The Writing Process: Drafting - National Council of Teachers of English
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The Writing Process: Drafting

Here we are at the second week of October already, and looking forward to the National Day on Writing on October 20.

Let’s spend this month together reviewing steps in the writing process, supported by resources from NCTE and

While drafting, what roles do freewrites, lists, and notes play?

  • Activity Plan “How to Start a Writer’s Notebook”—Writer’s notebooks allow children and teens to take in the world around them and document their daily lives. Use these tips to learn how to start a writer’s notebook with your child.
  • Lesson Plan “Creative Outlining-From Freewriting to Formalizing”—After reading a short story, students use freewriting as a catalyst for a literary analysis essay.
  • Strategy Guide “Power Notes”—The systematic approach of Power Notes visually displays the differences between main ideas and supportive details in outline form, and provide an easy-to-follow activity for categorizing information. This organizational tool can be used for reading, writing, and studying across all content areas.
  • Unit Plan “Research Building Blocks: Notes, Quotes, and Fact Fragments”—Students are guided through the process of taking notes while reading factual information, then turning those notes into new sentences and paragraphs written in their own words.
  • Lesson Plan “Collaborative Stories: Prewriting and Drafting”—Students hone their teamwork skills and play off each other’s writing strengths as they participate in prewriting activities for a story to be written collaboratively by the whole class.

What additional resources would you add to this list? Share on social media with #WhyIWrite!