatic assumptions in learning to teach in antiracist and equitable ways. Chapter 10 explores this tension through grammar pedagogy, revealed as a “glaring hole in English/Language Arts (ELA) teachers’ university education” and a persistent “staple” in language strands of schooling curricula (pp. 174–176). Readers follow two beginning teachers as they navigate the if and how of teaching grammar and find a “twisting path of concept development in relation to the mediation of different settings” (p. 187). The pedagogical complexity revealed in each case veritably troubles (and prunes) the field’s notion of “best practices” writ large, unsettling critiques of grammar instruction that often appear concluded, exhausted, and elitist. In his closing remarks, Smagorinsky explains how neoliberal patterns of efficiency and Anglo-normative standards in schools do not jibe with constructivist ideals. Rather, TEPs need to cultivate educators’ discernment and dexterity to face the complex realities of constructivism head on.
Readers who seek answers to the age-old theory-practice divide will instead find “gritty details” (p. 95) illuminating, collectively, the competing forces that keep many educators from developing the deeply rigorous and resonant craft required for excellent teaching. Offering a conceptual home base that sustains a teacher across contextual domains is a heady goal, but our nation’s children deserve racially and culturally diverse ELA teachers who engage, resist, and thrive over the long haul. Sharing cases with preservice teachers could indeed help them name and navigate the (often contradictory) variables shaping their own experiences, and this book provides teacher educators and beginning teachers alike with a spectrum of entry points.
Feiman-Nemser, S., & Buchman, M. (1985). Pitfalls of experience in teacher preparation. Teachers College Record, 87(1), 53–65.
Lortie, D. (1975). Schoolteacher: A sociological study. University of Chicago Press.
February 24, 2023
Kerry Alexander is a doctoral candidate in language and literacy studies at the University of Texas at Austin. She is an artist, writer, university instructor, and literacy researcher dedicated to community-centered inquiry and responsive pedagogical design in elementary literacy classrooms. She joined NCTE in 2017.
Inclusive Classrooms and Personalized Education for All Students
Kevin Moberg
Dickinson State University
Book review of Wehmeyer, M. L., & Kurth, J. A. (2021). Inclusive education in a strengths-based era: Mapping the future of the field. Norton.
Michael L. Wehmeyer and Jennifer A. Kurth’s Inclusive Education in a Strengths-Based Era is the inaugural book in a series to share strategies for teaching students with disabilities in inclusive settings. The authors propose that inclusive, personalized education should be the default schoolwide approach for all students, with or without disabilities.
Wehmeyer and Kurth open the book with two chapters explaining the evolution of special education and perceptions of disability. The authors endorse a social model to understand student disability not as an obstacle to be overcome but as one of many defining features, like students’ individual abilities and interests. Since all students have their own strengths and needs as learners, they should be offered personalized education that emphasizes agency and provides multitiered support to achieve their learning goals.
In the three remaining chapters, the authors recommend several inclusive teaching strategies whose efficacy is supported by research, such as Response to Intervention and Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Another recommended strategy is co-teaching, in which special education instructors teach in general classrooms alongside subject area teachers throughout the day rather than in isolated resource rooms, thus interacting with all students to provide tiered instruction. To help readers picture how co-teaching might be carried out, the authors provide a table listing pre-, mid-, and post-teaching roles and responsibilities to serve as a template for classroom and special education teachers as they determine who will do which tasks for a co-taught lesson.
Although intended for educators in all disciplines, this book does include examples specific to English language arts (ELA) from inclusive classrooms, such as how students with various communication needs may improve their listening and speaking skills by interacting with peers who can serve as “competent communication partners” and demonstrate “varied language structures” (p. 51) during ELA classroom interactions. The authors also illustrate UDL in the ELA classroom with examples such as providing an audiobook to a student with reading difficulties and allowing all students to choose their preferred book format, so long as they meet the same expectations for text comprehension. Examples of additional technology-assisted learning practices include using text-to-speech software to teach phonics and speech-to-text programs to support writing for students with cognitive or physical disabilities. A chapter on the supporting research cites studies in which participants in special education showed more gains in reading and writing when learning in inclusive ELA classrooms than in self-contained resource rooms.
In this book, Wehmeyer and Kurth suggest that special education is now in a strengths-based era: a period in which we offer personalized learning that starts with students’ abilities and interests and creates “education interventions around those factors and not around factors pertaining to deficits” (p. 59). The authors also observe that US schooling is simultaneously shifting from standardized to individualized education even for students without disabilities, making this an ideal moment to consider how to personalize education for students with disabilities based on each student’s strengths. I appreciate that this book offers a framework for inclusion as well as examples of inclusion in action, which will benefit my students in preparing for their field experiences.
Teacher educators could use this book to help future ELA teachers choose and use strengths-based strategies to serve all students, whether in special education or not. I intend to share it with my English education students to help them envision what inclusive strengths-based teaching might look like in their own classrooms someday.
February 24, 2023
Kevin Moberg is a faculty member in the Department of Arts and Letters and the School of Education at Dickinson State University in North Dakota. He teaches both English and education courses, including ELA teaching methods and adolescent literature, and supervises ELA student teachers. Kevin has been a member of NCTE since 2000.
Unlocking Multimodal Literacy through Filmmaking and Film
Holly Sheppard Riesco
University of Arkansas
Book review of Crisp, R. B. (2021). Using film to unlock textual literacy: A teacher’s guide. National Council of Teachers of English.
In Using Film to Unlock Textual Literacy: A Teacher’s Guide, Robert Bryant Crisp tackles questions with which I’ve recently grappled: What is “English language arts”? How can it evolve? Limiting “English class” to the traditional linguistic literacy of the white middle class can exclude and harm students who engage in multilingual and multimodal literacies within nonacademic spheres. As an alternative to written, text-based literacy instruction, Crisp argues that English language arts (ELA) educators can implement film as a viable mode for teaching literacy skills.
In his introduction, Crisp reasons that filmmaking can encourage students’ literacy proficiency by engaging the same analytical and compositional skills taught in a text-based ELA curriculum. Anticipating the potential challenges teachers may face when implementing filmmaking in their own classes, Crisp offers insights on grading, maintaining effective collaboration within groups, and setting a flexible hierarchy that promotes high expectations for student participation and design. Furthermore, his introduction includes a choice of 10 small-group, project-based filmmaking assignments—from preproduction to postproduction—that could encourage teachers to include filmmaking in their curricula.
In the remaining 12 chapters, Crisp clearly aligns the steps of preproduction in filmmaking with those of prewriting and drafting in traditional literacy and composition instruction, offering ELA teachers who are uncertain of digital video spaces or lack access to production equipment an opportunity to implement his lessons incrementally. Each chapter opens with a lesson plan that includes essential questions, objectives, central texts, agendas, differentiations, vocabulary, resources, and suggested timelines that do not necessarily require special equipment or skills. Connecting each lesson to the ELA Common Core State Standards, Crisp provides detailed steps to build students’ multimodal film literacy that parallel the ways ELA teachers already construct textual literacy. Moreover, Crisp relates his lessons to common literature texts, including Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun and William Shakespeare’s Othello, to create a transitional space for ELA teachers who are perhaps inexperienced with digital modes of literacy or more comfortable with classic texts.
Crisp’s filmmaking process and his film literacy lessons evoke the new literacies of Lankshear and Knobel, especially their (2007) “new ‘technical stuff’” (p. 7) and “new ‘ethos stuff’” (p. 9). The new ethos stuff is apparent in the participatory, collaborative, distributive nature of Crisp’s model, which engenders interactions between students and teachers throughout the analysis or preproduction process. The emphasis on students’ agentive participation fosters connections to their authentic strengths and powers discourses within the new literacies space of multimodal filmmaking or film literacy. Unfortunately, the “new ‘technical stuff’” may result in equity issues since not all schools have access to the same funding for technology. Consequently, one reason for Crisp’s focus on preproduction may be an attempt to overcome funding issues for ELA teachers who want to engage fully in the filmmaking process. By stopping the lessons at the prewriting and drafting stages, Crisp endeavors to circumvent any technological deficit that may exist for teachers.
However, the strengths of Crisp’s book lie in how it encourages current and future teachers to move beyond the boundaries of text-based curricula. Reading his book with preservice teachers can inspire inquiry into developing more project-based, multimodal literacy spaces as they prepare to go into the field. Although many of the lessons illustrate the connections between film and literacy, one of my favorite lessons revolves around the development of collaborative learning spaces and includes team-building activities that establish the participatory mindset needed for current and future literacy education. Ultimately, Crisp’s book eschews narrow literacy perspectives and encourages both in-service and future teachers to design curricula to further the evolution of multimodal literacy within ELA spaces.
Lankshear, C., & Knobel, M. (2007). Sampling “the new” in new literacies. In M. Knobel & C. Lankshear (Eds.), A new literacies sampler (pp. 1–24). Peter Lang.
February 24, 2023
Holly Sheppard Riesco is a third-year doctoral student at the University of Arkansas in the Curriculum and Instruction Program in English education. Prior to entering the doctoral program, she taught secondary ELA for 15 years. Her research interest centers on the valuation of students’ lived literacies through young adult literature, rhetoric, and composition. She co-authored the book Adolescent Realities: Engaging Students in SEL through Young Adult Literature (with Judith A. Hayn, 2021).
Power and Beauty in Difference: Diverse Nonfiction Children’s Literature
Katie Sluiter
Western Michigan University
Book review of Crisp, T., Knezek, S. M., & Gardner, R. P. (Eds). (2021). Reading and teaching with diverse nonfiction children’s books: Representations and possibilities. National Council of Teachers of English.
Since the development of the Common Core State Standards in 2009, teachers have felt pressure to blend more nonfiction into their curricula. In Reading and Teaching with Diverse Nonfiction Children’s Books: Representations and Possibilities, editors Thomas Crisp, Suzanne M. Knezek, and Roberta Price Gardner combine a critical multicultural framework for teaching children’s nonfiction with practical suggestions for incorporating these texts into K–8 classrooms. This collection follows Kathryn H. Au’s testimony in the foreword that “engaging our students with diverse nonfiction books may be one of the most important tasks we can perform as educators committed to social justice” (p. x).
The first of 11 chapters sets the groundwork for the rest of the collection by defining critical multiculturalism as an analytical framework. Subsequent chapters focus on the “history and trends in nonfiction children’s literature about specific parallel, underrepresented, or minoritized populations” (p. xix), including Latinx, Indigenous Nations, Asian American, African American, multiracial, Jewish American, and Muslim American, as well as individuals with disabilities and LGBTQ+ communities. The book also addresses representations of religious holidays in children’s nonfiction. Each chapter follows a series of guiding questions, provides a history of the subject in children’s literature, and offers guidelines for educators to consider when selecting books for classroom use. Additionally, each chapter includes a discussion of one or more books, along with lists of teaching strategies for K–8 teachers, books recommended for classroom use, and online resources.
While most chapters focus on picture books and elementary-aged audiences, many of the activities could be paired with deeper analysis or further research and discussion to make them appropriate for upper elementary and middle grade students. As an eighth-grade ELA teacher, I was invested in this book as a way to both teach informational texts and model critical analysis through a multiculturalist lens. A number of contributors suggest applying a multiculturalist framework to books for younger students, so I developed a project for my eighth graders to work in pairs through some of the inquiry strategies offered by Vivian Yenika-Agbaw in Chapter 1. Specifically, I acquired 20 of the nonfiction children’s books suggested by contributors and re-created Yenika-Agbaw’s five-category chart (p. 15) in student-friendly language so the pairs could work through questions in the areas of book design, voice/identities, authenticity/accuracy, power, and audience. Each pair then wrote a summary of their book analysis to serve as a rough draft of a presentation promoting texts that should be included in classroom libraries. Students enjoyed this authentic analysis and writing assignment since many chose books that represented their own identities.
As the editors point out, there are noticeable identity absences in the book, such as the lack of contributions representing gender diversity and people of size (p. xix). I would include discussions exploring the intersectionality of identities as another gap in this text since almost every contributor points out the importance of celebrating difference without recognizing the potential overlap of identities. With the exception of the Muslim American chapter, people with Middle Eastern identities are also left out, as are those with South Asian identities.
Despite this shortcoming, I see Reading and Teaching with Diverse Nonfiction Children’s Books as a practical text for use by practicing and preservice teachers to evaluate and implement nonfiction children’s literature in the classroom. This collection can support teacher educators as they strive to instruct preservice teachers in culturally responsive pedagogy and curriculum. This work includes learning to assess what literature to use, as well as how to engage students with “models for understanding themselves and the world in which they live” (p. xviii). Each chapter encourages educators to find more professional resources and primary sources about identity—all of which promotes continued involvement in seeking out inclusive texts representative of the diversity of students.
February 24, 2023
Katie Sluiter is an eighth-grade ELA teacher at Wyoming Junior High School near Grand Rapids, Michigan. She is currently pursuing her doctorate in English education at Western Michigan University, focusing on Holocaust and human rights studies in the ELA classroom. She has been a member of NCTE since 2008.
January 2023
Teaching Grammar: What Could Be?
Ann Burke
University of Michigan
Book review of Benjamin, A. (2021). Engaging grammar: Practical advice for real classrooms (2nd ed.). National Council of Teachers of English.
When I first read Amy Benjamin’s Engaging Grammar: Practical Advice for Real Classrooms, I felt seen. I was once the preservice teacher who, like teachers noted in the text, struggled with having the confidence to teach grammar, thinking, “I’m very nervous about teaching grammar. I never learned it myself” (p. 3). Once I had my own classroom, I became the new teacher whose more seasoned colleagues told her, “The best way to teach grammar is just drill-and-kill. So, I do it for a few weeks and get it over with” (p. 3). After teaching my own classes for some time, I still see the book’s tremendous value. My first-year writing students enter the college classroom thinking of grammar as a rhetorical practice for avoiding or correcting errors. I’m glad to have Benjamin’s book on my shelf as a resource for when students and I discuss both grammar in context and the evolving nature of language.
Benjamin’s book offers strategies and best practices grounded in linguistic grammar, an approach that is defined for readers in early chapters of the text. Benjamin outlines and unpacks relevant theory and research, which in turn provide a helpful framework and justification for why grammar is a crucial part of teaching and learning. Additionally, each chapter offers activities and strategies for teaching grammar. Chapter 8, “Scope and Sequence,” is particularly useful for envisioning how the grammar pedagogy Benjamin proposes can play out in grades 6 through12. However, there were times when I was in the weeds. Benjamin’s definitional work for mechanics and usage of grammar were quite complex, and new students of grammar may struggle with terminologies. Yet the definitional work and examples she provides serve as solid resources to return to when planning lessons about grammar and its foundations.
