May 2020 #NCTEChat – Writing to Cope: Social-Emotional Learning during COVID-19 - National Council of Teachers of English
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May 2020 #NCTEChat – Writing to Cope: Social-Emotional Learning during COVID-19

Join us next Sunday, May 17, at 8:00 p.m. ET for an #NCTEchat focusing on writing and social-emotional learning for our students during the COVID-19 pandemic. This chat will be led by Kent D. Williamson Policy Fellow Grace Lee (@GraceLee380).


As students cope with daily life experiences during quarantine, how can writing become one of the coping skills to manage stress and uncertainty? We as English language arts teachers are working very hard to provide our students with their own safe learning space with literacy experiences via remote learning activities. For this #NCTEchat, we hope to discuss the value of writing as a form of social-emotional learning (SEL) support during the COVID-19 crisis. Let’s also consider how we could promote and build a community of writers, not only to strengthen their academic skills, but to help them cope with their unique life experiences.


The following questions will be shared during the Twitter chat, after introductions:

WARM-UP: Let’s check in with each other. Share a GIF of how you’re feeling currently about the pandemic. #NCTEchat [8:04 p.m.]

Q1: Since the beginning of the pandemic, have you written anything? Or are you currently writing? #NCTEchat [8:10 p.m.]

Q2: Can writing be a coping mechanism for students’ social-emotional learning (SEL)? Why or why not? #NCTEchat [8:18 p.m.]

Q3: What virtual writing prompts/tools can help students express their emotions during the pandemic? #NCTEchat [8:26 p.m.]

Q4: What challenges are you facing with virtual writing instruction? How are you working through them? #NCTEchat [8:34 p.m.]

Q5: What are some innovative ways to provide feedback on students’ writing during the pandemic? #NCTEchat [8:42 p.m.]

Q6: Once the pandemic is over, how do you think our students will be transformed as writers? How will we be transformed as educators? #NCTEchat [8:50 p.m.]


We hope to see you there! Be sure to join us by using #NCTEchat.

Never participated in a Twitter chat before? Check out this guide to help you get started.