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Henry “Cody” Miller is the current editor of English Leadership Quarterly. Under his leadership, Cody endeavors to investigate how teacher leaders can leverage their positions to create equitable and affirming schooling experiences for historically marginalized students and communities by developing articles and issues that take deep theoretical and complex ideas and concretize them in classroom practice.

Henry “Cody” Miller
SUNY Brockport, Brockport, NY

Editing and Production
Kim Morse


Journal Design
Pamela A. Crews

Beginning with the August 2015 issue, English Leadership Quarterly moved to an online-only format. As each new issue becomes available, NCTE sends an online journal announcement to the email address on file for you, which provides a link to the online issue of ELQ. The online issue can be downloaded and printed or accessed from any mobile device. All ELQ subscribers will enjoy the improvements to content and format that moving ELQ fully online enables. We will now be able to include full-color graphics and live links to supplementary media and opportunities for discussion, making ELQ an even more dynamic publication than before.