While I see Engaging Grammar as a useful resource and reference text for teaching grammar, I still grapple with grammar and its role as a gatekeeping function in US education, especially as related to standardized testing. Benjamin acknowledges that the “debate over the extent to which instruction is enhanced or diminished by the demands of high-stakes tests is not the focus of this book” (p. 87). Still, a full chapter—Chapter 6—is dedicated to “explor[ing] ways in which our grammar instruction can elevate student performance on standardized tests” (p. 86). As a result, Benjamin’s work raises questions for me regarding teachers’ acceptance of and beholdenness to standardized tests as an inevitable part of teaching, despite the increasing understanding that standardized tests serve an inequitable gatekeeping function. I wonder whether different conversations could challenge these gatekeepers, especially now that some universities no longer require ACT or SAT scores because they are poor predictors of college success (Allensworth & Clark, 2020).
Ultimately, Benjamin’s work contributes to the important, ongoing conversation about how grammar should be taught: with text-centered strategies, rhetorical and flexible approaches, and considerations for prior knowledge and purposeful context.
Allensworth, E. M., & Clark, K. (2020). High school GPAs and ACT scores as predictors of college completion: Examining assumptions about consistency across high schools. Educational Researcher, 49(3), 198–211.
January 7, 2022
Ann Burke is an educator, facilitator, and designer whose teaching and research interests center on K–12/college connections and educator development. She has taught across K–12 and higher education contexts for almost 15 years and currently supports faculty at the University of Michigan’s Center for Socially Engaged Design. Ann joined NCTE in 2008.
The World’s on Fire: Using Critical Civic Empathy to Douse the Flames
Alyssa Chrisman
The Ohio State University and Denison University
Book review of Mirra, N. (2018). Educating for empathy: Literacy learning and civic engagement. Teachers College Press.
In the past year, I have argued with loved ones over face masks, marched in solidarity with Black Lives Matter, and witnessed virtual discourses that simultaneously embody compassion for our fellow humans and seem absolutely void of it. Our lives have become so affected by the political polarization now defining the contemporary world that schools have begun implementing social-emotional learning (SEL) curricula. For those who teach English language arts, SEL is nothing new. Our classrooms are centered on stories; personal traits such as empathy can be naturally cultivated through reading and writing about our worlds. However, my own research on Ohio’s SEL standards and the potential ways SEL could be implemented in English classrooms reveals that the ways empathy is often framed lack the critical lens necessary to engage with systemic problems, such as racism, and to activate social change (Clark et al., 2021).
Nicole Mirra shares this concern. Her book Educating for Empathy: Literacy Learning and Civic Engagement (2018) responds to the theory and practice of critical civic empathy, a model which connects language arts instruction to civic engagement. Mirra asserts that fostering empathy should be a “primary goal of education because it offers an organizing principle for our field grounded in hope, love, and a commitment to a more equitable society” (p. 3), but she also says that encouraging empathy is not enough. Critical civic empathy shifts the focus from simply creating good people in our classrooms to creating “good citizens in a complex, 21st-century democracy” (p. 20). At its heart, critical civic empathy is a way for English educators to enact a commitment to equity and justice.
The text synthesizes theory, research, and practice, offering case studies, discussion and reflection questions, and an appendix with pragmatic resources. Chapters 1 through 4 are each organized thematically around a different way critical civic empathy can be taught, and examples are given from Mirra’s own experiences and research. She explores the robust and creative ways critical empathy is being implemented in classrooms, schools, and communities across the United States, from the implementation of debate programs in New York City to the use of youth participatory action research in California. For me as an English teacher, Chapter 1’s discussion of the ways literacy analysis can be used to “spur imaginative thinking about social issues and provide students with agency to think about new possibilities for our society” (p. 33) had a profound influence on the development of my Diversity and Equity in YA Literature class.
Shifting the topic from literacy practices in schools and communities to teachers themselves, Chapter 5 explores “the steps that we teachers must take in our professional and personal lives to prepare ourselves to teach toward critical civic empathy with our students” (p. 89). Readers are called to reflect on their civic engagement and given strategies to increase involvement so they can better serve their students. I found solace and empowerment in Mirra’s call to action, since teaching with the goal of dismantling inequities will never be easy in such a politically polarized society.
Educating for Empathy gives readers a concrete range of ideas and resources that they can incorporate into their classrooms to create a space where critical civic empathy and literacy development are synthesized. I found her book relevant, inspiring, and useful for my own pedagogy, and I highly recommend it as an essential addition to any English teacher’s bookshelf.
Clark, C. T., Chrisman, A., & Lewis, S. G. (2021). Using picturebooks to teach with and against social and emotional learning. Language Arts, 98(5), 246–259.
January 7, 2022
Alyssa Chrisman is a PhD Candidate in Teaching and Learning at The Ohio State University and a visiting instructor in the Educational Studies department at Denison University. Her research interests include representations of mental health in young adult literature and social-emotional learning. She has been a member of NCTE since 2011.
Scaffolding Reflective Practices with Early Career Educators
Caitlin Donovan
North Carolina State University
Book review of Scales, R. Q., Wolsey, T. D., & Parsons, S. A. (2020). Becoming a metacognitive teacher: A guide for early and preservice teachers. Teachers College Press.
Intended as a guidebook to help early career teachers develop professional competencies, Becoming a Metacognitive Teacher: A Guide for Early and Preservice Teachers by Scales, Wolsey, and Parsons is a reader-friendly, accessible textbook that breaks down the processes of coursework, field experiences, student teaching, and one’s first year in the classroom. As such, it is a highly effective resource for both preservice teachers who hope to understand their practice and teacher educators who want to scaffold the reflective process. The authors’ clear emphasis on developing educators’ ability to “make decisions in the moment, in the milieu of all those mediating factors” (p. 39), is particularly insightful; many of my students have struggled with what it means to evaluate, reflect, and act in the process of teaching, and the authors provide well-scaffolded instruction in how to implement those practices.
Becoming a Metacognitive Teacher reads like a cheat sheet for a candidate moving through the stages of a traditional teacher preparation program. Defining metacognitive teaching as the “ability to adapt and adjust” (p. 5) instruction intentionally, the authors emphasize the broader context that informs each situation and pair each stage of the teaching process with a series of metacognitive questions and considerations. I appreciate how the authors reinforced one of my mantras in their lessons: “Keep the design simple, and let the students do the complex thinking. Trust them” (p. 83).
The book’s seven short chapters are split into relevant topics such as the transition from student teaching to novice teaching, navigating coursework, shifting from a student mindset to a teacher mindset, and professional collaboration. I particularly enjoyed Chapter 3, “Focusing on Coursework for Professional Background Knowledge,” as it addresses the presumed disconnect between university classroom methods instruction and practice. To effectively illustrate how coursework can be approached to best prepare preservice teachers, the authors use the analogy of canoeing, which vividly illustrates both the practical skills needed to “navigate the rapids” and hidden snags of teaching while developing awareness of the forces within and outside of teachers’ control.
The chapters have clear headings and concise writing regarding each topic. Preservice teachers will appreciate the fact that each chapter contains an anticipation guide, reflection questions, and supplemental resources via links, as well as the multimodality of these materials. Early career teachers are inundated with options for resources, and this intentional list can reduce the decision fatigue from searching for materials. The digital materials, all incorporated by QR code in the margins of the text, are relevant to the chapter topics and contain a solid highlight reel of what is available from professional organizations, education blogs, and reputable websites.
Although the book does an excellent job of selecting different facets of the teaching experience to examine, its scope can be confusing. For example, the pieces of chapters that deal with picking a program are less relevant to student teachers who have nearly completed theirs, and the sections on finding a mentor at a placement school are relevant especially for students in the first year of their program. None of these specific sections are particularly long, but they do add a disjointed feel to the text. Overall, however, the authors have done a remarkable job of choosing their topics and keeping the text well structured.
Becoming a Metacognitive Teacher is an effective text focused on early career concerns that successfully breaks down the complexities of teaching into comprehensible chunks; if you have students who ask, “How do I really use the strategies you taught me?” or “What is it really like to teach?” then this text will serve you well. I’m looking forward to using this accessible and implementable text with my student teachers during their practicum. It does an excellent job of contextualizing the different parts of both teacher education programs and teaching proper to illustrate how those parts fit into the larger pedagogical whole; early and preservice teachers struggling to organize their thoughts on their practice will find the structure and resources useful as they grow in their teaching.
January 7, 2022
Caitlin Donovan is a doctoral student in literacy and English language arts education at North Carolina State University. She taught middle and high school humanities courses in public schools for eight years and has been a member of NCTE since 2012. She can be contacted via email at cdonova@ncsu.edu and on Twitter at @DonovanTeacher.
Fostering a True Classroom Community through Reading and Writing
Darius Phelps
Teachers College, Columbia University
Book review of Ochoa, J. (Ed.). (2020). Already readers and writers: Honoring students’ rights to read and write in the middle grade classroom. National Council Teachers of English.
Already Readers and Writers: Honoring Students’ Rights to Read and Write in the Middle Grade Classroom is a book that every educator needs to read during their ongoing pedagogical journey. This guide provides in-depth instruction for reading and writing classroom practices that many educators—not just those who work with the middle grades—can implement to help mold both educators and students alike into critical thinkers, inquirers, and empathetic individuals who never stop reading, writing, and ultimately, learning.
The book also explores different methods for teaching our students to be effective writers. To this end, the chapters consider how poetry, fables, songs, and other text styles can be incorporated into classroom reading and writing practices, with examples of what various teachers are doing in their classrooms. One teacher mentions creating assignments that connect to historical events and encourages students to think critically as they engage and utilize their voices to dive into deeper conversations. In doing so, she challenges her growth as an ELA teacher and encourages others to do the same.
A common theme throughout the book is the importance of taking time to connect with your students, embracing diverse perspectives to inspire change beyond the classroom through creative critical reflection, and how to implement that approach in the classroom. Many chapters reiterate that good literacy instruction can help shape a better tomorrow and foster deeper connections to the world beyond the classroom. For instance, in “Nike Socks and Ceiling Tiles: Conversations That Push and Clarify” by Heather Anderson, the book details how educators at any level can design curricula with the intention of helping students understand what it means to share both national identity and a complex history. The book also reminds us to create spaces in the classroom for diverse cultural backgrounds and distinct lived experiences—and that, to such an end, we should invite students to reflect on their own cultural identities and to develop empathy. This process can begin by implementing classroom norms and designating respect as the foundation of the classroom community, all of which remain rooted in literature and writing.
The text stresses that the most important part of honoring the rights of our students is to foster the love of both writing and reading while encouraging our students to express themselves as they see fit. Students’ right to read includes books that truly echo and represent their full, complex identities and cultures. In my own classroom, my students are provided with multiple chances not only to see themselves in the texts we read but also to write about their lives in any way that is meaningful to them. Reading and writing help strengthen the bond between teacher and students by opening the lines of communication and establishing trust. Sometimes there are things that we can’t talk about but are able to put down on paper. That’s the beauty of teaching writing: watching your students come to life and discover the abilities that they didn’t know they had.
Through Already Readers and Writers, Ochoa’s goal is for children everywhere to know that they are seen and heard, and, most importantly, have a place in the world. We should constantly be growing and evolving as educators to model how to be natural inquirers, real-world advocates, and critical thinkers to our students.
January 7, 2022
Darius Phelps is a middle grades ELA teacher and PhD Student in English education at Teachers College, Columbia University. Since joining NCTE in 2018, he has become co-chair of the ELATE Graduate Strand (ELATE-GS), a member of the NCTE Charlotte Huck Award for Outstanding Fiction for Children Committee, and an ELATE Executive Committee graduate student representative. He can be found on Twitter at @dphelps1113 and on Instagram at @mr.dphelps.
August 2022
Living Poets in the Classroom: A Spell Book for Teaching Contemporary Poetry
Sian Charles-Harris
University of Connecticut
Book review of Illich, L., & Alter Smith, M. (2021). Teach living poets. National Council of Teachers of English.
Lindsay Illich and Melissa Alter Smith’s Teach Living Poets invites us into ELA classrooms where the teachers, students, and poets who make up the #TeachLivingPoets community participate in learning experiences that capture the “magical qualities of the language in poems” (p. 12). Their approach pays special attention to students’ sociopolitical development and the goals and challenges educators face when it comes to teaching poetry in the current sociopolitical climate. The poems, strategies, and ideas presented in the well-sourced chapters will appeal to English teacher educators, preservice teachers, and novice and experienced educators who want to unlock the pedagogical possibilities of contemporary poetry in their classrooms and ignite within themselves and their students a love and enjoyment of poetry.
The chapters include a wealth of practical strategies and activities, examples of student work, and detailed guides for teaching a variety of subgenres within contemporary poetry. Chapters 1 through 3 orient the reader to the Teach Living Poets approach and to ways of discovering and reading contemporary poetry. Chapters 4 through 8 focus on teaching contemporary poems, with sections dedicated to unpacking key ideas in the teaching of poetry, such as “what is poetry” (p. 40), teaching tone (p. 47), and annotating a poem (p. 58). Each topic is accompanied by lesson plans and suggested poems. Chapter 9 encourages educators to connect by joining the #TeachLivingPoets online community.
Teach Living Poets also addresses theoretical implications (which teacher educators will find compelling) to give readers insights into the contemporary poetry scene. In Chapter 3, the authors urge educators to resist the lures of teaching literary devices—which they contend renders a poem down to a closed interpretation—and instead teach poetry through a “lens of moves” to help students understand, analyze, and critique poems. This chapter also helpfully discusses common contemporary poetic moves, explicates common subgenres that may be unfamiliar to readers, and provides classroom-tested lists of selected poems that feature each move.
As a former high school English teacher, I appreciate how the authors provide a detailed pedagogy of and for contemporary poetry that highlights how the #TeachLivingPoets approach positively impacts students’ critical reading and writing development and creates opportunities for self-expression and social-emotional learning. As a teacher educator, I appreciate how the authors articulate the importance of shifting the interpretive authority in reading poetry from teacher to student. On this point, the book provides a model for teacher educators to engage preservice teachers in deeper discussions about what it means to relinquish power in relation to students.
