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ELATE James Moffett Memorial Award Winners


2024 Emily Garcia Tornquist, South High Community School, Worcester, MA
Shannon Potts, Special Music School and Teachers College, Columbia University, and Jonathan Marine, George Mason University
Whitney Sorensen, Republic of the Marshall Islands
Sihyeon “Shelley” Yu, Falls Church High School, VA
Jonathan Marine, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, and Deborah Van Trees, Westfield High School, Chantilly, VA
Read the article published in the June 2023 issue of English Journal about this project, “Getting Out Of The Way: Recommitting to Moffett’s Studentcentered Learning.”
Lindsay Cherry, Harbor Lights, West Ottawa Public Schools, Holland, MI
Mary Vlasis Osborn, Campus Elementary School, University of Memphis, TN
Scott Storm, Harvest Collegiate High School, New York, NY
Jonna Kuskey, “Writing for a Real-World Reason”
Stephen Sorensen, “Writing with Video: Using Digital Composition to Explore Poetry”
2015 Danielle Zarnick
2014 No award given
2013 No award given
2012 Dana Maloney
2011 Marianne Forman and Melissa Yip
2010 Gretchen S. Bernabei, Jeanetta Miller
2009 Wren Hayes and Elizabeth Whittington
2007 Denise Maltese
2006 James Cercone, Joseph M. Shosh and Jennifer Wescoe
2004 Heather S. Lewis
2003 Michele Tinker
2002 Kim Douillard, Jan Hamilton, Danan McNamara
2001 John Creger
2000 Judith Ruhana, Diane Babcock, Carla Jankowski