Conference on English Leadership
A collaborative, dynamic, discussion-based forum for literacy leaders.
CEL Membership
The Conference on English Leadership (CEL) welcomes all those concerned with English language arts and literacy leadership. Since 1970, CEL has assisted language arts leaders in sharing mutual problems and insights, exchanging resources, seeking the advice of successful leaders, and investigating issues of greatest concern to leaders.
CEL members include English language arts and literacy leaders at all levels: classroom teachers, department heads, language arts coordinators, supervisors, consultants, resource teachers, principals, directors of instruction, college and university English educators, affiliate leaders and other exercising formal or informal leadership in their schools, districts, or states, and state-level coordinators.
We invite you to take advantage of the collaboration between NCTE and CEL to join an important network of leaders helping leaders!
Benefits of CEL Membership
- A subscription to English Leadership Quarterly
- Monthly social hours during the academic year, providing space for casual conversation and connection with other literacy leaders
- Opportunities to present at and registration discounts on the 2024 CEL Convention (Nov. 24–26, 2024, in Boston) and the NCTE Annual Convention.
- Voting rights in elections for the CEL Executive Committee and NCTE offices.
- Access to the Emerging Leaders Fellowship Program, which provides leadership support, mentoring, and networking opportunities for early career leaders of language arts programs at the K–university levels
- Opportunity to apply or submit nominations for CEL’s three leadership awards.
- Eligibility to run for an elected position on CEL’s Executive Committee or to volunteer for a CEL social, programming, or awards committee.
- Eligibility to make nominations for the CEL Awards.
- Access to and discounts on NCTE books, journals, and meetings.
- Access to online resources and communities maintained by CEL and NCTE.
To become a member, join online or call NCTE Customer Service toll free at (877) 369-6283. CEL membership is $84 annually and includes NCTE membership and a subscription to the CEL online journal English Leadership Quarterly. Students and Emeritus educators receive discounted pricing.
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