In my work with preservice teachers, I foreground the political and philosophical aspects of teaching literature while emphasizing what should be taught and how it should be taught. In my methods courses, we discuss power, value, and purpose in teaching literature and the impact of these curricular and pedagogical choices. While the #TeachLivingPoets approach positions teachers as “skilled anthologists, culling poems from everywhere for the small audience they know best, their students” (p. 12), I didn’t find that the chapters adequately confronted issues of power, value, and purpose for teachers assuming the role of anthologist. The authors aim to empower teachers to choose the texts they want to teach in order to satisfy curricular needs, but, for this empowerment to occur, teachers must examine the political and ethical dimensions of text selection. I suspect the authors intend for this process of empowerment to be further developed in virtual community; however, this book would benefit from including these kinds of analyses or prompts in each chapter.
That said, Teach Living Poets offers practical advice for reading and teaching contemporary poetry and details practical classroom activities that engage students as meaning-makers and knowledge producers. Not only an engaging how-to guide for appreciating poetry, it is also a call to action and a philosophical meditation on the alchemy that occurs between selves, words, and worlds when we share the experience of interpreting poetry.
August 31, 2022
Sian Charles-Harris is a doctoral candidate at the University of Connecticut, and her research focuses on secondary English teachers’ sociopolitical development and how it impacts the teaching of literature in secondary schools. She has been a member of NCTE since 2019.
A Window on Evidence-Based Writing Practices
Bridgette B. Davis
Walden University
Book review of Dean, D. (2021). What works in writing instruction: Research and practice (2nd ed.). National Council of Teachers of English.
In What Works in Writing Instruction, Deborah Dean answers the titular, age-old pedagogical question by examining evidence-based writing in five independent chapters focused on climate, structures, practices, content, and tasks. To link the chapters and writing areas together with real-world application, the author utilizes “sketchnotes,” which transform traditional note-taking into an interactive and engaging process. These sketchnotes also functionally mimic the graphic organizers and thinking maps used in many classrooms—including my own—to brainstorm and spark creativity when beginning the writing process or further developing an idea.
Also essential to the text and its tethering of real-world application to pedagogical theory are “windows” that are introduced as glimpses into classrooms through space allotted for teachers to share stories from implementing evidence-based practices. These windows helpfully provide testimonials and pedagogical tools which translate into my classroom as the sharing of my books and personal writing process with students. What Works in Writing Instruction also features the challenges encountered when applying the practices and consideration of how the needs of students lead to adaptations. In other words, despite the usefulness of evidence-based practices, the resounding message of the book is that not all practices work the same for all students.
The book has numerous strengths. For example, Dean leaves us with the feeling of sharing ideas with a colleague over hot coffee or of two friends gleaning evidence-based practices from one another’s classroom experiences. This sense strengthens the idea of collaboration among peers, which leads to a greater impact on students. Another strength nestled in these pages is how the text encourages teachers to share and show vulnerability to their students through their writing. The personal windows provide teachers the comfort of knowing other teachers share similar experiences in their classrooms. Dean also provides examples of how teachers can integrate the windows into their student’s writing process. Overall, the author accomplishes her goal of providing readers with glimpses into real classrooms, filled with real students and teachers overcoming real challenges, as they develop real writers.
One minor criticism of the book is the insertion of the “Research Toolbox” feature, which gives credit to those whose research contributed to this publication. The placement throughout the book proved to be more of a distraction than a bibliographical enhancement while reading. The purpose of the feature is unclear and seems redundant.
As a veteran educator, I hope a book of this type encourages ELA teachers to relax, have fun, enjoy the writing process, and make it fun for their students. In addition, realizing that no prescriptive writing format or evidence-based practice produces the same result for all classes or students may lessen the pressure felt by many ELA teachers. What Works in Writing Instruction equips ELA teachers with a resource and a support tool for implementing writing in their classrooms. Teacher educators could also use this book with preservice teachers as a resource for implementing writing ideas and adaptive concepts to meet their students’ needs. Finally, the book may reduce the anxiety that new ELA teachers feel and give them a starting point when beginning the writing process in their classrooms.
Ultimately, Dean does a great job of answering the question of what works in writing instruction—teachers’ work, students’ work, and the work of using evidence-based practices, even if that means adapting them to meet students’ needs.
August 31, 2022
Bridgette B. Davis is a twenty-plus-year educational veteran who has been a member of NCTE since 2020. She currently serves as a district MTSS and assessment coordinator for an inner-city state charter school. She previously served as an instructional coach in reading and social studies for six years. Her background is in elementary education and adult education.
Teachers Who Persist
Abigail Kindelsperger
University of Illinois at Chicago
Book review of Rodriguez, T. L, Hallman, H. L, & Pastore-Capuana, K. (Eds.). (2020). Invested stayers: How teachers thrive in challenging times. Rowman & Littlefield.
Although written before the pandemic, the narratives of teacher resistance featured in Invested Stayers: How Teachers Thrive in Challenging Times resonate right now. Through in-depth consideration of why teachers persist despite the stressors they face, this edited collection offers hope and wisdom. Using a model of “relational reflection,” each chapter is coauthored by at least one practicing PK–12 teacher and one teacher educator, an approach which “highlights the reciprocal nature of learning and the power of relational ways of knowing and being” (p. xviii). While the editors are seasoned English educators, the chapters feature a variety of voices, including teachers of English, science, math, social studies, special education, and English as a Second Language that span early childhood through college. Taken collectively, these essays disrupt the negative dominant discourse about teacher retention. Rather than highlight the problems that cause teachers to exit the field, the selected stories reveal how professional relationships and institutional supports can sustain teachers’ careers.
As the title indicates, the collection focuses on “invested stayers,” or teachers who persist in the field, a label which directly counters Glazer’s studies of “invested leavers,” defined as credentialed teachers who exit the career after more than three years (2018a, 2018b). Unlike typical stories that situate resilience as an individual endeavor, the narratives of this book are clearly situated within broader conflicts and changes in the field, which the editors call “landmark catalysts” (p. xii).
The twelve chapters are organized into three sections. Part 1: Social Landscapes emphasizes the value of learning from and about local school communities to teach in culturally relevant and sustaining ways. All four chapters in this section highlight mentorship from teacher educators after graduation as a key element in professional growth. The chapters in Part 2: Political Landscapes tell narratives of agency in which teachers persist because they can push back against or work around educational reforms they deem as constraining or harmful. A notable theme of this section is the importance of collegiality and connection with others, such as through teachers’ unions or communities of practices. Like Part 1, the chapters in Part 3: Disciplinary Landscapes emphasize the value of university and school collaboration. These stories showcase how inquiry (such as practitioner research) and innovative practices (such as redesigning curriculum and utilizing digital tools) motivate and sustain careers.
While positioned as a book for PK–12 teachers and teacher educators, the narratives speak most directly to secondary education teacher educators, highlighting the importance of mentorship and collaboration between universities and local schools. As a teacher educator, I found myself considering how my program could better support teachers after graduation and nurture invested stayers through collaborative partnerships or research. I was also struck by the narratives of teacher educators who reflect on the mutual benefits of collaboration. These teacher educators intimately reveal how their own pedagogical practices have been impacted, thanks to their ongoing work with practicing teachers. For me, few of the chapters shared particularly groundbreaking insights on why teachers persist; however, I find this book’s coauthored structure compelling. Given the increasingly challenging times, I would love to see a follow-up collection about teacher resilience in the context of the pandemic.
Glazer, J. (2018a). Leaving lessons: Learning from the exit decisions of experienced teachers. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 24(1), 50–62.
Glazer, J. (2018b). Learning from those who no longer teach: Viewing teacher attrition through a resistance lens. Teacher and Teacher Education, <em74, 62–71.
August 31, 2022
Abigail Kindelsperger is a lecturer and associate director of English education at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Previously, she taught high school English for more than a decade. She joined NCTE in 2004.
Literary Literacy: A Pragmatic Guide to the Teaching of Literature
Jonathan Marine
George Mason University
Book review of McCann, T. M., & Knapp, J. V. (2021). Learning to enjoy literature: How teachers can model and motivate. Rowman & Littlefield.
In Learning to Enjoy Literature: How Teachers Can Model and Motivate, Thomas M. McCann and John V. Knapp offer a series of structured approaches for ELA teachers to utilize in teaching (and modeling for) students the procedures for reading and understanding literature. The basis of their argument is that common approaches to teaching literature fail to give proper “attention to teaching students how to read” (p. 2). My own experiences as a teacher of literature lead me to believe that McCann and Knapp’s advocacy for an expanded conception of the literate activities that undergird students’ efforts to write about literature is a promising contribution to ELA educators and education. It is particularly useful for both “teachers-in-training [and] teachers currently on the job” (p. xi) in need of practical approaches to help students treat literary interpretation as a collective, collaborative, social, and intellectual activity.
Presented as the praxis-oriented follow-up to McCann and Knapp’s previous, more theoretical book for ELA teachers, Teaching on Solid Ground: Knowledge Foundations for the Teacher of English (2019), this volume offers detailed descriptions of specific instructional sequences often focused on particular literary works. For example, Chapter 3 suggests leading with a student survey on “fairness scenarios” (i.e., hypothetical school-based situations) that invites students to contemplate their own personal conceptions of fairness. By engaging students with the values—which then help them to navigate the myriad ethical and moral complexities in works such as The Merchant of Venice, The Tempest, Great Expectations, and Things Fall Apart—the authors are urging ELA teachers to more sensitively attend to how their students read. Chapter 4 encourages students to consider competing interpretations by first thinking about authorial intention and then accounting for the alternative interpretations that arise from small-group discussions with peers before agreeing, as a class, on explicit rules of notice and signification (i.e., how and what readers notice and what constitutes a key feature of a narrative).
Chapter 5 directs teachers to perform read- and think-alouds of short passages in order to “wonder out loud” (p. 66) and thereby model for students how a mature reader thinks about the complex prose and narrative arcs of literature. These detailed descriptions are de facto lesson plans, with pragmatic, accessible activities that teachers could implement and build on in their own classrooms. Further, the activities all seek to cultivate an understanding of students’ own perspectives first, which can then connect to literary experiences with an amplified emphasis on the social, dialectical exchanges that help to develop and reinforce students’ ability to write about and respond to literature.
One drawback of the book is the inlaid presumption that this teaching of literature will take place in traditional face-to-face environments. In a contemporary educational context that increasingly values progressive pedagogies focused on marginalized experiences, and which is addressed to students deeply immersed in a digitally connected and multimedia world, these efforts can feel a bit dated. It is incumbent upon all of us to, on the one hand, continue to modernize and sensitize our teaching practices and, on the other, not lose sight of the conveyable lessons of the literary past or the literate procedures for accessing them.
As a mid-career ELA teacher, I found Learning to Enjoy Literature: How Teachers Can Model and Motivate at its most valuable when it challenged me to reconsider the value of explicit instructional methods which attend to the often-occluded skills that amalgamate to form the literacy and literary ability of the students in my classroom. McCann and Knapp are to be commended for balancing a delicate spectrum of demands by centering on how to teach literature in a world that continues to question its value.
McCann, T. M., & Knapp, J. V. (2019). Teaching on solid ground: Knowledge foundations for the teacher of English. Guilford Press.
August 31, 2022
Jonathan Marine is a doctoral student in writing and rhetoric at George Mason University and has been a member of NCTE since 2019. He can be contacted via email at jmarine@gmu.edu and on Twitter at @JonathanMMarine.
June 2022
Reading Together: Crafting a School Culture to Support Multilingual Students
Stacia L. Long
University of Georgia
Book review of Vu, D. (2021). Life, literacy, and the pursuit of happiness: Supporting our immigrant and refugee children through the power of reading. Scholastic.
As an English language arts (ELA) teacher, I spent a lot of time thinking about the culture of the learning community I built with students. However, what we built together was limited to the four walls of our classroom, separate from other subject areas. Likewise, there wasn’t continuity from my class to the next ELA class the following year. While I sought collaborative educators among the other ELA teachers, I never thought much beyond my departmental setting. Don Vu’s (2021) Life, Literacy, and the Pursuit of Happiness: Supporting Our Immigrant and Refugee Children Through the Power of Reading challenges teachers like me to think bigger.
In this slim volume, Vu reflects on his work as an elementary school principal who worked alongside teachers to shape the school into a place dedicated to student literacy. The book sits nicely within the conventions of practitioner texts: it has a catchy title, an accessible length (144 pages), clear headings, bright images, framing narratives of both the author’s life and the school community, book recommendations, and an optimistic tone even when acknowledging the difficulties educators may face.
In sharing the ideals and practices that fed this work, Vu draws on a wide range of foundational thinkers in the field of critical education (e.g., Paulo Freire, Rudine Sims Bishop), proponents of reading workshop (e.g., Lucy Calkins), reading researchers (e.g., Richard Allington), and current practitioner voices (e.g., Kelly Gallagher, Steven Layne, Donalyn Miller). Quotations from other public voices—including Vice President Kamala Harris, James Baldwin, Justice Sonia Sotomayor, and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar—introduce each chapter, previewing how reading is connected to identity, community, or freedom.
In Part One: Life, Vu introduces himself as an educator who came to the United States as a Vietnam refugee in 1975, which illustrates his connection to immigrant and refugee students and demonstrates how literacy circulates in people’s lives. This reflection on his culture precedes his account of creating a campus-wide reading culture, the importance of this work, the challenges that educators may face, and the conditions necessary for a schoolwide reading culture: “commitment, clock, collection, conversation, connection, and celebration” (p. 30).
Part Two: Literacy focuses on the material conditions Vu and his colleagues established to support students and teachers as they developed reading lives. For instance, Vu offers book recommendations and descriptions of the steps he took to create time and space for reading. He also describes how parents and children’s book authors were invited to the school to support literacy practices beyond the campus. These strategies may be familiar to teachers, but by going beyond the school, he refreshingly offers a broader take.
In Part Three: Pursuit of Happiness, Vu makes visible his belief that reading is inextricably bound to achieving the American Dream while highlighting how books help readers better understand themselves and the world. Admittedly, this gave me pause. Vu leans heavily on the American dream as an aspiration for students without thinking critically about its flaws that are steeped in individuality and meritocracy or how social conditions constrain the prospects for many students to achieve it. This book was also written and published during the resurgence of the Reading Wars, the global pandemic, and racial violence. Vu neatly sidesteps these complex issues, instead offering a cursory discussion of how the pandemic increased the visibility of discrimination and inequality in education and American life.
