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ELATE Richard A. Meade Award Winners


Dominique Skye McDaniel, “Supporting Justice-Oriented English Instruction through Teens’ Digital Activist Literacies,” English Journal, September 2023

Ewa McGrail, Kristen Hawley Turner, Amy Piotrowski, Kathryn Caprino, Lauren Zucker,  and Mary Ellen Greenwood, Getting to Know an Interconnected Framework for Assessment of Digital Multimodal Composition

Amanda J. Godley and Jeffrey Reaser, Critical Language Pedagogy: Interrogating Language, Dialects, and Power in Teacher Education (Peter Lang, 2018)

Donna L. Pasternak, Samantha Caughlan, Heidi L. Hallman, Laura Renzi, and Leslie S. Rush, Secondary English Teacher Education in the United States (Bloomsbury, 2017)

Michelle D. Devereaux, Teaching About Dialect Variations and Language in Secondary English Classrooms: Power, Prestige, and Prejudice (Routledge, 2015)
Troy Hicks, Crafting Digital Writing
Wendy Glenn, “Developing Understandings of Race: Preservice Teachers’ Counter-Narrative (re)Constructions of People of Color in Young Adult Literature” (English Education, July, 2013)
no award given
Mollie V. Blackburn, Caroline T. Clark, Lauren M. Kenney, and Jill M. Smith, Acting Out! Combating Homophobia Through Teacher Activism
Deborah Appleman, Critical Encounters in High School English: Teaching Literary Theory to Adolescents
Carol Booth Olson and Robert Land, “A Cognitive Strategies Approach to Reading and Writing Instruction for English Language Learners in Secondary School” (Research in the Teaching of English, February 2007)
George Hillocks, Jr., Narrative Writing: Learning a New Model for Teaching
sj Miller and Linda Norris, Unpacking the Loaded Teacher Matrix: Negotiating Space and Time Between University and Secondary English Classrooms
Thomas M. McCann, Larry R. Johannessen, and Bernard P. Ricca, Supporting Beginning English Teachers: Research and Implications for Teacher Induction
Dawn Abt-Perkins and Stuart Greene, Making Race Visible: Literacy Research for Cultural Understanding
Sheridan Blau, The Literature Workshop: Teaching Texts and Their Readers
no award given
Cathy Fleischer, Teachers Organizing for Change: Making Literacy Learning Everybody’s Business
Todd DeStigter, Reflections of a Citizen Teacher: Literacy, Democracy, and the Forgotten Students of Addison High
no award given
Anne DiPardo, Teaching in Common: Challenges to Joint Work in Classrooms and Schools
Lorri Neilsen, Knowing Her Place: Research Literacies and Feminist Occasion
Susan Hynds, On the Brink: Negotiating Literature and Life with Adolescents
Ruth Vinz, Composing a Teaching Life
Patricia Lambert Stock, The Dialogic Curriculum: Teaching and Learning in a Multicultural Society
Sarah W. Freedman, Exchanging Writing, Exchanging Cultures: Lessons in School Reform from the United States and Great Britain
Victor Villanueva, Jr., Bootstraps: From an American Academic of Color
Renee T. Clift, “Learning to Teach English – Maybe: A Study of Knowledge Development,” Journal of Teacher Education, Nov-Dec 1991
Anne Ruggles Gere, Colleen Fairbanks, Alan Howes, Laura Roop, David Schaafsma, Language and Reflection: An Integrated Approach To Teaching English
C. Mark Hurlbert and Samual Tottens, Editors, Social Issues in the English Classroom
Judith Newman, Interwoven Conversations: Learning and Teaching Through Critical Reflections
Marilyn Cochran-Smith, Cynthia L. Paris, and Jessica Kahn. Edited by Judith Green, Learning to Write Differently: Beginning Writers and Word Processing
Susan L. Lytle and Robert Fecho, “Meeting Strangers in Familiar Places: Teachers Collaboration by Cross- Visitation,” English Education Volume 23, number 1, February 1991
Pamela Grossman, The Making of a Teacher: Teacher Knowledge and Teacher Education
1991 Runners-Up
Nancy B. Lester and Cynthia S. Onore, Learning Change: One School District Meets Language Across the Curriculum
Denny Taylor, “Teaching without Testing: Assessing the Complexity of Children’s Literacy Learning,” English Education, February 1990
Beatrice Naff Cain, “With Worldmaking, Planning Models Matter,” English Education, Ferbruary 1989
1990 Runners-Up
Lynn Craig Briggs, Sharon Kane, Patricia Spencer Soper, “Considerations, Complications and Consequences of Practitioner Inquiry,” Journal of Teaching Writing, Special 1989 issue
Pamela Grossman, “Learning to Teach without Teacher Education,” Teachers College Record, winter 1989
Jesse Goodman, “The Political Tactics and Teaching Strategies of Reflective Active Preservice Teachers,” Elementary School Journal, September 1998
1989 Runners-Up
Pamela L. Grossman and Anna E. Richert, “Unacknowledged Knowledge Growth: A Reexamination of the effects of Teacher Education,” Teaching and Teacher Education, 1988
Judith A. Langer and Arthur N. Applebee, How Writing Shapes Thinking
Sarah Warshauer Freedman, Response to Student Writing
Renee Clift, “English Teacher and English Major: Epistemological Differences in the Teaching of English,” English Education, December 1987
1988 Runners-Up
David Marsh, Debra Knudsen, and Gene Knudsen, “The Role of Staff Development in Implementing the Bay Area Writing Program,” Journal of Teacher Education, Nov-Dec 1987