During the 2019 CCCC Convention in Pittsburgh last week, we gathered to celebrate the work of CCCC colleagues. Congratulations to all of the recipients of awards at #4C19!
CCCC Research Initiative Grants
“Disciplinarity and Transfer Ten Years Later: A Multi-Institutional Investigation into Student Perceptions of Learning to Write”
Dana Lynn Driscoll, Katherine Field-Rothschild, Roger Powell, Jennifer Wells
“How do Rhetoric, Composition, and Writing Studies Faculty Engage Wikipedia? A Scaled Survey of Attitudes and Uses”
Alexandria Lockett, Matthew A. Vetter
“Building Sustainable Writing Across the Curriculum Programs”
Dan Melzer, Michelle Cox, Jeffrey R. Galin
Electrate Ethnography: Observing and Testing the Composing Processes of Digital and Multimodal Writers”
Scott Sundvall, Katherine Fredlund, Elizabeth Lane, William Duffy
“Teaching Research Differently: Assessing the Efficacy of An Information Literacy-Based Composition Course”
Shevaun E. Watson
CCCC Emergent Researcher Award
“Writing Knowledge Transfer from Basic Writing to Workplace Writing”
Melissa Bugdal
“Making the English-Only Movement: Writing, Scaling, and Resisting Language Policy”
Katherine S. Flowers
“An Ideology of Apologia: Hedging Racial Discourse in Scholarly Conceptions of Critical Pedagogy”
Mara Lee Grayson
“Exploring Practice, Praxis, and Value in Professional Collaborative Writing in Rhetoric and Composition”
Jenna Morton-Aiken, Christina Santana
Richard C. Ohmann Outstanding Article in College English
Laurie Grobman
“‘Engaging Race’: Teaching Critical Race Inquiry and Community-Engaged Projects”
College English
November 2017
Outstanding Book Award
Rebecca Lorimer Leonard
Writing on the Move: Migrant Women and the Value of Literacy
University of Pittsburgh Press
Patrick Sullivan, Howard Tinberg, and Sheridan Blau
Deep Reading: Teaching Reading in the Writing Classroom
National Council of Teachers of English
2019 CCCC/TYCA Editorial Fellowship
College Composition and Communication
Kefaya Diab
Studies in Writing and Rhetoric Series
Sweta Baniya
Forum: Issues about Part-Time & Contingent Faculty
Teigha Mae Vanhester
Teaching English in the Two-Year College
Caitlin Larracey
Exemplar Award
Cheryl Glenn
James Berlin Memorial Outstanding Dissertation Award
Miriam Lizette Fernandez
Tropes of the Nation: Tracing the Colonial Origins of the Matriarchal Figures of Mexican Nationalism
Honorable Mention
Liane Malinowski
Civic Domesticity: Rhetoric, Women and the Space at Hull House 1889-1910
Richard Braddock Award
Deborah Mutnick
“Pathways to Freedom: From the Archives to the Street”
College Composition and Communication
February 2018
Outstanding Dissertation Award in Technical Communication
Julie Collins Bates
Toward an Interventionary Rhetoric for Technical Communication Studies
Technical or Scientific Communication Awards

Best Book
Christa Teston
Bodies in Flux: Scientific Methods for Negotiating Medical Uncertainty
University of Chicago Press
Best Article on Pedagogy or Curriculum
Julie Watts
“Beyond Flexibility and Convenience: Using the Community of Inquiry Framework to Assess the Value of Online Graduate Education in Technical and Professional Communication”
Journal of Business and Technical Communication
Best Article Reporting Historical Research or Textual Studies
Lilly Campbell
“Simulation Genres and Student Uptakes: The Patient Health Record in Clinical Nursing Simulations”
Written Communication
Best Article Reporting Qualitative or Quantitative Research
Lynda Walsh
“Visual Invention and the Composition of Scientific Research Graphics: A Topological Approach”
Written Communication
Best Article on Philosophy or Theory of Technical or Scientific Communication
Jordan Frith
“Big Data, Technical Communication, and the Smart City”
Journal of Business and Technical Communication
Best Original Collection of Essays
Natalia Matveeva, Michelle Moosally, and Russell Willerton (Editors)
Special Issue on Plain Language
IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication
CCCC Chairs’ Memorial Scholarships
Lama Alharbi
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Leslie R. Anglesey
University of Nevada (not pictured)
Erin Brock Carlson
Purdue University
Charissa Che
University of Utah
Writing Program Certificate of Excellence
Temple University
First Year Writing Program
National University of Singapore
Writing and Critical Thinking Programme
University Scholars Programme
Texas A&M University – Commerce
Writing Program
Indiana University
Composition Program
Tribal College Faculty Fellowship
Rebecca Frost
Keweenaw Bay Ojibwa Community College
Nina Knight
Saginaw Chippewa Tribal College
CCCC Scholars for the Dream
The Ohio State University
Nouf Alshreif
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Sweta Baniya
Purdue University
Ashok Bhusal
The University of Texas at El Paso
Liana Clarke
Florida State University
Christopher Balajadia Garcia
University of Guam
Les Hutchinson
Michigan State University
Charisse S. Iglesias
University of Arizona
Tamara Issak
St. John’s University
Jialei Jiang
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Soyeon Lee
University of Houston
Shewonda Leger
Michigan State University
Eduardo Mabilog
Nevada State College
Charlotte Morgan
Cleveland State University
Bibhushana Poudyal
The University of Texas at El Paso
Sukanto Roy
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Joanna E. Sanchez-Avila
University of Arizona
Karen R. Tellez-Trujillo
New Mexico State University
Landy Watley
Howard University
Hua Zhu
Miami University
Advancement of Knowledge Award
Brice Nordquist
Literacy and Mobility: Complexity, Uncertainty, and Agency at the Nexus of High School and College
Research Impact Award
Derek N. Mueller
Network Sense: Methods for Visualizing a Discipline
WAC Clearinghouse Press
Gloria Anzaldúa Rhetorician Awards
Wilfredo Flores
Michigan State University
Marlene Galvan
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Alejandra I. Ramirez
University of Arizona
Lavender Rhetorics Award for Excellence in Queer Scholarship

Book Award
Melanie Yergeau
Authoring Autism: Authoring Autism: On Rhetoric and Neurological Queerness
Duke University Press
Article Award
Joyce Olewski Inman
“Breaking out of the Basic Writing Closet: Queering the Thirdspace of Composition”
Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture

Dissertation Award
Seth E. Davis
Fierce: Black Queer Literacies of Survival
Stonewall Service Award
Harry Denny
Disability in College Composition Travel Awards
Mary De Nora
Texas Tech University
Rachel Donegan
Middle Tennessee State University
Rachel Herzl-Betz
Nevada State College
Cody A. Jackson
Texas Christian University
Caitlin Ray
University of Louisville
Anne-Marie Womack
Tulane University
Mark Reynolds TETYC Best Article Award
Holly Larson
“Epistemic Authority in Composition Studies: Tenuous Relationship between Two-Year English Faculty and Knowledge Production”
Teaching English in the Two-Year College
December 2018