Nonetheless, this book engages principals, teachers, and literacy leaders in the effort to develop a school reading culture that rests upon core values and is maintained through regular work. Readers will appreciate the window into a long-term project of school change that supports authentic literacy lives for all school stakeholders.
June 23, 2022
Stacia L. Long is a doctoral candidate studying English education at the University of Georgia. Her research focuses on how English language arts teachers talk and teach about sexual violence. She has been a member of NCTE since 2010.
Developing Racially Literate Readers
Janelle Jennings-Alexander
Saint Augustine’s University
Book review of Borsheim-Black, C., & Sarigianides, S. T. (2019). Letting Go of literary whiteness: Antiracist literature instruction for white students. Teachers College Press.
In Letting Go of Literary Whiteness, Carlin Borsheim-Black and Sophia Tatiana Sarigianides explore pathways for developing educators’ racial consciousness by interrogating literary works through the lens of critical race theory (CRT). Nowadays, any association with CRT is fraught, but Borsheim-Black and Sarigianides propose that CRT is necessary because it asks readers to acknowledge that “literature does not simply reflect race and racism in . . . society; literature has played a role in constructing race and racism in . . . society” (p. 7). As I think about my own identity as a black woman educator, both on the delivering and receiving end of educational experiences that center whiteness, I found this text validating, interesting, and engaging. But most of all, I appreciated Borsheim-Black and Sarigianides’s demand of teachers to address and unpack student responses when encountering texts that reflect on race, racism, and white supremacy.
Written with secondary English teachers and English teacher candidates in mind, Letting Go pushes against impulses to prescribe when and how teachers address racism in the classroom. To this end, the book encourages teachers to embed antiracist literature instruction throughout the curriculum and center the material prominently within classroom discussions and formative and summative assessments. The first chapter establishes base assumptions: that white texts need to be decentered, that colorblindness is inherent in teaching, and that racism needs to be interrupted in educational settings. The other six chapters focus on theories that support this argument—namely, reader response theory and critical race theory—and provide examples of how to adopt antiracist approaches to teaching texts and crafting assignments. The authors address the use of both canonical, white-authored novels, such as Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and To Kill a Mockingbird, and those less anthologized, such as works from Kwame Alexander, Sherman Alexie, and Elizabeth Acevedo.
This book does two things well. First, in Chapters 2 and 7, it offers practical guidance for implementing antiracist approaches, including the development of learning objectives and assessments. Unit plans, guiding questions, and classroom activities in each chapter aid in this work. Second, the book provides real accounts from classroom teachers to illustrate the opportunities and challenges of antiracist literature instruction as a method for racial literacy development and deep literary interpretation. For example, Chapter 2 features a teacher who investigates the racist tropes present in a political cartoon. In this example, Mrs. Kinney makes a noble effort to approach the work but stumbles because of student resistance and misreading, her own apprehensions and race-evasive practices, and her missteps in scaffolding the assignment. Borsheim-Black and Sarigianides share measured advice that helps support teachers and students through these challenges. Because white readers “need instruction for uncovering ways whiteness operates ideologically to shape our responses to literature” (p. 46), this text outlines approaches, such as counter-storytelling, and assignments, such as scaffolded race talks and collaborative glossaries, to generate structured points of entry into these discussions.
Letting Go outlines important opportunities for the future of literary study, including the need to develop citizens capable of navigating conversations about racism. Because of my own subject position, I found myself drawn to the few moments in the book that brought students of color into the conversation. As much as I found this book useful, I would have loved more attention to exploring not simply how white students are impacted by a focus on whiteness, but also how all students are affected. By doing so, this groundbreaking research can acknowledge that, since most literature curriculum is oriented toward whiteness, the anti-blackness and othering that occurs as a result impacts all students in significant ways. Thus, antiracist teacher training and pedagogical approaches offer an important benefit to students and educators from all backgrounds, including—and perhaps especially—those whose anti-blackness has a significant impact on their own self-worth.
June 23, 2022
Janelle Jennings-Alexander (@ProfessorJJA) is a scholar-educator whose teaching and training explore opportunities for increasing racial literacy and engaging learners in critical discourse through the study of African American–authored fiction. Janelle is a 2018 recipient of the NCTE Early Career Educator of Color Leadership Award and currently serves as a success coach with Write the Damn Dissertation. She joined NCTE in 2017.
Critical Conversations in Troubling Times
Christian George Gregory
Saint Anselm College
Book review of Schieble, M., Vetter, A., & Martin, K. M. (2020). Classroom talk for social change: Critical conversations in English language arts. Teachers College Press.
Classroom Talk for Social Change tackles pedagogies of classroom discourse surrounding thorny issues that create tension and anxiety for teachers and students alike. Written for classroom teachers, the work is divided into eight accessible chapters that provide theory, research, key terms, and firsthand narratives. Additionally, each chapter contains reflective questions for personal or group use and a well-curated list of topical readings focusing on power, culturally sustaining pedagogies, and teacher talk. Though there are many books about classroom discussion, this carefully researched volume is an invaluable go-to guide for teachers eager to address critical conversations responsibly.
While the initial chapters lay the groundwork for discussions of power, privilege, reflection, and racial literacy, Chapter 4 provides methods of establishing a critical learner stance or a “mindset that embraces the possibility for challenging, rethinking, or developing nuanced understandings about knowledge” (p. 14). Through engaging in self-reflection, teachers can best prepare for conversations about confronting power and more ably guide students to examine white privilege and dominant, oppressive narratives related to gender or class.
In Chapter 5, the authors examine discourse spaces that encourage a more equitable flow of ideas, habits of critical listening, and lines of questioning and response. The chapter’s focus on vulnerability and discomfort gives weight to affective responses in complex discussions, and the authors provide a thoughtful, stepped approach to navigate “tension and model repair” (p.66). Since reparative work seems uncommon (or absent) on social media platforms, the authors include verbal and written cues to enable students to identify their feelings and respond to complex topics. At the same time, they encourage teachers to join in critical conversations through collegial affinity groups to reveal bias, combat prejudice, and disrupt beliefs.
A trio of chapters then provides additional methods of practice and reflection for critical conversations. Chapter 6 provides teachers with varied tools to navigate critical conversations about race, gender, and sexuality. First, the authors offer protocols to humanize discussion—to de-essentialize ideas, encourage mindful language, and listen critically to others. Second, they name methods for teachers to address racist, sexist, homophobic, and transphobic discourse and invite the class to name how identity politics (e.g., focused on race, class, gender, or sexual orientation) can shape ideas and events, interrupt existing power structures, surface systemic oppression, and strategize ways to combat such systems in support of equity. Chapter 7 examines how four teachers’ talk moves—those that pose essential questions, disrupt status quo mindsets, render discourse more inclusive, and facilitate gateways to civic action—form the basis of critical conversations. Last, Chapter 8 invites teachers to consider how collegial inquiry groups afford teachers a safe space to reflect on critical classroom conversations. This chapter provides a practitioner model for inquiry groups, based on the authors’ experience of recording and transcribing conversations, identifying each teacher’s reflexive position in discussion, and breaking down the spoken, unspoken, and unremarked that can occur with complex conversations.
This work’s great strength is how it balances the context of critical conversations with a practical guide for teachers before entering classroom discussions about race, gender, sexuality, and ability. As a former secondary school teacher, I have observed how easily classroom conversations can diffuse into vague abstractions or sharpen regrettably into personal attacks. As a college professor, I notice students retreating from controversial topics into the dangerous safety of neutrality. Thankfully, these authors encourage teachers to engage, rather than retreat, from critical discourse—to create safe spaces of discourse, articulate ground rules, and practice inquiry and disruption, rather than battle in debate and defense. By doing so, they provide what many teachers have yearned for amid the sound and fury: an equitable and mindful framework for classroom discussion on topics relevant to the lives of our students.
June 23, 2022
Christian George Gregory is an assistant professor of education at Saint Anselm College and a former lecturer at Teachers College, Columbia University. His research interests include queer theory and pedagogy, classroom discourse, and expanding the canon in English education. He has been a member of NCTE since 2010.
Reckoning with the Other R in Education
Shelley L. Esman
Western Michigan University
Book review of Picower, B. (2021). Reading, writing, and racism: Disrupting Whiteness in teacher education and in the classroom. Beacon Press.
Bree Picower’s book Reading, Writing, and Racism: Disrupting Whiteness in Teacher Education and in the Classroom speaks to the curricular choices, textbooks, assignments, and teaching strategies that harm Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) in classrooms. Detailing how Whiteness can be enacted in classrooms through silence, saviorism, white privilege, and white fragility, Picower asserts that an inaccurate and racist curriculum is shaped by emphasis, omission, and/or outright lies. Her research provides specific, recent examples of systemic racism, as well as specific assignments and classroom activities.
The foreword by Bettina L. Love is followed by an introduction that connects Picower’s work to current research explaining how “oppression operates on four overlapping levels: ideological, institutional, interpersonal/individual, and internalized” (p. 11). In Chapter 1, Picower examines curricular Whiteness by providing specific examples from current classrooms, such as when a fifth-grade teacher in Bronxville, NY, had white students bid on Black classmates in a mock slave auction. Chapter 2 shares perceptions of Whiteness and racism through case studies of four white teachers who come from varying backgrounds (Picower’s former students).
By reframing understandings of race within teacher education, Chapter 3 provides more examples of teachers who show their bias through words and actions, such as when teachers in Idaho dressed up for Halloween as stereotypes of Mexicans behind a border wall with a sign saying “Make America Great Again.” In Chapters 4 and 5, the book concludes with possible designs for teacher education programs that disrupt Whiteness, reaching from admission to induction. Throughout, Picower’s examples urge readers to look at their own practices.
This book was mentioned to me as part of a book study through the Diversity, Inclusion, Justice, and Equity (DIJE) group of the Michigan Council of Teachers of English. We have read and discussed How to Be an Antiracist (Kendi, 2019) and Cultivating Genius (Muhammad, 2020), as well as other texts that disrupt Whiteness. In my work as a doctoral graduate assistant teaching English education courses, Reading, Writing, and Racism has provided an additional foundation for preparing my preservice teachers to stop the cycle of harm. Teachers, teacher educators, and preservice teachers must examine their own identities and recognize their own potential to further marginalize their future students.
This book leaves the reader with a deeper understanding of the connections between recent research on antiracism, Whiteness, and the educational system and explains the urgency of providing effective teacher education programs that instill an undeniable belief that “regardless of how Whiteness manifests in classes, it must be disrupted” (p. 120). Teacher educators must provide opportunities for their students to examine their own identities and the relationship between individual teachers’ racial beliefs and their instructional practices, since “teacher education is one such institution that has the capacity to disrupt the racial ideology of large numbers of teachers before they enter the field poised to cause damage” (p. 62). It is essential for “teacher education to explicitly address and transform racial ideology as part of the curriculum design” (p. 82).
Kendi, A. (2019). How to be an antiracist. One World.
Muhammad, G. (2020). Cultivating genius: An equity framework for culturally and historically responsive literacy. Scholastic.
June 23, 2022
Shelley L. Esman is an English education doctoral student at Western Michigan University. She began her education journey as an elementary school teacher (twenty years) and then an instructional coach (ten years) with a master’s in reading and literacy with the K–12 literacy endorsement. Her research focuses on instructional practices that support diversity as well as understanding of the Holocaust through literature and writing. She is the Elementary chairperson of MCTE; an active member of the DIJE subcommittee’s work on diversity, inclusion, justice, and equity; and co-director of the Third Coast Writing Project at WMU. She has been a member of NCTE for two years.
April 2022
Inquiry and Empathy with Young Adult Literature
Alisha M. White
Western Illinois University
Book review of Hays, A. D. (2021). Engaging empathy and activating agency: Young adult literature as a catalyst for action. Rowman & Littlefield.
As a teacher educator, I am always searching for engaging ways to blend social justice topics and social-emotional learning with skill instruction and concept development. Alice D. Hays has provided one such approach in Engaging Empathy and Activating Agency: Young Adult Literature as a Catalyst for Action (2021) by presenting a curriculum for using young adult (YA) literature to teach empathy and develop students’ agency for active problem-solving in their communities and society.
I was curious about this book for use with my undergraduate English education students because I assign contemporary YA titles, representing a variety of author and character identities (e.g., in terms of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, ability, and mental health status) to engage them in discussions of inequality, critical literacy, and social action. I was particularly interested in how this book might expand the social action aspect of my curriculum.
Hays presents a curriculum that develops language arts skills and social-emotional learning through YA literature circles and inquiry into social justice topics. In Chapter 1, she describes lessons for introducing concepts related to identity, privilege, and inequality—for example, inviting students to brainstorm topics they are interested in reading about and researching. In fact, each chapter offers concrete steps and ideas for implementing the curriculum, such as activity overviews (what the teacher does and what students do), student work templates, and teacher resources.
Chapter 2 provides a rationale for using contemporary YA literature with characters experiencing the inequalities that students chose, then outlines how to set up literature circles in the classroom and provides a sample calendar to illustrate helpful structures for those literature circles. While traditional research papers often focus on skill development, the inquiry project described in Chapter 3 builds students’ empathy by having them conduct research related to their YA novel reading and share the inquiry of their chosen social justice issue with school community members and stakeholders. Chapter 4 outlines how to guide students in developing and implementing an action plan while offering flexibility in assessing student learning and holding students accountable for accomplishing the goals they set for themselves.
The voices of teachers and their students are highlighted throughout the book in sections titled Putting Theory into Practice. In Chapter 5, Hays presents interviews with two teachers and a student who experienced the curriculum. The book concludes with an appendix containing annotations of suggested Books for Social Justice Issues organized by topic.
Teacher educators will find this book an accessible way to introduce critical literacy, culturally responsive teaching, and anti-racist curriculum through studying contemporary YA literature, building research and writing skills, and developing social-emotional learning. Through sample projects and descriptions of instructional practices, as well as educational theories and scholarship that support the curriculum, Engaging Empathy and Activating Agency serves as a resource for beginning (and experienced) teachers who want to help students “consider and discuss their own positionality, identity, and their society around them so that they might thoughtfully consider how they can and would want to positively impact the world” (Hays, 2021, p. 2).
