Engage with NCTE Publications at #NCTE24 and Beyond!
While you’re attending #NCTE24, take a moment to explore the many ways that you can engage with NCTE publications—both during the Convention and throughout the year! And be sure to visit NCTE Central (opposite Registration) to find featured publications and merchandise.
Read on to find out how you can
- learn from NCTE authors at the Convention,
- become a published author yourself, and
- explore the vast range of NCTE publications!
The following NCTE authors will be holding signings in NCTE Central:
Friday, 11/22
11:00–11:30 a.m.: Luke Rodesiler, Mark A. Lewis, and Alan Brown, Reading the World through Sports and Young Adult Literature
12:30–1:00 p.m.: Angie Zapata, Deepening Student Engagement with Diverse Picturebooks
5:00–5:30 p.m.: Danah Hashem and Anne Mooney, Sonic Literacy: Using Sound to Teach High School Reading and Writing
Saturday, 11/23
2:00–2:30 p.m.: Michele Haiken, Personalized Reading: Digital Strategies and Tools to Support All Learners, Second Edition
Saturday, 11/23, 2:45-3:15 p.m.: Beth Walsh-Moorman and Kristine E. Pytash, Digital Source Evaluation: Guiding Secondary Students in a Deepfake World
4:15–4:45 p.m.: Deborah Dean, Power in Pictures: Using Picturebooks to Energize Secondary ELA Instruction
Many authors of NCTE books are presenting at the 2024 Convention. View a sampling below!
NCTE Author Strand Sessions
Friday, November 22, 9:30-10:45 a.m. ET
Session E.1, Room 151 B, Boston Convention & Exhibition Center (Level 1)
NCTE Author Strand: Reading the World through Sports and Young Adult Literature
This session is designed to help attendees see students’ engagement in sports culture as a pathway into the meaningful exploration of contemporary sociopolitical issues. Examples provided will support attendees in using award-winning and recommended works of sports-related young adult literature and related texts to teach for critical literacy.
Luke Rodesiler, Purdue University Fort Wayne, IN
Mark A. Lewis, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA
Alan Brown, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC
Kavitha A. Davidson, New York, NY
Kristen Bakehorn, Fort Wayne Community Schools, IN
Guy Hill, Harnett County Schools, Coats, NC
Friday, November 22, 11:00 a.m.–12:15 p.m. ET
Session F.1, Room 102 A, Boston Convention & Exhibition Center (Level 1)
NCTE Author Strand: Deepening Student Engagement with Diverse Picturebooks through a Critical Literature Response Framework
Drawing on the NCTE Policy Research Brief on Teaching Children’s and Young Adult Literature, this interactive session will invite participants to reimagine and rethink picturebooks instruction as essential, critical, multimodal, and multilingual work for both literacy development and a broader sense of citizenry among students.
Angie Zapata, University of Missouri
Cathy Fleischer, professor emerita, Eastern Michigan University
Whitney Hoffmann, Grant Elementary and Parkade Elementary, Columbia, MO
Friday, November 22, 3:30–4:45 p.m. ET
Session J.1, Room 151 B, Boston Convention & Exhibition Center (Level 1)
NCTE Author Strand: Sonic Literacy: Using Sound to Teach High School Reading and Writing
In this session, we’ll talk about our book, a guide to the theory and practice of leveraging the audio mode to empower student readers and writers. Covering sound text genres like radio ads, audio dramas, speeches, etc., our research-backed discussions and classroom-ready assignments explore the audio mode’s accessibility, diversity, and relevance in ELA students’ lives.
Presenters: Danah Hashem, UMass Boston, and Anne Mooney, Malden High School, Malden, MA
Saturday, November 23, 1:15–2:30 p.m. ET
Session N.1, Room 258 A, Boston Convention & Exhibition Center (Level 2)
NCTE Author Strand: Digital Source Evaluation: Guiding Secondary Students through a Deepfake World
Navigating today’s complex digital spaces requires habits of mind to protect students’ autonomy online. In this session, participants should come prepared to act as students as the presenters simulate several activities they developed to support ongoing, embedded practice to prepare our students to be responsible readers, researchers, and creators.
Beth Walsh-Moorman, Western Reserve, Chardon OH
Kristine Pytash, Kent State University, Kent State, OH
Saturday, November 23, 2:45–4:00 p.m. ET
Session O.2, Room 052 A, Boston Convention & Exhibition Center (Exhibit Level)
NCTE Author Strand: Power in Pictures: Picturebooks That Energize Secondary ELA Instruction
Picturebooks generate engagement and interest in students of all ages. Postmodern picturebooks for older students provide many opportunities for teaching and learning. In this session, after an overview of the many benefits of using picturebooks to teach several aspects of ELA, teachers will share specific applications from their own classrooms.
Presenter: Deborah Dean, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT
Saturday, November 23, 4:15–5:30 p.m. ET
Session P.1, Room 151 B, Boston Convention & Exhibition Center (Level 1)
NCTE Author Strand: Tools & Strategies to Personalize Reading
Reading is a lifelong skill. No matter the grade level, all teachers need to support a range of readers and meet students where they are at. Enhance your literacy toolbox to support the diverse readers in the classroom with strategies and tools grounded in SoR, UDL, and assistive technology.
Presenter: Michele Haiken, Rye Middle School & Manhattanville College, Westchester, New York
Attend the Meet the NCTE Editors Roundtable Session
Friday, November 22, 9:30-10:45 a.m. ET
Session E.2, Room 102 A, Boston Convention & Exhibition Center (Level 1)
Don’t miss the opportunity to meet journal and book editors, explore the publishing possibilities available with NCTE and with other publications, and discuss specific project ideas with the editors.
Submit an Article to an NCTE Journal
Interested in writing an article for publication? English Education (the journal of ELATE: English Language Arts Teacher Educators) and NCTE’s 10 other peer-reviewed journals welcome your contributions. Visit this page for links to the submission guidelines for each journal. There’s a journal for every interest and teaching level.
Submit a Book Proposal
We’re looking for manuscripts that represent the rich diversity of our profession, provide practical solutions, offer effective teaching strategies, and demonstrate NCTE’s long-standing commitment to sound theory and research.
We welcome proposals from teachers, theorists, researchers, and administrators in English language arts, literacy, English education, and English studies. We welcome new voices in the field, and we encourage proposals from classroom teachers and first-time authors as well as established authors. Check out our book proposal submission guidelines.
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ReadWriteThink relies on experienced literacy educators to write and review the content that appears on the site. If you have lessons plans, activities, or other ideas you’d like to contribute, this is the place to share them. Or maybe you would rather become one of our reviewers. Learn more and sign up to contribute.
- Explore the most recent NCTE catalog or browse our online store for new and time-tested books for literacy educators’ professional learning. You can also subscribe to a journal, learn about our quick-reference guides, and stock up on NCTE merchandise.
- Explore the latest and previous issues of The Council Chronicle, NCTE’s member magazine, for feature articles, interviews, and classroom resources.
- NCTE members can access a huge archive of NCTE journals!