June #NCTEchat Resources for Teachers - National Council of Teachers of English
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June #NCTEchat Resources for Teachers

Summertime as Growth for Teachers
Summertime as Growth for Teachers

The topic for the June 2015 #nctechat was “Refresh, Recharge, Renew: Summertime as Growth for Teachers”. It was hosted by Shawna Coppola (@shawnacoppola) & me, Lisa Fink (@fink_girl).

The chat focused on 7 main questions:

  1. First, we celebrate! What went WELL for you this school year? (Go ahead–brag!)
  2. It’s important for educators to refresh, recharge, & renew themselves over the summer. What do YOU do to refresh/recharge/renew?
  3. What kinds of things get in your way of recharging yourself over the summer?
  4. How can you overcome or re-envision these so that they DON’T get in the way?
  5. Share one thing you will commit to doing for yourself (personally) this summer.
  6. Share one thing you will commit to doing for yourself (professionally) this summer.
  7. What are your hopes and dreams for the next school year? How do you hope to grow as a teacher?

There were so many great things shared! The one that will be most useful to me was the crowdsourced book /resource list of what folks are planning to read/do this summer. Here are some of the suggestions:

This was a neat graphic posted by @LeeAraoz, created by @SylviaDuckworth.

Many participants mentioned participating in an EdCamp this summer. An EdCamp has “an agenda that’s created by the participants at the start of the event. Instead of one person standing in front of the room talking for an hour, people are encouraged to have discussions and hands-on sessions.”

See also  Poetry and the Summer Olympics

Probably the biggest take away from the Twitter Chat? The importance of naps!

Read the synopsis of the Twitter chat from the Storify below or here.

Learn about upcoming chats at http://www.ncte.org/community/nctechat.