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ELATE Geneva Smitherman Cultural Diversity Grant Recipients


Vincent Price, “Sticking Out by Design: A Black Male English Teacher’s Story of Identity, Presence, and Power”


Amanda Manning, “This Session is Banned: Taking on Book Challenges in the High School Classroom” and “‘I’m playing the game, ballin’, whathaveyou’: Considering Literary Merit with AP ELA Students”


Huan Gao, “Information Literacy and Transnational Mobility: Chinese International Students Making Sense of Online Information-seeking Experience in the United States”


Alisha Nguyen, “Young Children’s Intersectional Struggles in Early Childhood Classrooms” 

Jackelyn Rivera-Orellana, “Developing Our Student’s Sociopolitical Consciousness in the Classroom”


Raquel Armas, “Critical Assessment Conversations and Design in English Education Programs” and “Future is Now Conference: Discourse around the Gender Queer Lens”
Jacqui Witherspoon, “We’re in This Together: Teachers Co-Constructing Critical Spaces with Elementary Students”


Sandra Saco, “Student Inquiry: Answering the Call for Cultural Sustainability in the ELA Classroom”
Francisco L. Torres, “Why Can’t We Dream in Color?: Racism in Speculative Fiction”


Nathaly Batista-Morales, “Their Words, Their Worlds: Amplifying Bilingual Learners Voices through Advocacy”


Anthony Celaya, “From Fact to Fiction to Action: Using YA Literature for Participatory Action Research”

Nicholas Rink, “Re-positioning ‘At-risk’ Students’ Experiences with the Trauma of Normative Schooling Practices”

Cecelia Joyce Price, “Secondary Teachers’ Experiences with Multimodal Literacy Design”

Tran Nguyen Templeton, “‘GG Stands for Good Guys’: Making Sense of Children’s Multimodal Practices”

Robyn West, “Teaching Citizenship: Encouraging Students to Take Responsibility for Themselves & Their World”

Ting Yuan, “I know nothing!”: A Chinese-American Boy’s Contesting Identities and Multimodal Literacy Creations
Steven Alvarez, “Trans-languaging Tareas: Mexican Immigrant Families Brokering Homework Literacies”

Sana Ansari, “What Does College Prep Mean for Black Students?; Examining Ideologies and Academic Socialization”
Susana Priscila C. Alvarado, “Embracing Discomfort: Using Race, Culture & Ethnicity to Become Better Teachers”

Andrew Barrocas, “Rhetorical Situations” Christina Ivanova, “Layers of New Learning: Using Digital Medias to Learn About and Maneuver within Social Justice: A Case Study”

Jorge Lopez, “Critical Media Pedagogy: Teaching for Achievement in City Schools”

Natasha Perez, “Exploring Literacies in Translation”
Zaira R. Arvelo-Alicea, “Enhancing ELLs’ Reading Skills through Music, Storytelling, and Digital Media and “Latino/a Families – English Educators’ Literacy Partnerships”

Ileana Cortes Santiago, “Enhancing ELLs’ Reading Skills through Music, Storytelling, and Digital Media and “Latino/a Families – English Educators’ Literacy Partnerships”
Delicia Greene, “Concrete Roses: A Case Study Exploring the Reading Engagements of Black Adolescent Girls in an Urban Fiction Book Club”

Elaine Wang, “Teacher Understanding and Facilitation of High-Level Thinking as Components of Instructional Quality: Reaching for High-Level Cognitive Demands in Text Discussions”
Summer McLin, “Adjusting the Color Lens: Changing Attitudes Toward African American Vernacular English”

Bilal Polson, “Primary Classroom Teachers’ Awareness of Students’ ‘Literacy Lives”
Erika Martinez, “Creating a Literate Culture through Place Based Writing in the Dominican Republic”

Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz, “Reading, Writing and Racism: First-Year Composition as a Space for Critical Discourse”
Amira Akl, “Understanding Arab And Arab American Students’ Experiences in Writing with Technology”

Myrrh Domingo, “Digital Technology: Strengthening the Literacy Practices of Diverse Learners,” A New English Education Responding to Postmodern Shifts in English Curriculum and Instruction
Haniene Abubakr, “Literacy, Language and Islam: Meeting the Needs of Our Muslim Students”

Ashaki Coleman, “Conceiving, Believing, Achieving: A Process for Literacy Education Reform in the 21st Century”
Sherelle Jones, Westside Middle School, Winder, GA, “Tracing Relationships between Art and Literacy: Three Views Toward a Compleat English Curriculum”

Carmen Kynard, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ, “‘The Skin I’m In’: Using Voice Scholarship and Young Adult Literature about Youth of Color to Transform Urban Teacher Education Curriculum”
Sonia Francis, Henry Highland Garnet School for Success, New York, NY, “Creating Common Ground in the In Between: Home School Partnerships for Literacy”

David Stewart, University School, Hunting Valley, OH, “Teaching ‘Bartleby’/Bartleby: Traditional Practice and Technological Innovation”
Pamela Ellis, Stanford University, CA, “Teachers Seeing Themselves Through Multiple Lenses: A Writing Intensive Pre-Service Training Course Designed to Prepare Teachers for Diversity”

Veronica Valdez, University of Texas at Austin, “Exploring the Interactions of a U.S. Born Latina Mother Within Parent Involvement as a Factor in Spanish Language Maintenance”
Ronald Lathrop, Smithville High School, Missouri, “Hate is Not a Value: Combating Images Students Gain Outside the Classroom to Create a Partnership with Society”

Kevin Kumashiro (Center for Anti-Oppressive Education), Cynthia Cruz (UCLA), Bic Ngo (University of Wisconsin—Madison), “When Sexuality Matters in Multicultural Urban Classrooms”
Maria Colleen Cruz, PS 321, Brooklyn, NY, “Reading Genre Studies: How to Create and Teach Them”
Sharon A. Lewis, Montclair State University, Teaneck, NJ, “Color-Blindness in the Classroom: Can Black and White students talk meaningfully across the barrier of race?”

Theresa Harris-Tigg, University of Buffalo, NY, “Teaching Literature/Orature (Not the test): Excellence through an Afrocentric Pedagogy in English”
Regina Bensch-Coe, Bay Path College, Longmeadow, MA, “Mining the Soul: Seven Stages to Original Work”

Janice Harper, Teacher’s College, Columbia University, New York, NY, “African American’s Children’s Literature Is An Effective Strategy for Helping To Empower African American Children In Literacy Development”
Cherlyn A. Johnson, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, “Academic Literacy: Students Perceptions of Their Learning Experience at a Private Northeastern University”

Khafilah Malik, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, “Facing the Present through the Past: Historical African American Literature”
Rachel T. Davis, University of Maryland, “Young Sisters Having Their Say: Documenting the Experiences of African-American Girls in One Language Arts Middle School Class”

Jennifer Ochoa, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, “Sharing Our Stories and Teaching Lives at the Summer Institute”
Antonio Tendero, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY, “From Writers Notebooks to Video Publication: Writing For Your Life in the Bronx”

Rosa M. Sailes, Carver Area High School, Chicago, IL, “African-American Students and the Internet”
LaVerne Weldon, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, “Making Connections: Using African American Literature to Teach Writing”

Elaine Richardson, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, “African American Vernacular English Discourse in Writing: Is It Really Worth Knowing?”