April 4, 2022
Alisha M. White brings critical literacy and young adult literature to her English education courses at Western Illinois University. She has been an NCTE member since 2007 and has served as co-chair of the NCTE/ELATE Commission on Arts and Literacies. Her most recent works have appeared in English Journal, The ALAN Review, and A Symphony of Possibilities: A Handbook for Arts Integration in Secondary English Language Arts (edited by Katherine J. Macro and Michelle Zoss).
Toward a More Inclusive Diversity: Critical Considerations of Living, Being, and Teaching Rural
Chea Parton
The University of Texas at Austin
Book review of Petrone, R., & Wynhoff Olsen, A. (2021). Teaching English in Rural Communities: Toward a Critical Rural English Pedagogy. Rowman & Littlefield.
Eckert and Petrone’s (2013) call for the field to devote more attention to rural English language arts (ELA) teaching and teacher preparation hit really close to home. Even though I have attended and taught in rural schools, it was the first piece of scholarship I had ever read that explicitly mentioned rural ELA teaching and considered the specific affordances and constraints associated with it. Since then, rural-focused ELA scholarship has still been hard to come by, so Petrone & Wynhoff Olsen’s Teaching English in Rural Communities: Toward a Critical Rural English Pedagogy (2021) provides a much-needed opportunity for teachers and teacher educators to consider and challenge the dominant narrative that positions rural people as “Rednecks. Inbred hicks. Toothless hillbillies. Racists and homophobes clinging to guns and Bibles” (Kruger, 2020).
Petrone and Wynhoff Olsen’s text provides both the theoretical underpinnings for critical rural English pedagogy (CREP) and examples of how to employ the theory in practice. The authors outline CREP as a pedagogy designed to help students (a) analyze and critique discourses and ideologies related to rurality and (b) create texts that disrupt dominant deficit notions of rural people and places—something I struggled to do in my own rural classroom. Further, it offers “a ‘from the ground up’ and accessible approach to insert, humanize, and recalibrate the place of rural teachers and contexts within English Education” (p. 3).
In its balanced organization, the book features three theory-building chapters that frame three practice-focused chapters, each of the latter co-written with rural ELA teachers and including unit structures, lesson plans, and examples of students’ work. To open, Petrone and Olsen outline CREP’s major tenets, discuss the need for it, and situate it within current academic scholarship. After introducing CREP as pedagogy, Chapter 2 situates CREP in practice, discussing a unit designed to question and disrupt notions of rurality, while Chapter 3 centers Indigenous ruralities, asking who is included and excluded when we say “rural.” In the final practice-based chapter, the authors offer a broader view of activities used by teachers to specifically address topics that teachers find challenging to bring into their rural classrooms (e.g., notions of land ownership; LGBTQIA+ identities; poverty; alcohol and drug abuse and addiction).
The last two chapters broaden their considerations to address specific affordances and challenges of teaching and using CREP in rural ELA classrooms. Chapter 5 gives particular attention to race and addresses the invisibility of Native, Black, and Latinx rural populations and the importance of making their experiences visible across rural and sub/urban places. In the final chapter, Petrone and Wynhoff Olsen imagine a way forward for CREP, exploring possibilities for incorporating it into all levels and places of ELA instruction, as well as policies that impact education.
Because there are precious few texts like it, Teaching English in Rural Communities is an important book for the field. However, its focus on rurality does have limitations. Rural teachers need professional literature like this to help them bring a critical place-based lens to their rural students. Throughout the book, including Valerie Kinloch’s foreword, CREP is situated as an important read for educators across all geographic classifications; however, and perhaps understandably so, there is very little attention given to how CREP could be used in urban classrooms to further decenter urbanity in a way that can make rural experiences more visible than they currently are.
There are more than 9 million rural students in the US (Showalter et al., 2019), but most educational scholarship is metrocentric. As a former rural student and rural ELA teacher, I wish I would have had the learning and teaching opportunities this book offers—namely, to both appreciate and critique rurality and my experiences of it. With this book, Petrone and Wynhoff Olsen offer a critical disruption to an overwhelmingly metrocentric field and invite current and future scholars to take up this work alongside them.
Eckert, L. S., & Petrone, R. (2013). Raising issues of rurality in English teacher education. English Education, 46(1), 68–81.
Kruger, P. (2020, April 9). What don’t most liberals realize. Quora. https://www.quora.com/What-dont-most-liberals-realize
Showalter, D., Hartman, S. L., Johnson, J., & Klein, B. (2019, November). Why rural matters 2018–2019: The time is now. Rural School and Community Trust. http://www.ruraledu.org/WhyRuralMatters.pdf
April 4, 2022
Chea Parton is a farm girl and former rural student and teacher. She currently teaches future English teachers, researches the role of place in teacher preparation, and advocates for the teaching of rural young adult literature through her website Literacy in Place. She has been a member of NCTE since 2008.
March 2022
Co-Opting the World to Cultivate the Word: On Place-Based Writing Pedagogy
Jessica Eagle
North Carolina State University
Book review of Montgomery, R., & Montgomery, A. (2021). A place to write: Getting your students out of the classroom and into the world. National Council of Teachers of English.
I’d like you to think back to your own classroom writing experiences. Which do you remember most—and why? It’s likely that your most memorable written products were authentically inspired from your own emotional and experience-based connections to the content and context. The most rewarding classes encourage construction of your own knowledge, learning how to think for yourself, and how to share your knowledge with others. A teacher cannot simply transmit known information; authentic knowing isn’t created from simply absorbing another’s knowledge (Blau, 2011).
As an educator, I often question how we might offer such an experience to our own students. Rob and Amanda Montgomery’s A Place to Write: Getting Your Students out of the Classroom and into the World provides a theoretically grounded yet pragmatically oriented discussion of what it means to use space and place as fulcrums to cultivate authenticity in the teaching and learning of writing.
Montgomery and Montgomery present the transformative potential of place-based writing to “save traditional writing from itself” (p. xii) and allow students “to do authentic and meaningful work in a way other writing struggles to achieve” (p. xiii). The book begins with an initial roadmap of what can be accomplished with a place-based writing approach (e.g., strengthening self-worth through identity-centric environments). Specifically, the first chapter problem-poses traditional pedagogical practices for writing, explains how place-based writing encourages the concept of authenticity in student writing, and provides a framework teachers may adopt for creating place-based writing activities that are valuable for their individual learning communities. By way of evidencing the framework’s practical application, the second chapter provides two complete units, including activity materials that the chapter’s author (a fourth-grade teacher) successfully implemented with her students.
In line with Dewey (2005), who argued that students can truly learn only through experience and contended that an experience arises out of, and is distinct from, our many everyday experiences, Montgomery and Montgomery call for educators to situate writing activities as part of students’ sense of identity. Speaking to what makes a given location meaningful, the authors challenge us to consider how its particularities impart “the emotional attachments that make them resonate with people” (p. 10). Thus, this book is set apart from other place-based writing guides in that it does not center an environmentalist standpoint; rather, it details how this approach can be used for a variety of instructional purposes.
Chapters 3 through 8 are each dedicated to different locations that help teachers consider the range of students’ possible experiences. From in-school locations (e.g., the cafeteria), to community sites (e.g., playgrounds), and even virtual spaces (relevant and timely, given the navigation of COVID-19 policies), this section of the book illustrates how each place can foster inclusivity and become a site of authentic inquiry. Each of these chapters is complemented with adaptable lesson ideas and practical examples of activities and assignments that target unique purposes for writing (e.g., writing argumentative narratives).
This theoretically aligned how-to guide for place-based writing bridges complex literacy skill development and aesthetic fulfillment. In an era when public schools often marginalize the abstract and revere that which can be held to accountable standards, the book scaffolds the knowledge and dispositions necessary for empowering students to actively encounter and impact real-world situations. As a former teacher determined to motivate my students to delight in writing, and presently a teacher educator abruptly charged this past year with helping my student teachers negotiate the health and safety implications of working within various spatial conditions, I view this work as a valuable support for student engagement and the use of outdoor and alternative learning environments. Suited for use in professional development situations and methods courses alike, the authors’ writing style will capture and sustain the attention of any who are searching for a succinctly structured, yet substantial, toolkit for progressive best practices in the teaching of writing.
Blau, S. (2011). Fostering authentic learning in the literature classroom. In J. O. Milner & C. A. Pope (Eds.), Engaging American novels: Lessons from the classroom (pp. 3–17). National Council of Teachers of English.
Dewey, J. (2005). Art as experience. Berkley.
March 24, 2022
Jessica Eagle is a doctoral candidate in English education and literacy in the Department of Teacher Education and Learning Sciences at North Carolina State University. Her research interests include the use of computational methods in English language arts, subscreenic literacies, writing pedagogies, secondary English teacher education, and the role of emotion in learning contexts. She has been a member of the NCTE since 2015.
December 2021
Planning with Purpose: A Comprehensive How-To Guide
Erika Watts
University of South Florida
Book review of Roseboro, A. J. S., & Marschall, C. A. (2021). Planning with purpose: A handbook for new college teachers. Rowman & Littlefield.
Roseboro and Marschall’s Planning with Purpose: A Handbook for New College Teachers reads as a how-to guide for the first year of teaching college students even as it advises new teachers of challenges they may face as they start in their profession. It is full of easily accessible, step-by-step lesson plans, allowing teachers of any course to bookmark a lesson to teach on the spot. The authors emphasize the need for flexibility as a college educator; accordingly, while providing how-to lessons, they also discuss ways to adapt and fit them to the needs of all students.
The book’s layout presents as an easy-to-follow handbook for new college teachers entering into teaching. The authors offer sample assessments, tips for selecting relevant texts, homework suggestions, and, of course, engaging lessons to use in the classroom. The activities provided throughout the book often allow students to write and receive feedback on their writing, which is vital to a student’s growth as a learner and a writer.
While many of these lessons center on writing, they can also be used to build community in the classroom by allowing students to network and collaborate. The authors offer suggestions for how to pair students and enhance class engagement—concepts that might be challenging for a first-year college teacher. When I first began teaching at the high school level, I avoided pairing my students for writing activities due to fear of losing control of the classroom. Letting high school students loose from teacher-led instruction to critique each other’s work seemed quite intimidating to a first-year teacher fresh out of undergrad. I worried they would give overly harsh feedback, get off topic during discussion, or act out with their peers. I eventually worked past these concerns and realized how much they could learn about their own writings by talking to one another. Had I had this book in my first years of teaching, I would have used the techniques in Chapter 4 right away.
Planning with Purpose further extends the teaching of writing by offering lessons on creating multimodal presentations (as shown in Chapter 8) that allow students to showcase using media and public speaking to make their writing come to life. The authors provide examples for new educators that can help students see the relevance in writing by using what might be considered more “real-life” examples, such as understanding bibliographies and examining scientific procedures in writing. Roseboro and Marschall also provide guiding techniques for student–teacher writing conferences. Even as a veteran teacher, techniques like those in Chapter 6 were interesting for me as they demonstrated how conferencing before grading would make students more focused on the critiques and thus further engaged with their writing.
While Planning with Purpose provides helpful examples and techniques for teachers, it is limited by its lack of justification for different activities. Notes at the ends of chapters contain citations for research, but they would have been more effective if implemented throughout the text in order to offer additional resources and scholarly references for new teachers. Overall, however, this book provides an easily accessible guide for beginning (and even veteran) teachers to explore or expand ways of teaching. The detailed lesson plans and consistent explanation of expectations create a wonderful toolkit for educators to modify for their classroom. Though the book is geared toward new college teachers, I found the lessons and tips beneficial for teachers of any grade level with a bit of adaptation. I look forward to taking this handbook into my high school classroom and revamping my lessons to better assist my students.
December 29, 2021
Erika Watts is a doctoral student at the University of South Florida, studying curriculum and instruction in English education. She has been a member of NCTE since 2019 and is currently a high school English teacher in Florida.
Netflix, Headlines, and Street Signs: Practical Lessons for 10 Grammar Concepts
Karen Morris
Penn State Altoona
Book review of Crovitz, D., & Devereaux, M. D. (2020). More grammar to get things done: Daily lessons for teaching grammar in context. Routledge.
In More Grammar to Get Things Done: Daily Lessons for Teaching Grammar in Context (2020), Darren Crovitz and Michelle D. Devereaux model how to teach grammar in a way that focuses on function over memorization, an approach they describe as “reality-based grammar in context” (p. 27). The book is split into two sections: three chapters that provide an overview of why and how to teach grammar—a term they acknowledge they use to encompass conventions of style, usage, and mechanics—and one chapter with 10-day lesson plans for 10 grammatical concepts. These lessons demonstrate how playing with language can give students more control over the meaning and purpose of their writing.
The core of this book consists of the 10-day lesson sequences on grammar concepts. Topics range from conjunctive adverbs to noun phrases and nominalization. Every lesson includes an explanation of each concept’s rhetorical purpose, a script for teaching lessons, and a guide for student assessment. The authors make it clear, however, that teachers should revise, remove, and rework lessons to meet the needs of their students. The lessons are short, taking 5 to 15 minutes to complete, so teachers can connect them to ongoing classroom instruction. This recursive design lets students return to work completed in previous lessons and units. The lessons’ texts for students to analyze come from the authors’ own writing as well as out-of-school texts, such as Netflix movie summaries and newspaper coverage of current events.
This book would be helpful for preservice teachers who are unfamiliar, or perhaps uncomfortable, with including grammar instruction in their teaching practices. Teachers new to language analysis might struggle to understand the content of the first three chapters, which includes the difference between grammar, usage, and mechanics; why instruction should focus on how language is being used; what standardized English means; and how language is power. This is a lot of material to dig through alone, but Crovitz and Devereaux’s writing is playful and concise, making the content accessible, even for a novice.
As the authors stress, writing is an active process. This book provides preservice teachers with exemplars for how to teach grammar concepts so students can make grammar a part of that process. In addition, the book can serve the dual purpose of modeling recursive lessons and teaching grammar concepts with which preservice teachers may be unfamiliar. What I found most appealing about Crovitz and Devereaux’s lessons was the focus on the why of grammar. Why might I use a fragment? Why might I use an appositive instead of a dependent clause? The lessons in this book provide a way to teach grammar so it appears no longer as a collection of random rules, but rather as choices in language and sentence structure that give students more control over the meaning and impact of their writing.
