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Looking for more online learning opportunities?

Browse our collection of on-demand resources in the NCTE Store.

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Who Benefits from NCTE Online Learning?

Teachers, teacher leaders, literacy coaches, administrators, and staff development coordinators can all benefit from participation in NCTE’s online learning.

Using research findings on collaboration and standards implementation as our inspiration, we are pleased to offer a new way of thinking about professional learning. With NCTE’s online learning resources you may be accessing the resources online but that’s where the similarities stop!

  • We offer individual, school and district pricing options—because we want to encourage collaboration and conversation without making the process more complicated.
  • With shrinking budgets and time for collaboration, we draw resources from across our publishing library so your time spent together is anchored in conversations about teaching and student learning not finding resources.
  • Literacy is not just the English teacher’s job anymore. Our resources highlight literacy practices from across the school day, making cross disciplinary conversations more likely.
  • Professional activities are grounded in the promise of impacting practices not accountability and seat time.
  • We’ve built choice into our activities, anticipating the many roles and needs in schools.