October 2022 #NCTEchat: You Never Write Alone: Building a Community of Writers - National Council of Teachers of English
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October 2022 #NCTEchat: You Never Write Alone: Building a Community of Writers

Join us for #NCTEchat on Sunday, October 16 at 8 p.m. ET as we kick off the week of events around the National Day on Writing®. We will chat about building a community of writers as a powerful way to “foster a culture of authentic and culturally sustaining writing instruction.” (https://ncte.org/statement/statement-on-writing-instruction-in-school/) The chat will be hosted by NCTE member Sarah Z. Johnson, @SarahZJohnson1.


We will share the following questions during the Twitter chat:

WARM-UP: The National Day on Writing® is October 20. Please introduce yourself and share how you plan to celebrate the National Day on Writing® with your students. #NCTEchat #WhyIWrite [8:04 p.m.]

Q1: Writing is not a solitary, isolated endeavor. One of its highest purposes is to help people connect with one another. What are some ways we can teach students to work and write collaboratively? #NCTEchat [8:10 p.m.]

Q2: We know that writing centers at the college level support students in understanding writing assignments, developing pieces of writing, and gauging reader responses to their writing. How could we implement a model like this in high school? #NCTEchat [8:18 p.m.]

Q3: How can peer review be used to guide students as they offer each other constructive feedback to improve their writing and communication skills? #NCTEchat [8:26 p.m.]

Q4: What opportunities exist for high school students to visit and learn from local college writing centers, either in person or online? How can this be mutually beneficial? #NCTEchat [8:34 p.m.]

Q5: How can dual-enrollment and advanced-placement classes impact writing performance and writing practices in high school? What are the similarities and differences of each program? #NCTEchat [8:42 p.m.]

Q6: How can high school and college instructors/faculty work together to better understand  what high school students are being taught at each level in writing and composition? #NCTEchat [8:50 p.m.]

We hope to see you in the chat! Be sure to join us by using #NCTEchat.


Never participated in a Twitter chat before? Check out this guide to help you get started.


Sarah Z. Johnson is director of the writing center and chair of the English department at Madison College in Madison, Wisconsin. She served as chair of the task force that wrote the Joint Statement on Dual Enrollment. She is chair of TYCA, a member of the NCTE and CCCC Executive Committees, and serves on the editorial board of the journal WPA: Writing Program Administration.