“What Has Changed in Education over Time?” - National Council of Teachers of English
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“What Has Changed in Education over Time?”

One of my former college students was recently working on a research paper on the topic,  “What has changed in education over time?” She asked me for some suggestions but then I widened the search and asked the #NCTEvillage. Here are some of those responses:

Jennifer Connolly @MrsC_English

Negative shift—added “technology” but mostly used to teach the way we’re always have—it only changes the HOW not the WHAT.

Positive shift—some teachers are spending more time examining WHY we are entrenched in traditions and how we can shift them into something better.

Lynn Sullivan@surfingsulliva5

Huge shift from “sage on the stage” to “guide on the side.” Look into the way classrooms are arranged today—definitely not the type of classrooms those of us over 50 had when we were in school!

Katy Weaver @KatyWea95149032

Teacher preparation programs have changed in certain area and not changed in others also requirements for licensure areas, focus beginning to shift to teaching culturally diverse student populations.

Nancy Kunsman @Awaken1066

1. Mandatory curricula

2. Dependence on technology (online classes with no real teacher)

3. Emphasis on assessing through tests rather than classroom teacher assessments.

Joni Degner @DegnerJoni

What a great topic! Over time we’ve focused less on being a student and more on being a learner. We seem to understand more and more the value of discovery and self-directed learning that can only be achieved through learner-centered design that promotes autonomy and agency.

Janell Cleland, Ed.D @ClelandJanell

Sadly I would answer “not much.” Our system continues to be grounded in tradition not research. (I realize there are exceptions.) It’s hard work and a bit scary but we need local leaders who help us translate curriculum into our schools.

Becky McCabe @BeckyMcCabe4

Much has changed and much has stayed the same.

Michelle Vigilante @mjkvigilante

I agree with what everyone has said thus far. To add: students aren’t as intrinsically motivated academically. Also: students’ rationale, at times: “What am I getting out from this?”’ or “Will this be on the test?” This may feed into the overtesting culture.

Adam Kotlarczyk @TheKayCheck

  1. Shift in emphasis away from knowledge and toward skills instead.
  2. Increased ratio of admin-to-teachers. Many more administrators now.
  3. Stagnation of teacher wages.
  4. Reduction/abolition of gifted programs (often replaced by remedial programs).

Annie Q. Syed@so_you_know

Gosh—where does one start?

1) Curriculum has regressed in many ways.

2) Over-testing. Testing used to be Scantron, took two days max, and measured general-basic reading & math skills

3) Classroom sizes

4) Teachers’ depth of knowledge

5) Parents’ attitude towards schooling


What are the changes you have seen in education over time?

Photo Credit @bslucher