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Changing Our Story of the Middle East

…incomprehensibly in a faraway desert. As we read, Malala systematically challenged every aspect of our one story of the Middle East. Pakistan, a predominantly Muslim country, elected a female prime…

Math in the Literacy Classroom

…Relevance, and Reinforcement” in The English Journal shares that one of the most important concepts for students to grasp is the interconnectedness of inductive and deductive reasoning. To teach the…

Lost in the Past

…my grasp. My mind wanders, then returns, for I have remembered my adoration for the life in the reality, set in my haven that provides my remembrance, from the serene…

Creating ELA Curriculum That’s Meaningful to Students

…those who experience the curriculum. Aspects of identity to consider are language, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender identification, sexual orientation, cultural practices, community participation, family structures, abilities, interests and…

The Self-Introduction in Writing

…cycle of the Monarch butterfly: During writing conferences, a few students mentioned that they were having trouble structuring their essays. They had an idea about some aspect of their identity…

Grammar for Writing

…at the same time? I eventually shifted my guilty stance and worked out a way. For me, teaching grammar in context means considering what aspects of language would most benefit…

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