As a former high school English teacher, I wondered whether students would be able to transfer many of the grammar concepts to writing literary analysis essays and research papers, the genres that dominated the curriculum where I taught. When teaching college undergraduates this past year, however, I found ways to address some of the grammar concepts in my instruction more easily than I thought I would. For example, while writing research papers, my students learned how conjunctive adverbs, dependent clauses, complex sentences, and subordinating conjunctions could be used to show the relationship between facts when students synthesized content from multiple sources. While I could not implement all of the activities, because of limited class time, the lessons provided a common language for us to discuss how small grammatical choices can have large rhetorical effects.
December 29, 2021
Karen Morris, a former high school English teacher with a doctorate in curriculum and instruction from Penn State, currently teaches in Penn State Altoona’s English department. Her research focuses on preservice teacher education and the teaching of writing. Karen has been a member of NCTE since 2016.
Swimming in Story and Writing for Truth
Kate Hope
California State University, Stanislaus
Book review of Stewart, M. (Ed.). (2020). Nonfiction writers dig deep: 50 award-winning children’s book authors share the secret of engaging writing. National Council of Teachers of English.
My seven-year-old daughter lives for books about animal predators. Each morning, she rattles off a list of facts; as our family soaks up this new information, she importantly raises her pointer finger to say things like, “Mom, did you know wolf pups have babysitters?” and “Great white sharks use about 50 teeth in a single chomp!”
My daughter’s obsession with books about predators has shown me the impact of a passionate writer. Her books hold stories about real life, crafted by writers who find motivation through their own wonderings about the world. Nonfiction Writers Dig Deep, a collection edited by Melissa Stewart, presents essays from 50 award-winning nonfiction children’s authors who share their writing processes and what inspires them to explore the topics found in their books. The essays in this collection show how authors craft true, and often very personal, stories, brilliantly modeling for young writers how to tell true stories infused with wonder.
Through both reading selections and writing lessons, Nonfiction Writers Dig Deep serves as a multidimensional resource for teacher educators. In organization and content, this collection is highly accessible, especially for teachers who want to reach for a text to find the tool or sample they need. Each chapter includes teaching methods and a Teacher Timesaver table for teachers to select the essays most pertinent to their topic and grade level.
In the first chapter, authors model their processes of selecting and researching a topic, effectively expanding traditional notions of nonfiction writing instruction to share the feelings and memories that draw them to the topics they select. This thread is woven through every mentor essay: crafting nonfiction stories requires an emotional connection because nonfiction writing is a deeply personal task.
Chapter 2 illuminates the writing process as unpredictable and fluid while demonstrating how professional writers take their next steps to chisel out an area of focus. The brief narratives in this chapter give voice and realistic approaches to the writing process through the stories that lead each writer down their unique path toward a final product.
The final chapter addresses plagiarism, an issue expressed “again and again . . . on teachers’ lists of significant roadblocks” (p. 118). Because students often simply copy down facts from the nonfiction texts they read, forgetting their obligation to storytelling, Stewart encourages teachers to embed a few critical steps into the prewriting process. This approach includes designing activities in which students “evaluate, assimilate, analyze, or synthesize the information they’ve gathered” (p. 172), which invites young writers to “add a piece of themselves to their drafts” (p. 172) rather than regurgitating encyclopedia-style informational texts.
As a textbook that supports teaching methods, Nonfiction Writers Dig Deep provides important theoretical perspectives as well as specific moves made by professional writers. I look forward to using this text in my Writing for Teachers course to model nonfiction writing instruction by inviting my preservice teachers to work in stations. Each area will contain a poster board for collective note-taking, a mentor essay displayed in a sign holder, and two nonfiction books written by the same author. Teams will read each text aloud, and as they move from station to station, they will add notes on a poster board, creating a list of strategies the authors used in their writing. After each team has visited every station, we will come together as a class to decide on the most critical strategies for teaching students to engage in nonfiction writing. This activity allows students to collect a wealth of instructional strategies from the Nonfiction Writers Dig Deep text, while inviting them to critically examine these strategies for their future classroom settings.
December 29, 2021
Kate Hope began her journey as a high school English teacher in Queen Creek, Arizona, where she taught for seven years. Today, she teaches English education courses at California State University, Stanislaus, in Northern California. She joined NCTE in 2005.
August 2021
Real-Life Writing: Encouraging Students to Use Their Words to Make the World Better
Beth Spinner
Western Michigan University
Book review of Witte, S. (Ed.). (2020). Writing can change everything: Middle level kids writing themselves into the world. National Council of Teachers of English.
Shelbie Witte’s edited book Writing Can Change Everything: Middle Level Kids Writing Themselves into the World offers glimpses into writing classrooms where teachers and students are doing important work. Each teacher-contributor uses parts of NCTE’s position statement Professional Knowledge for the Teaching of Writing (2016) in their chapter to explain how their examples support the beliefs presented in the statement and aim to bring the statement to life in classrooms. The teachers describe units, lessons, activities, and conversations that happen when students’ creations promote active participation in the world and writing promotes agency. The contributors also describe how their students create poetry, public narratives, blogs, comfort notes, board games, and other real-world writings that foster student empowerment and community engagement.
Writing Can Change Everything contains examples of student work, such as memoir poems that explore identity and board games that reflect collaboration. These examples demonstrate how teaching ideas are implemented in practice. While the book offers examples that could be put to use immediately, it also emphasizes the importance of taking time to reflect. Each chapter includes examples of how teachers reflect on their practice and the needs of their students before implementing new writing ideas. For example, a teacher using public narratives describes how he tried to incorporate matters that were important to students in his curriculum, but, upon reflection, realized his students needed to be cocreators of the curriculum. Readers are encouraged to reflect in similar ways to consider their practices and what their own students need.
While the book provides many real-world writing examples, it could focus more on informational or research writing. Students will likely encounter this genre in their world, as well as in Common Core State Standards, which focus on informational writing and research. Although the text includes some examples, such as a student researching bat boxes and proposing that his community purchase them, it focuses mainly on the genres of poetry and narrative writing. The teacher-writers do, however, make clear how these genres fit into everyday writing that can change the world. For example, Chapter 3 explains how poetry can be used to create social change, and Chapter 6 describes how public narratives can motivate people to take action.
Writing Can Change Everything provides a guide for preservice teachers who want to encourage students’ voices. Each chapter incorporates ample research to support the practices being used in the classroom, as well as specific lesson ideas, examples of student work, and reflection to demonstrate how these concepts unfold in real classroom settings. Reading about this process of implementing real-world writing provides opportunities for preservice teachers to see how they might implement similar ideas.
In my work with preservice English teachers, I try to offer many classroom scenarios to make the theories presented throughout the course as relevant as possible. This book would provide my students with scenarios of teachers implementing real writing instruction strategies in their teaching. Our methods class often talks about helping middle and high school students learn to write for the real world; using examples from this book would help preservice teachers see what middle and high school student work might look like when they are learning writing skills. Preservice teachers often talk about how they can make their curriculum meaningful, and Witte’s Writing Changes Everything serves as a model for how they can make a difference through teaching writing.
National Council of Teachers of English. (2016, February 28). Professional knowledge for the teaching of writing [Position statement]. https://ncte.org/statement/teaching-writing/.
August 3, 2021
Beth Spinner is a doctoral student at Western Michigan University, and her research focuses on secondary English teachers encouraging social action in the classroom. She has been a member of NCTE since 2019.
Reading Conversation Journals: A Strategy to Inspire
Amber Deig
University of Florida
Book review of Rose, D., and Walsh, C. (2020). Talking through reading and writing: Online reading conversation journals in the middle school. Rowman & Littlefield.
Rose and Walsh’s Talking through Reading and Writing: Online Reading Conversation Journals in the Middle School presents online reading conversation journals (RCJs) as a tool for the modern literacy classroom. Daniel Rose, a middle school literacy educator with twenty years of classroom experience, and Christine Walsh, a literacy researcher and educator, see RCJs as tools for igniting the love of reading within middle school students. RCJs help teachers save classroom time, promote instructional differentiation, and create space for ongoing assessment. For students, RCJs provide opportunities for engagement in a low-risk environment, self-progress monitoring over time, and personalized book suggestions and feedback from teachers.
This text is composed of twenty-two chapters organized into four sections. The authors devote Part I to describing the benefits of RCJs, which include efficiency, privacy, and differentiation. In Part II, they explore how RCJs enhance teacher-student relationships by establishing rapport through authentic conversations on literature. The authors then depict, in Part III, how RCJs promote expanded definitions of text, highlighting the possibilities for poetry, art, and Snapchat to invite student participation in literacy practices. Finally, in Part IV, they outline how RCJs can increase reading engagement and self-awareness through mindfulness. Rose and Walsh conclude with a discussion on the use of RCJs for ongoing assessment. Several themes are woven throughout the book, including opportunities for differentiation, record keeping, and authentic teacher-student relationships.
The authors present RCJs as a strategy for inspiring all students to engage with texts, even those who do not choose to read on their own. This work is supported by extensive and frequent excerpts from RCJs that demonstrate the potential of the strategy. By presenting a how-to guide on digital reading conversation journals for practitioners and providing extensive examples of how teachers use them to connect and engage in texts with students, the authors describe how RCJs can be leveraged to promote literacy learning in well-equipped brick-and-mortar classrooms, although the strategy is relevant in remote learning settings as well.
However, there are a few notable weaknesses in the book. First, it describes technology use by students as “second nature” (p. 4), which frames students as digital natives (Prensky, 2010) even though this perspective has been demonstrated as problematic (see Bennett et al., 2008). In addition, though RCJs require use of technology, this book does not explore existing inequities concerning access to technology across educational settings (Morrell & Rowsell, 2019). Rose and Walsh also indicate that RCJs offer students access to a multitude of resources via the Internet, but they do not acknowledge contemporary concerns around 21st century literacies, such as Internet navigation and information literacy skill sets.
Additionally, the book claims the online nature of RCJs provides a “level playing field academically, socially, and emotionally” (p. 4) for English language learners (ELLs) without exploring the constraints and affordances of online literacy engagement for ELLs—a complex topic in my experience. As a teacher of ELLs and now a researcher, I have witnessed firsthand many ELL students’ frustrations surrounding the navigation of technology and the Internet using English. RCJs require proficiency in reading and writing in addition to knowledge of computers, word processors, and the Internet.
From reading this book, I view RCJs as a high-quality option for students who possess the technological tools and literacy skills to engage in them, but I cannot ignore the difficulties RCJs present for students who do not. Yet, the authors present a strategy that could work well in both face-to-face and online settings, along with helpful features to promote easy implementation for practitioners, including an appendix responding to teachers’ frequently asked questions about digital RCJs, suggested resources by current educators, and reading recommendations for students. As a result, this book is a timely addition to the field.
Bennett, S., Maton, K., & Kervin, L. (2008). The “digital natives” debate: A critical review of the evidence. British Journal of Educational Technology, 39(5), 775–786.
Krashen, S. D. (1993). The case for free voluntary reading. Canadian Modern Language Review, 50(1), 72–82.
Krashen, S. D. (2011). Free voluntary reading. ABC-CLIO.
Morrell, E., & Rowsell, J. (Eds.). (2019). Stories from inequity to justice in literacy education: Confronting digital divides. Routledge.
Prensky, M. R. (2010). Teaching digital natives: Partnering for real learning. Corwin.
August 3, 2021
Amber Deig is a PhD student at the University of Florida studying curriculum and instruction with a specialization in ESOL/bilingual education; before beginning her doctoral studies, she worked as an elementary school teacher and as an ESL teacher. Her research interests include emergent bilingual learners in US K–12 settings, multimodality, multimodal composing, and activity theory. Amber joined NCTE in 2021.
June 2021
Leveling Up Literacy: Games in the ELA Classroom
Caitlin Donovan
North Carolina State University
Book review of Garcia, A., Witte, S., & Dail, J. S. (Eds.). (2020). Playing with Teaching: Considerations for Implementing Gaming Literacies in the Classroom. Brill Sense.
As a student, I dreaded the inevitable end-of-year board game project: a hastily colored contraption of cardboard, with low-level novel facts bleeding through the back of construction paper cards. Perhaps if my teachers had used the theory-based practice found in Playing with Teaching: Considerations for Implementing Gaming Literacies in the Classroom, they would have better leveraged the instructional power of gaming to improve literacy. Editors Antero Garcia, Shelbie Witte, and Jennifer S. Dail have curated a series of chapters that illustrate possibilities for critical literacies through play that will appeal to both novice and experienced educators seeking to bring gaming into their classrooms.
Assembling seven diverse chapters that highlight the strengths of both design and fun found in games, the collection interrogates the interconnectedness between literacies, pedagogies, and play. The goal is clear: share specific strategies to help classroom educators use games effectively. The editors explain their framework of playful pedagogical content knowledge (p. 5), asking readers to consider the ways in which gameful, playful engagement with complex systems can help teachers rethink curriculum, the conversation surrounding games, and how games can be used as texts. The chapters engage with a broad range of specific examples, from video game construction to tabletop activities and live-action role-playing, efficiently demonstrating the breadth of possibilities of gaming as a literacies framework. Representing K–16 classrooms, the authors share their expertise and demonstrate how the narrative elements of games can extend inquiry and criticality. Furthermore, the authors add legitimacy to the joyful engagement that games garner among students.
The chapters, consistently well-sourced and referenced, are each unique in topic and mode of gaming implementation. All authors are transparent in their data, with rich figures adding depth and feasibility to enacting the practices. These authors implement literacy practices that highlight how a games-based pedagogy can be useful in a classroom. For example, Rachel Kaminski Sanders intentionally redesigns the end-of-year board game activity that haunted my childhood; her research provides thoughtful, theory-centered analytic and creative instruction, treating students to the criticality and design principles inherent in games (p. 31).
Too often, research on engaging literacy practices is positioned in out-of-school, supplemental spaces. Of all the chapters here, however, only one takes place outside the classroom, and even then, the rich descriptions, artifacts, and analysis clearly show how an educator could implement those processes with their own students.
While the first half of the book shows gaming literacies in practice, the second half of the collection focuses more on the theoretical implications of a games-based pedagogy. If you are already game positive, you might not need the framework for applying a critical lens to your practice. Whether you are experienced in implementing gaming or starting at Level 1, this book is an excellent addition to the library of any literacy educator. Although it is primarily framed as a hands-on resource for teachers and teacher educators, it also serves as justification for the inclusion of games to administrators and curriculum specialists, as well as a perfect starting point for literacy researchers.
