Awards - National Council of Teachers of English

Upcoming Awards

August 31

CCCC Writing Program Certificate of Excellence
This award program, established in 2004, honors up to 20 writing programs a year. As a term, “programs” is intended to be capacious in its application.

September 1

CCCC Emergent Researcher Awards
These awards are intended to invest in our organization’s members by rewarding and supporting: early career researchers; writing faculty/instructors who have not had the opportunity to engage in funded research; and/or writing faculty/instructors who do not have support for research within their institutions. In addition to research funding (up to $5,000 per project), the Emergent Researcher Awards also provide research support.

CCCC Research Initiative
Speaks to CCCC’s belief that bold, creative research furthers the organization’s mission to advocate for broad and evolving definitions of literacy, communication, rhetoric, and writing that emphasize the value of these activities to empower individuals and communities. Funds research proposals up to $8,000 each.

November 1

CCCC Exemplar Award
Awarded to a person whose years of service as an exemplar for our organization represents the highest ideals of scholarship, teaching, and service to the entire profession.

CCCC Stonewall Service Award
Recognizes members of CCCC/NCTE who have consistently worked to improve the experiences of sexual and gender minorities within the organization and the profession.


Children’s Book Awards nominations are accepted until October 15 each year for the Charlotte Huck Award for Outstanding Fiction, the Orbis Pictus Award for nonfiction, and the Notable Poetry Books and Verse Novels list.

Awards List

Achievement Awards in Writing (10th and 11th grade)

Affiliate – NCTE Intellectual Freedom (State, Regional, Provincial)

Affiliate Excellence Award

Affiliate Journal Awards

Affiliate Membership Award

Affiliate Multicultural Program

Affiliate – NCTE Fund Teachers for the Dream

Affiliate – NCTE Leadership Development

Affiliate Newsletter Award

Affiliate – Student Affiliate Excellence Award

Affiliate Website Award

ALAN Award

Alan C. Purves Award

Berry Research Award to Study Careers of English Majors

CCCC Advancement of Knowledge Award

CCCC Assistance Fund for Contingent Faculty

CCCC Chairs’ Memorial Scholarship

CCCC Disability in College Composition Travel Awards

CCCC Emergent Researcher Awards

CCCC Exemplar Award

CCCC Gloria Anzaldúa Rhetorician Award

CCCC James Berlin Memorial Outstanding Dissertation

CCCC Lavender Rhetorics Award for Excellence in Queer Scholarship

CCCC The Luiz Antonio Marcuschi Travel Awards

CCCC Outstanding Book Award

CCCC Outstanding Dissertation in Technical Communication

CCCC Outstanding Teaching Award

CCCC Professional Equity Project (PEP)

CCCC Research Impact Award

CCCC Research Initiative

CCCC Richard Braddock Award

CCCC Scholars for the Dream

CCCC Stonewall Service Award

CCCC Technical and Scientific Communication Awards

CCCC Tribal College Faculty

CCCC Writing Program Certificate of Excellence

CEL – ELQ Best Article

CEL Kent Williamson Exemplary Leader Award

CEL Innovative Leadership Award

CEL Teacher-Leader of Excellence Award

Charlotte Huck Award (fiction for children)

Cultivating New Voices Among Scholars of Color Grant

David H. Russell Research Award

Distinguished Service Award

Donald Graves Writing Award (grades K-6)

Edwin M. Hopkins – English Journal

Edwyna Wheadon Postgraduate Scholarship

ELATE Early Career Presenter Scholarship

ELATE Geneva Smitherman Cultural Diversity Grant

ELATE Graduate Student Research Award

ELATE James Moffett Memorial Fund

ELATE James N. Britton Award

ELATE Janet Emig Award

ELATE National Technology Leadership Award

ELATE Research Initiative

ELATE Richard A. Meade Award

Excellence in Poetry for Children (living American poet)

George Orwell Award – Sponsored by the Public Language Award Committee

High School Teacher of Excellence (Affiliate Award)

James R. Squire Award

Language Arts Distinguished Article Award

Linda Rief Voices from the Middle Award

LLA Lifetime Membership Award

LLA Reclaiming the Joy of Teaching Award

LLA Service Award

NCTE Advancement of People of Color Leadership Award

NCTE Early Career Educator of Color Leadership Program

NCTE Intellectual Freedom Award (National)

NCTE Intellectual Freedom Award (Affiliate)

NCTE Leadership Award for People with Disabilities

NCTE LGBTQIA+ Advocacy & Leadership Award

NCTE Media Literacy Award

NCTE Professional Dyads and Culturally Relevant Teaching (PDCRT)

Orbis Pictus Award (nonfiction for children)

Outstanding Educator (elementary)

Outstanding Educator (middle)

Paul and Kate Farmer – English Journal

Recognizing Excellence in Art and Literary Magazines Committee (REALM)

Promising Researcher Award

Promising Young Writers (8th grade)

Research Foundation Grants

Research Foundation Teacher Grant Program

Richard Ohmann Award – College English

Richard W. Halle Award (outstanding middle level educator)

The Mark Reynolds TETYC Best Article Award (TYCA)

TYCA Diana Hacker Outstanding Programs in English Award

TYCA Nell Ann Pickett Award