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Disciplinary teacher organizations urge federal coordination of public education

Organizations representing teachers of the core K–12 subject areas came together on March 24 to call for continued federal coordination and support for state and local schools through the US Department of Education. NCTE issued the joint statement alongside the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), and the National Science Teaching Association (NSTA).


As representatives of teachers of the core K–12 subject areas, we firmly believe that a robust, nonpartisan system of local, state, and federal agencies is essential to ensuring that every student has access to high-quality learning opportunities and qualified and supported teachers, regardless of their zip code or economic status. We are profoundly concerned by recent federal efforts to dismantle public education, which has long been a cornerstone of American society, a pillar of democracy, and a primary vehicle for opportunity. Systematic collection of national data and research provides crucial insights that inform evidence-based decisions by states and communities, ultimately strengthening our capacity to serve students effectively.

State and local education institutions cannot independently compete with global education systems—this is precisely why federal coordination and support through the US Department of Education remains vital. We stand committed to advocating for policies and resources that will enhance education outcomes for all students while preserving the mission of our public education systems, which is fundamental to cultivating an informed citizenry and the skilled workforce that is essential to maintaining and increasing America’s leadership in an increasingly knowledge-based global economy.

See also  NCTE Asks Congress to Halt Federal Grant Cancellations