Get Involved
We are the organization we are today because of the expertise, time, and energy of our members. What role will you play in moving NCTE forward?
Job Descriptions
- Vice President
- Elementary Section Nominating Committee
- Representatives-at-Large
- Research Foundation Trustees
- NCTE Nominating Committee
- Elementary Section Steering Committee
- Middle Level Section Steering Committee
- Middle Level Section Nominating Committee
- Secondary Section Steering Committee
- CEL Associate Chair
- CEL Members-at-Large
- CEL Representative to the Secondary Section Steering Committee
- Secondary Section Nominating Committee
- College Section Steering Committee
- College Section Nominating Committee
- ELATE Executive Committee
- ELATE Nominating Committee
- TYCA Nominating Committee
- TYCA Associate Chair & Secretary
- Vice President
- Elementary Section Nominating Committee
- Representatives-at-Large
- Research Foundation Trustees
- NCTE Nominating Committee
- Elementary Section Steering Committee
- Middle Level Section Steering Committee
- Middle Level Section Nominating Committee
- Secondary Section Steering Committee
- CEL Associate Chair
- CEL Members-at-Large
- CEL Representative to the Secondary Section Steering Committee
- Secondary Section Nominating Committee
- College Section Steering Committee
- College Section Nominating Committee
- ELATE Executive Committee
- ELATE Nominating Committee
- TYCA Nominating Committee
- TYCA Associate Chair & Secretary
CEL Representative to the Secondary Section Steering Committee
Responsibilities & Activities
Terms of Office/Election
The CEL Liaison to the Secondary Section is elected by members of the Secondary Section of NCTE. (CEL Bylaws, Article III, Section 2)
[from Article Five, Liaison to the Secondary Section, CEL Bylaws]
Section One: Nomination
The CEL Nominating Committee shall present a slate of two candidates to the CEL Executive Committee at the fall meeting as necessary. Each nominee must have been a member of CEL and of the Secondary Section for at least two years and must have a history of active involvement in CEL.
Section Two: Election
A new liaison to the NCTE Secondary Section shall be elected every four years by members of the Secondary Section.
Section Three: Duties
The CEL Liaison to the Secondary Section Committee shall:
- act as spokesperson for CEL at meetings of the Secondary Section
- report to the CEL Executive Committee and/or the general membership on major issues involving English/Language Arts leaders discussed by the Secondary Section Committee
- present an informational report of the Secondary Section Committee meeting
- propose ways in which CEL and the Secondary Section can be mutually supportive
The CEL Liaison to the Secondary Section will be elected every four years.
If the Secondary Section Liaison is elected as the chair of the Secondary Section Steering Committee, his/her term will be extended as the CEL Liaison.
During the year when both the outgoing and incoming liaisons are present at the conference, both the incoming and outgoing Secondary Section Liaison is eligible for CEL expense reimbursement according to the Reimbursement Policy.
The outgoing and incoming liaisons both attend the Saturday meeting. The incoming liaison attends the Monday meeting.
List of Current and Past CEL Representatives to the Secondary Section Steering Committee
NOTE: See the NCTE Policy on Multiple Roles of Council Leaders for information on potential conflicts of running for this office if a candidate holds another major Council office.
Note to Potential candidates: The initial deadline for receipt of written confirmation agreeing to be a candidate and return of biographical statement and photo is January 10 of each year. If confirmation is received by this date candidate names will be included in the announcement to the NCTE membership in the March English Journal and on the NCTE Web site. If confirmation has not been received by this date, the position will be publicly listed as βto be announced.β
January 31 is fhe final date for submission of the final slate for the ballot. All candidates must hbe submitted written confirmation by this date.
Candidates agree not to campaign during the election process: NCTE Policy on Campaigning.