CEL Executive Committee Duties
Members-at-Large serve a term for three years representing the general membership on the CEL Executive Committee and help determine and implement CEL initiatives. Nominees must be involved in CEL in some capacity, such as presenting or facilitating a breakout session at a CEL annual convention, regularly attending CEL virtual events (e.g., Social Hours), writing and/or reviewing for English Leadership Quarterly, etc. There are six Members-at-Large.
Members-at-Large shall:
- represent the CEL general membership on the Executive Committee
- assist in planning functions of the Executive Committee
- perform other duties as assigned by the Chair (CEL Bylaws, Article III, Section 6.D)
Additionally, Members-at-Large contribute to the organization in some of the following ways:
- serving as coordinators of CEL programs
- writing a member-at-large letter to members inviting them to the CEL Annual Convention
- assuming responsibility for membership initiatives, recruiting, and retention [one Member-at-Large, appointed by the Chair, shall serve as facilitator of membership]
- attending all Executive Committee meetings and contributing to the discussions and decision-making
- participating in CEL presentations at NCTE conventions
- chairing sessions at the CEL Annual Convention
- offering sessions/presentations at the CEL Annual Convention
- serving at the CEL booth during the NCTE convention
Time Commitment: The Executive Committee shall meet once a year in conjunction with the NCTE Annual Fall Convention and again at a second annual meeting. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the Chair. Executive Committee members also participate in CEL program proposal review, election candidate review, and award review and selection.
Candidates agree not to campaign during the election process: NCTE Policy on Campaigning.
Chair Election Cycle
The Associate Chair is elected directly by the general membership of the Conference on English Leadership. The Associate Chair serves for two years, after which he/she assumes the office of Chair. After two years as Chair, he/she becomes Past Chair for an additional two years. The term of office is six years.
Associate Chair
The Associate Chair shall:
- preside at business meetings of the Conference on English Leadership and attend the NCTE Executive Committee in the absence of the Chair
- in preparation to become Chair, assume more responsibility for the second annual (fall) meeting of CEL, working with the CEL Executive Committee and the CEL Chair
- accept responsibility for coordinating committees and commissions of the Conference on English Leadership
- assume responsibility, as needed, for organizing cooperative efforts
- collaborate with professional organizations including other membership units of NCTE such as sections, conferences, commissions, assemblies, affiliates, agencies, and institutions having comparable interests and goals (CEL Bylaws, Article III, Section 6.B)
Additionally, the Associate Chair also performs tasks as designated by the Chair, including but not limited to the following:
- assuming responsibility for all aspects of the Exemplary Leadership Award
- hosting or chairing events at the annual conference or spring meeting
- serving on ad hoc or standing committees as needed
The Associate Chair will participate in the NCTE Executive Committee Orientation activities, usually scheduled the summer before he/she begins to serve as CEL Chair.
Chair Duties
The Chair shall:
- assume responsibility for the Conference on English Leadership
- preside at all business meetings of the Conference on English Leadership and of the Executive Committee
- appoint the chairs of all committees, with the consent of members of the Executive Committee. Additionally, the Chair shall inform the board of all committee members appointed by the various committee chairs
- prepare a brief annual report for presentation at the annual meeting and for submission to NCTE to the attention of the Administrative Liaison. Two other reports are due to the NCTE EC in January and July
- attend all meetings of the NCTE Executive Committee and fulfill all responsibilities of membership on that committee (CEL Bylaws, Article III, Section 6.A)
Past Chair Duties
The Past Chair shall:
- preside at the business meeting of the Conference on English Leadership and of the Executive Committee in the absence of the Chair and Associate Chair
- assume other responsibilities that the Chair may request
- assume the leadership for CEL Bylaws and handbook revisions
- serve as the CEL historian
- assure that the appropriate job descriptions, calendars, and other documents are transmitted to appropriate persons annually as officers and other leaders conclude their terms. (CEL Bylaws, Article III, Section 6.C)
Candidates agree not to campaign during the election process: NCTE Policy on Campaigning.