Playing with Teaching: Considerations for Implementing Gaming Literacies in the Classroom is the book I needed when my middle schoolers were justifying where they put the characters from Lord of the Flies on the Dungeons & Dragons character alignment chart. My principal did not understand the theoretical background or the pedagogical potential that came from incorporating games into literacy practices. With this book, I could have advocated for my instruction with well-supported, trustworthy examples of how to implement an array of gaming literacies in the classroom and how teachers can prepare themselves for the task of engaging students with the fun, critical inquiry found in gaming.
June 23, 2021
Caitlin Donovan is a doctoral student in literacy and English language arts education at North Carolina State University and has been a member of NCTE since 2012. She can be contacted via email at cdonova@ncsu.edu and on Twitter at @DonovanTeacher.
Advocacy Knowledge: Moving beyond Content and Pedagogical Knowledge in Teacher Preparation
Nicole Ann Amato
University of Iowa
Book review of Fleischer, C., & Garcia, A. (2021). Everyday advocacy: Teachers who change the literacy narrative. W. W. Norton.
For some, the word advocacy invokes images of marching, protesting, and grand legislative action. It can, at times, elevate teachers’ fears about performance evaluations and job security. Cathy Fleischer and Antero Garcia offer teachers and teacher educators a revision of the images and dread frequently framing advocacy work in Everyday Advocacy: Teachers Who Change the Literacy Narrative (2021). Fleischer and Garcia define everyday advocacy as “the day-to-day actions teachers can take to change the public narrative regarding schools, teachers, and learning” (p. 9). Drawing attention to statistics of teacher burnout and declining enrollment in teacher education programs amidst a backdrop of deprofessionalizing curricula and assessment mandates, the authors argue for a “new golden rule” (p. 3) in teacher education that looks beyond content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge by explicitly preparing teachers with advocacy knowledge.
Fleischer and Garcia strive to construct clear, concise, and accessible discussions of literacy and ELA practices rooted in advocacy, its empirical and theoretical grounding, and its instructional implications. They argue there “is no one way to do advocacy” as it is “never formulaic or exacting” (p. 33). Advocacy must “constantly be made and remade depending on the context of particular communities, the comfort level of teachers, and the politics surrounding the specific issues of concern” (p. 33). Everyday Advocacy offers a variety of pathways and models for weaving theories and practices of advocacy into classroom curriculum, professional development, and teacher education programs.
A slim and accessible volume at just under two hundred pages, Everyday Advocacy is organized into three parts: defining everyday advocacy, centering advocacy in secondary ELA instruction, and centering advocacy in English teacher education. The introduction, Chapters 1 and 2, and the conclusion outline the historical and theoretical frameworks that warrant attention to advocacy as a type of knowledge necessary for teachers. The remaining thirteen chapters feature vivid and engaging essays written by secondary ELA teachers (Part II) and English educators (Part III) sharing moments of everyday advocacy through assignments, projects, and personal reflections. This structure underscores that everyday advocacy is teacher-centered, teacher-driven, and already happening every day, with and without the language of advocacy.
These chapters also illustrate the three core values the authors unpack in chapter 1: the importance of story, the importance of identifying and framing an issue, and the importance of grassroots, situational approaches to change. Each teacher-written essay concludes with a reflection written by Fleischer and Garcia that includes bulleted lists of takeaways and observations highlighting how the work of these teachers can serve as models for advocacy knowledge. After each bulleted observation, they pose questions to help readers consider how to engage and extend the work offered in the chapter. In the context of professional book clubs, department meetings, or methods courses, these questions are rich and layered, prompting critical thinking and generative talk.
As a former high school English teacher, I appreciate that this book offers the necessary language and tools for seeing content and pedagogy as intimately bound to the school-based issues and national news cycles affecting students. Early in my career, I was reprimanded harshly for challenging a misogynistic, transphobic dress code policy that impacted students walking at graduation. A few years later, I was reprimanded again when my students performed a series of spoken word poems about police brutality at a faculty meeting. In both instances, I lacked the framing language and skills to foster community engagement that would have helped me think about how to plan for and carry out these moments of advocacy. Appealing, engaging, and accessible, Everyday Advocacy makes a strong addition to the corpus of materials available to literacy, ELA, and teacher educators who seek to develop advocacy skills.
June 23, 2021
Nicole Ann Amato is a former high school English language arts teacher and a current doctoral student in the Literacy, Language, and Culture program at the University of Iowa, where she teaches courses in children’s and adolescent literature to preservice teachers. Nicole joined NCTE in 2010. She can be reached at nicole-a-amato@uiowa.edu.
March 2021
Creating Curious, Enthusiastic Inventors: Maker Spaces in Middle School
F. Seyma Kizil
Syracuse University
Book review of Fulton, S., & Urbanski, C. U. (2020). Making middle school: Cultivating critical literacy and interdisciplinary learning in maker spaces. NCTE.
There is an increased need for in-depth examples of connecting activities and practical projects in maker spaces to develop 21st-century skills such as collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking skills that provide access to learning for all students and transform our classrooms. Making Middle School: Cultivating Critical Literacy and Interdisciplinary Learning in Maker Spaces approaches maker spaces through concepts of critical literacy and interdisciplinary learning as a way to create space for middle school students’ creativity and focus on critical literacy and STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics).
Fulton and Urbanski connect Freire’s (1997) understanding of emancipatory education and Vygotsky’s (1978) idea of learning through play to their exploration of middle school ELA teachers creating an interdisciplinary space for “curious, enthusiastic inventors” (p. 3). Drawing on the connected learning principles of Dewey (1986) and Montessori (2013), they define make as “inviting students to make things with words, with natural and human-made materials, and with their own and others’ ideas of how to make their worlds” (p. 3). The authors posit that current students need “to explore, to play, to tinker, and, most of all . . . to think” (p. 21).
Starting with Brannon and Manship’s foreword, the book consists of eight chapters. The first chapter defines terms like make, hacktivism, and tinkering for beginners, while the second chapter provides brief details about the project’s theories and history. In the third chapter, the authors explain hacktivism as students finding a way into the community through something previously unavailable to them in order to make life easier. Hacktivism has to do with repurposing and reseeing materials, as Fulton and Urbanski show by exemplifying students’ voices through their blackout poetry created from grammar texts. To develop a maker identity, the fourth chapter focuses on connecting critical literacy with maker spaces through funds of knowledge and ways of knowing and being (Moje, Collazo, Carillo, & Marx, 2001). The fifth and sixth chapters are devoted to inspirational make examples of cardboard city and pop-up books created by students as a process connecting their learning and creativity, while the last chapter offers assessments and information for educators to implement maker projects in their classrooms. The book also contains a list of recommended works, supportive examples, and useful appendices that will help enhance instruction skills and support hands-on learning.
Maker spaces’ focus on hands-on learning has been promoted for active learning in math and science for years. We as teachers and teacher educators should start to focus on literacy-oriented maker spaces to create student-driven literacy engagements. I particularly recommend using the Intersections Partnerships and World of Making websites for examples in building classroom maker spaces. Preservice teachers and teacher educators should use this book to make practice with different make examples and raise awareness on the current needs of students. They can build informal spaces for “make” in schools beyond the traditional classes. This book invites teachers and teacher educators to think about how we can transform the classrooms to engage with all students and promote accessibility through creating informal spaces in the formal life of education.
As an educator committed to culturally and linguistically responsive pedagogy and conscious of a diverse society’s expectations and needs, I believe in fostering critical literacy and science with maker spaces as a unique and innovative approach. Diverse communities will benefit in terms of their critical literacy and STEAM work. In particular, maker spaces can help culturally diverse students who need a space to share their stories and teachers who want to provide spaces for these funds of knowledge that are not part of the standard curriculum.
March 5, 2021
Fatima Seyma Kizil (Sheyma) is pursuing a PhD in literacy education at Syracuse University. Her research interests include culturally and linguistically diverse students, children’s and young adult literature, and reading motivation. She has been a member of NCTE since 2020 and can be reached at fskizil@syr.edu.
Dewey, J. (1986, September). Experience and education. The Educational Forum, 50(3), 241–252.
Fleming, L. (2015). Worlds of making: Best practices for establishing a makerspace for your school. Corwin Press.
Fleming, L. (2017). The kickstart guide to making great makerspaces. Corwin Press.
Freire, P. (1997). Pedagogy of the oppressed. Continuum.
Moje, E. B., Collazo, T., Carrillo, R., & Marx, R. W. (2001). “Maestro, what is ‘quality’?”: Language, literacy, and discourse in project‐based science. Journal of Research in Science Teaching: The Official Journal of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, 38(4), 469–498.
Moll, L. C., Amanti, C., Neff, D., & Gonzalez, N. (1992). Funds of knowledge for teaching: Using a qualitative approach to connect homes and classrooms. Theory into Practice, 31(2), 132–141.
Montessori, M. (2013). The Montessori method. Transaction Publishers.
Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes. Harvard University Press.
Assignments and a Partial Map: Utilizing Rhetorical Reading to Move toward Disciplinary Literacy
Todd F. Reynolds
University of Wyoming
Book review of Wilner, A. F. (2020). Rethinking reading in college: An across-the-curriculum approach. NCTE.
In high school, I argued with my math teacher. I correctly solved a problem one way, but he wanted me to solve it a different way. I argued that there were two ways to get there; he disagreed. I mention this tale of youthful hubris because the idea of multiple journeys to the same destination applies to Wilner’s (2020) Rethinking Reading in College: An Across-the-Curriculum Approach. Her destination is laudable: a focus on rhetorical reading and disciplinary awareness for classes campus-wide. However, her journey may not convince those who would agree with the proposal.
Wilner focuses on rhetorical reading, which “helps readers construct a kind of frame around the text by imagining such contextual aspects as the persona of the author, the occasion for writing, the intended audience, and the conversation being joined” (p. 40). Rhetorical reading, taught college-wide and especially in first-year composition, can help students see, understand, and use a variety of genres from various disciplines. Wilner attacks the myth of autonomous texts, instead asking students to understand the larger context. Throughout the book, she shares quality assignments from English and other subject areas to foster students’ skills in rhetorical reading. Wilner’s argument is compelling, especially as it incorporates disciplinary literacy and the idea that every professor should be explicitly teaching disciplinary languages and strategies.
However, as my math teacher and I argued, sometimes there is more than one path to the same destination. Throughout the book, Wilner equates assignments with pedagogy. While she describes fantastic assignments, she rarely delves into the actual teaching of the rhetorical reading practices. For example, when describing a close reading assignment for reading fiction, she refers to modeling the process and utilizing group work, which are both important, especially for English educators, but she does not fully explain what that process entails, or how to recreate it.
Wilner also both criticizes students and questionably defends lists of knowledge that are “part of the intellectual capital of liberally educated citizens” (p. 72). She argues strongly and forcibly that remedial reading should be appropriately rigorous and should engage students in high-quality practices and content. However, she also seems to discount students’ backgrounds, practices, and education, praising a yet-to-be-realized ideal student who would meet all professors’ needs with rhetorical reading strategies. Additionally, she goes on an extended defense of the problematic novel To Kill a Mockingbird and lists that prioritize traditional and canonical concepts of knowledge.
Morrison (2019) writes, “[y]et of what use is it to go on about ‘quality’ being the only criterion for greatness knowing that the definition of quality is itself the subject of much rage and is seldom universally agreed upon by everyone at all times” (p. 163). Morrison’s point is useful here: If rhetorical reading can be applied to any text, there are more appropriate, valuable, and engaging texts for students than those suggested. Indeed, utilizing a windows and mirrors approach to text selection (Bishop, 1990) could help students at any level buy in to these activities and bolster Wilner’s case.
These moments aside, there is a good argument that could help impact disciplinary teaching in both secondary and college education. Rhetorical reading and disciplinary awareness, if cornerstones of every class, could help students grapple with the invisible processes of disciplinary comprehension and grow their understanding and knowledge base. For English educators, Wilner’s book could be a guide toward embracing disciplinary literacy. Even though the book lacks explanations of explicit teaching, Wilner does articulate some quality assignments, and a potential path forward to reenvision classes and help our students.
March 5, 2021
Todd F. Reynolds is an assistant professor of secondary English education at the University of Wyoming. He focuses on dialogic instruction and disciplinary literacy. He has been a member of NCTE off and on throughout his career as an educator, which began in 1998.
Bishop, R. S. (1990). Mirrors, windows, and sliding glass doors. Perspectives: Choosing and using books for the classroom, 6(3), ix–xi.
Morrison, T. (2019). Mouth full of blood: Essays, speeches, meditations. Chatto & Windus.
November 2020
Beyond the Label “LTEL”: Humanizing Pedagogy for Our Long-Term English Learners
Diana Liu
Teachers College, Columbia University
Book review of Brooks, M. D. (2020). Transforming literacy education for long-term English learners: Recognizing brilliance in the undervalued. NCTE and Routledge.
As classrooms become more diverse, teachers are challenged to examine their positionality in choosing which narratives should be present. As bell hooks (1994) acknowledges, transformative pedagogy must be rooted in respect for multiculturalism, and for this to occur, each voice within the classroom must be honored. In Transforming Literacy Education for Long-Term English Learners: Recognizing Brilliance in the Undervalued, Maneka D. Brooks argues that students who are labeled as long-term English learners (LTELS) need to be recognized for their complex racial and linguistic identities, as well as for the knowledge they bring into the classroom, through a humanizing pedagogy. Furthermore, through rethinking and reshaping how labels are used, educators have the power to reconstruct existing deficit narratives of students and reenvision who our students are and what potential they possess.
My student’s ELL label in my English class did not do justice to the critical thinking skills she demonstrated in her native language. Similarly, my students labeled as “struggling readers” demonstrated their acute reading abilities through music videos, song lyrics, and poems. Educators must identify how students are reading outside of the classroom and acknowledge that meaning making of texts goes beyond simply comprehending the language to creating a transaction between the multiple identities of the reader to create the literary experience (Rosenblatt, 1965). As a result, literacy instruction should recognize students’ social aspects through acquired background knowledge, culture, and experiences, which encompasses Brooks’s humanizing pedagogy in Chapter 1.
