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National Council of Teachers of English Announces 2021 Award Recipients

Literacy educators recognized for their commitment and dedication to advancing literacy, the field of education, or NCTE.


Contact: Abby Heverin, aheverin@ncte.org, (315) 408-2759

Champaign, Illinois—The National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) has announced the 2021 recipients of some of the organization’s highest honors, recognizing the profession’s leaders for their commitment and dedication to advancing literacy, the field of education, or the organization.

NCTE will celebrate its 2021 award recipients during a live, virtual ceremony on Thursday, October 21, 2021, at 8 p.m. ET. This free online event is open to all literacy educators as well as to the families and friends of the award recipients. To register, email customerservice@ncte.org or call 877-369-6283.

NCTE’s 2021 award recipients include:

James R. Squire Award

Carol D. Lee

NCTE Distinguished Service Award

Linda Rief

NCTE Advancement of People of Color Leadership Award

Jonda C. McNair

NCTE Leadership Award for People with Disabilities

Christina V. Cedillo

NCTE LGBTQ+ Advocacy and Leadership Award

Stephanie Anne Shelton

Media Literacy Award

Emily Sendin

National Intellectual Freedom Award

Adam Morfeld

Honorable Mentions:

  • Leander ISD English language arts teachers and district staff
  • Laurie Halse Anderson

Promising Researcher Award

Stephanie R. Toliver

David H. Russell Award for Distinguished Research in the Teaching of English

Cedric D. Burrows

During the ceremony, NCTE will also recognize the 2020–2021 and 2021–2022 cohorts of its Early Career Educator of Color (ECEOC) program.

Members of the 2020–2021 ECEOC cohort will receive their culminating award as their two-year program ends and they prepare to share their research at the 2021 NCTE Annual Convention. The cohort includes:

  • Khadeidra (Khay) Billingsley
  • Sapna Chemplavil
  • Valente’ Gibson
  • Deion Jamison
  • Reanae McNeal
  • Alejandra Reynoso

The 2021–2022 ECEOC cohort includes:

  • Gabrielle Julia Bachoo
  • Briana Morales
  • Rubén González
  • Lydia Haff
  • Dorian Harrison
  • Diana Liu
  • Alethea Maldonado
  • Dillin Randolph
  • Darius B. Wimby
  • Shuling Yang
  • Zöe Zander
  • Shay Kaleoʻoluhoʻiloliokawaipāhe Zykova

Additional award winners will be announced in the weeks ahead.

About NCTE

The National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) is devoted to improving the teaching and learning of English and the language arts at all levels of education. For more than 100 years, NCTE has worked with its members to offer journals, publications, and resources; to further the voice and expertise of educators as advocates for their students at the local and federal levels; and to share lesson ideas, research, and teaching strategies through its Annual Convention and other professional learning events.
