Remodeling Your Approach to Assessment - National Council of Teachers of English
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Remodeling Your Approach to Assessment

If you missed Wednesday’s #NCTEonAir you can check it out here! Special thanks to Kathryn Mitchell Pierce and Rosario Ordoñez-Jasis for sharing so many insights and ideas. This is a great example of one of the many ways we’re using what we learn from the Assessment Story Project to rethink what assessment really entails. Summer is an important time for educators to relax and rejuvenate but after watching this you’re going to be eager to add remodel to that list.

Resources mentioned in this video:

Community Mapping

“By mapping the literacies in students’ cultural lives and intentionally working to situate those in the core of school-based practices, teachers allow the emotional and intellectual dimensions of literacy, which make assessment and instruction authentic and purposeful across contexts.” – Rosario Ordoñez-Jasis

Community Mapping Considerations:

Protocols for Discussing/Reflecting Upon Student Work

“Protocols help you bring in other people with new eyes to give feedback on what you’re seeing in student work. This can help you see beyond your own assumptions and biases.” – Kathryn Mitchell Pierce

See also  Poetry and the Summer Olympics

Suggested Reading