This book consists of six chapters centered around the stories of five adolescent Latinx students. Through her research, Brooks highlights the importance of valuing their complex linguistic abilities beyond the label of long-term English learners through the intersections of race, language proficiency, and language abilities.
Chapter 2 reconsiders what constitutes bilingualism and practices of translanguaging and code-switching, and it suggests how students’ languages can be additive to the classroom space. Chapter 3, “Local Texts,” examines text choices through an “opportunity to learn lens,” which takes into account the students’ prior knowledge and reader goals in a setting that facilitates an environment for success (Brooks, 2020, p. 39). Brooks proposes the use of text sets to create opportunities to read different text types and build on students’ background knowledge to read more challenging texts. In Chapter 4, “Strong and Loud Readers,” she suggests ways for students to see the relevance of independent and silent reading by acknowledging ways in which students already do these activities.
Students’ identities bring linguistic capabilities and resourcefulness that we must recognize and create space for in the English classroom. My students are musicians, religious advocates, animal rights activists, translators, gamers, and so much more. Through various activities, I invite students to value their languages beyond academic English to honor the multiple facets of their identities. The importance that we place for diverse voices in the classroom can disrupt notions of power and primacy of the English language (hooks, 1994) and refute assimilation teaching practices (Ladson-Billings, 1994).
A work that reflects the humanity and multidimensionality of students, Transforming Literacy Education for Long-Term English Learners: Recognizing Brilliance in the Undervalued is pivotal in advocating for students who are labeled as LTELs to be seen beyond a singular label and acknowledged for their experiences and abilities in order to create a humanizing framework for developing reading instruction. By doing so, in the words of Delpit (1995), we can learn from our students as individuals who help us navigate among cultures and “better learn how to become citizens of the global community” (p. 69).
November 25, 2020
Diana Liu is an English education doctoral student in the Department of Arts and Humanities at Teachers College, Columbia University. She has taught ELA and ESL at the secondary level. Her research interests include critical literacy, queer studies in English education, Asian American students, culturally sustaining pedagogy, and what this could mean for teacher preparation. She has been a member of NCTE since 2018.
Delpit, L. (1995). Other people’s children: Cultural conflict in the classroom. The New Press.
hooks, b. (1994). Teaching to transgress: Education as the practice of freedom. Routledge.
Ladson-Billings, G. (1994). The dreamkeepers: Successful teachers of African-American children. Jossey-Bass.
Rosenblatt, L. M. (1965). Literature as exploration. Modern Language Association of America.
Creativity and Chaos in the Crescent City: Reflecting on a Decade of Progressivism in New Orleans
Anita Dubroc
Louisiana State University
Book review of Suhor, C. (2020). Creativity and chaos: Reflections on a decade of progressive change in public schools, 1967-77. New South Books.
After Hurricane Katrina, public education in New Orleans was gutted and reformed into a system of charter schools, leaving public schools in the Recovery School District, the remnant of the Orleans Public School System. Public school teachers are now required to focus on mandated, often scripted curriculum for high-stakes testing, in opposition to previously progressive educational ideas. Charles Suhor’s Creativity and Chaos: Reflections on a Decade of Progressive Change in Public Schools, 1967–77 (2020) speaks to the progressive movement in New Orleans, shining light on a time when teachers, schools, and school districts worked together to create a public school curriculum that broadened students’ understanding of English and its related subjects.
Suhor draws on his career in education—first as a public high school English teacher, then district English supervisor with the Orleans Public School System—to analyze the progressive reform movement in New Orleans’s schools from 1967 to 1977. He worked alongside teachers, administrators, and curriculum supervisors to bring creative teaching methods, subjects, and programming into New Orleans’s public schools. Their efforts included introducing the arts, including jazz and theater, into classrooms, featuring students on local public television programming, and revising the writing and grammar curriculum. They especially focused on local culture and media that was uniquely New Orleans, such as the creation of the New Orleans Center for Creative Arts, known for its creative writing and jazz programs.
Suhor brings to mind a city where imaginative teaching and creative knowledge were valued at a time when other states focused on testing as an end result. These projects would regrettably be dismantled during the back-to-basics period that followed, which abandoned creative arts programs and emphasized mastery learning. New Orleans’s public schools were brought in line with the conservative trends in education, drawing them away from unique initiatives that incorporated the city’s culture to engage students’ interests.
Creativity and Chaos’s focus on the coming together of minds to create engaging curriculum and school programming for students is compelling. Suhor paints an inspiring picture of collaboration between teachers, administrators, and district personnel, quite different from today’s teachers advocating for engaging curriculum and programs for their students, and districts desperate to attain high test scores to secure funding and resources. As a teacher educator, I see these divisions play out in relationships with my student teachers as they navigate their passion to teach with the curriculum requirements placed on them and their students. I encourage them to find moments for collaboration with their mentor teachers and within their cohorts. I also urge them to find moments for creativity while still meeting curricular standards. I did not realize until reading Suhor’s text that doing so made me a progressive educator, but I am happy to take on this label.
In 1977, Suhor left New Orleans to serve as executive deputy director of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE). In his epilogue, he notes, “I hope that this book will bring attention to the sound teaching practices that were adopted then but prematurely abandoned, turned into dry formulas, or pushed aside because they were not adaptable to mass testing” (pp. 225–226). The progressive movement in New Orleans showed that creative programming in English classes can and did work. These efforts were supported by the district’s central office and positively received by students. This is Suhor’s invitation to educators: to bring back progressive teaching to extend the curriculum; cross-curriculate with other content areas, especially the arts; rethink ELA instruction; and seize innovations when they come. Suhor challenges teachers, supervisors, and school districts to bring the creativity and chaos back into their classrooms.
November 25, 2020
September 2020
Possible Symphonies: Creating Artistic Spaces in the ELA Classroom
Nina Schoonover
North Carolina State University
Book review of Macro, K. J., & Zoss, M. (Eds.) (2019). A symphony of possibilities: A handbook for arts integration in secondary English language arts. NCTE.
In their edited book, A Symphony of Possibilities, Katherine J. Macro and Michelle Zoss (2019) challenge English education’s focus on assessment by offering the possibility of arts integration for the secondary English language arts (ELA) classroom. They argue that “the arts allow the learning experience to truly become part of the individual in ways that solely reading and writing a text cannot do” (p. xvii). In calling for arts integration, the book presents research and theory, as well as strategies and resources, for educators of all levels to take a “defiant” stance on integrating art in ELA.
Each chapter of the book begins with justification for integrating different art media as well as strategies and examples shared by scholars and educators dedicated to this work. It begins with music and Timothy J. Duggan’s chapter on musical adaptations and his M.A.S.T.E.R. framework, followed by Christian Z. Goering and Amy Matthews’s integration of protest songwriting with students in Arkansas. Readers then find the art of language in Wendy R. Williams’s work with spoken word projects, and in Laura B. Turchi and Pauline Skowron Schmidt’s classroom play with Shakespeare. The book moves across the “symphony of possibilities” of artistic work, ranging across music, poetry, drama, and visual art. Macro’s chapter discusses the creative entanglements of drama in the ELA classroom as the arts reveal themselves across the discipline. Toby Emert explores Dadaism and found poetry, translating theory into practice, and Alisha M. White presents specific steps and strategies for implementing visual responses to literature.
The culminating chapters of the book from Michelle Zoss and Stephen Goss reflect ways of bringing the public into the classroom. Zoss shares work with large-scale visual projects, exploring murals and wall-length images, and Goss discusses the power of audiences for students’ creations. In its conclusion, the book thoughtfully provides an extensive list of resources organized by these different artistic forms (drama, music, poetry, and visual art), and concludes with a glossary of terms to help illuminate the argument that ELA classes should embrace “what students create” (p. 177) as a core part of the curriculum. Chapter 8’s authorial team of educators consisting of Pamela M. Hartman, Jessica Berg, Brandon Schuler, and Erin Knauer lays out aesthetic strategies that they found meaningful in integrating artistic responses as a way to share their pedagogical practice with readers. As a former secondary ELA teacher, I appreciate how this book highlights helpful resources and serves as a guide for arts integration without feeling scripted.
In my current work with preservice teachers, I can draw from this book to set the stage for why I too believe ELA teachers need to integrate the arts. The frameworks and strategies the book provides in each chapter are both specific enough to be implemented, but broad enough to reach a wide audience of educators. As a teacher, I often seek more concrete or explicit steps to teaching strategies, so the amount of text in this book may feel overwhelming to others who want clearly structured lesson plans. However, the authors offer a research-based and thoughtfully explained overview of arts integration with examples from actual classrooms. Instead of a step-by-step process, this book leaves room for classroom teachers to play with the arts in the new and innovative ways that will work for them. I found that how this book showcases the different forms and shapes the arts may take in the classroom helps to highlight how we can each distinguish ourselves as unique ELA teachers. For educators wanting to defy the testing culture, this book is a vital resource for creating the space necessary to offer artistic possibilities for our teachers and students.
September 25, 2020
Nina Schoonover is a doctoral candidate studying literacy and English language arts education at North Carolina State University. Her research focuses on arts integration, arts-based pedagogy, and visual literacy. She has been a member of NCTE for three years.
Reality Shapers: Teaching Adventurous Thinking to Co-Construct a Revolution
James Joshua Coleman
San José State University
Book review of Blackburn, M. V. (2019). Adventurous thinking. Fostering students’ rights to reading and writing in secondary ELA classrooms. NCTE.
“Youth is the Age of Revolt” writes Blackburn (2019), echoing the 1981 and 2009 iterations of NCTE’s The Students’ Right to Read (p. 2). A provocative assertion, this fundamental belief in young people’s revolutionary potential drives Mollie V. Blackburn’s new Principles in Practice text Adventurous Thinking: Fostering Students’ Rights to Read and Write in Secondary ELA Classrooms. An edited volume, the text highlights pedagogical approaches to English education that center how reading and writing can ignite a social revolution led by the young.
Because of my own commitments to youth-centered education, I found myself enticed by the invitation to center young people’s acts of revolt, doing so, as Blackburn asserts, “to deny, oppose, and resist” (p. 2) the racism, sexism, xenophobia, queerphobia, transphobia, and ableism that continue to structure US schooling. However, the relegation of revolt to a youthful endeavor raised new concerns for me: aren’t we educators, as adults who share today’s realities with our students, equally responsible for revolting against oppressive systems? I worried that such a statement might be read as justification for inaction, for relegating justice to the provenance of young people in ways that elide English educators’ own complicity in maintaining oppressive educational systems. Adventurous thinking, however—defined as a form of critical inquiry that exceeds “indoctrination” (NCTE, 2018, p. ix)—challenges such systems through the cultivation of “criticality, community, and connections” that heal, humanize, and forge solidarity (Blackburn, 2019, p. 109).
Each of the teachers spotlighted in this text as “reality shapers” highlights the importance of co-constructing revolution, of holding close the responsibility of building a more just reality through incisive English language arts (ELA) pedagogy. Arianna Talebian, for example, in her chapter “Black Lives Matter: Disrupting Oppression by Identifying Hidden Narratives in the English Language Arts Classroom” demonstrates how personal narratives can reshape a literary canon. Nestled within a larger unit on racial justice, Talebian invites students to pick an index card that, on one side, holds the name of a Black or Brown person and, on the other, an “outcome” (p. 48). Circulating around the room, students begin to share those names and stories and soon face the hard reality that each has been lost to police brutality. Weighted by pain, shock, and sadness, the stories do, however, keep moving, gaining speed and movement in pursuit of revolutionary change.
As a white, queer educator committed to antiracist pedagogy, I found in Talebian’s story a kindredness and, more important, a locus for solidarity building. In the first years of my own K–12 teaching in the Deep South, I was expressly forbidden from teaching queer texts. I came to understand this recommendation—no, mandate—from a caring department head as protection from an administration that would rather fire me than allow me to teach about any queer life, including my own. A point of connection, my and Talebian’s situations were neither equal nor the same, each shaped by their own historical weight and present realities; however, they resonate. Talebian drew upon personal narratives with pedagogical expertise to honor painful histories of her community of BIPOC individuals; I, however, allowed the histories of my community to remain hidden in the marginalia of curriculum (Coleman, 2019). Cultivating adventurous thinking, Talebian engaged alongside her students in a “praxis” of reading and writing, infusing an all-white ELA curriculum with silenced stories and with the joy of Black and Brown life (Love, 2019) and, in so doing, foregrounded the revolutionary truth that “[h]ealing and humanizing classrooms matter most” (Talebian, 2019, p. 52).
Addressing xenophobia, anti-Muslim sentiment, rural conservatism, queer exclusion, and the erasure of disability, each featured educator in Adventurous Thinking harnesses pedagogical tools to invite adventurous thinking to reshape oppressive relatives: together, student and teacher revolt! The book concludes with two final revolutionary sparks: an interview with Angie Thomas (the author of The Hate U Give) and Millie Davis’s “protection plan” for students’ rights to read and write, both of which provide further strategies for English educators to harness “the teaching and learning of writing and reading as not just a right, but also an art, a revolutionary art” (Blackburn, 2019, p. 9). A work of revolutionary art itself, Adventurous Thinking provides pedagogical approaches needed for ELA students and teachers to co-construct revolution, reshaping past and present realities into a future defined by justice.
September 25, 2020
James Joshua Coleman (Josh) is an assistant professor of English education at San José State University. His research interests include critical literacy, queer studies in education, affect studies, and children’s literature. He has been a member of NCTE since 2016 and can be reached at james.coleman@sjsu.edu.
Blackburn, M. V. (2019). Adventurous thinking: Fostering students’ rights to read and write in secondary ELA classrooms. NCTE.
Coleman, J. J. (2019). Digital innocence: Queer virginity, painful histories, and the critical hope of queer futurity. Research on Diversity in Youth Literature, 2(1), 1–18.
Love, B. (2019). We want to do more than survive: Abolitionist teaching and the pursuit of educational freedom. Beacon Press.
National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE). (2018, October 25). The students’ right to read. https://ncte.org/statement/righttoreadguideline/
Petrone, R. (2015). Learning as loss: Examining the affective dimensions to learning critical literacy. NCTE Annual Convention, Minneapolis, MN.
Talebian, A. (2019). Black lives matter: Disrupting oppression by identifying hidden narratives in the English language arts classroom. In M. V. Blackburn (Ed.), Adventurous thinking: Fostering students’ rights to read and write in secondary ELA classrooms (pp. 42–56). NCTE.